News archive 2025
Sechs Männer stehen lächelnd, einer trägt einen Zylinder mit Papierrollen.Congratulations on your successful doctoral examination!

On March 21, 2025, Martin Stoffel, doctoral student of Prof. Eric Sax, successfully defended his doctoral thesis entitled "On-Demand Triple Modular Redundancy for Autonomous Vehicles". Congratulations to him!

read more on the profile page
Sechs Männer, einer trägt einen Doktorhut mit Spielzeug, in einem Büroflur.Congratulations on your promotion!

Jens Juhl, doctoral student of Prof. Wilhelm Stork, successfully completed the defense of his doctoral thesis entitled "AI support in medication management using an augmented reality system" on 24.03.2025. Congratulations!

Click here for the profile page
Gruppe von sechs Männern, einer trägt einen humorvoll dekorierten Doktorhut.Monitoring system for polar bears installed at Karlsruhe Zoological Garden

Over the past few weeks, we have installed a monitoring system for the polar bears together with the zoo.

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Vier Männer in Anzügen unterhalten sich in einem sonnendurchfluteten Flur.Congratulations on your doctorate!

Marc Schroth, doctoral student of Prof. Stork, successfully completed the defense of his doctoral thesis on 06.03.2025. His research topic is: “Embedded wireless sensor network for action recognition in humans using artificial intelligence”.

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<Text wird generiert, bitte warten...>2nd Public Transport Future Congress 2025 in Freiburg

We are looking forward with great anticipation to the second Public Transport Future Congress from May 5 to 7, 2025 at the Konzerthaus Congress Center in Freiburg im Breisgau with Prof. Eric Sax on the topic of "Drive Turnaround".

Link to the event
<Text wird generiert, bitte warten...>KATHES workshop at KIT: focus on system integration and AI

As part of the KATHES workshop, the Institute of Information Processing Technology (ITIV) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) organized the event "System & AI Integration in Health, Space, Automotive & Energy" for around 25 participants on 20 February.

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KIT im RathausSuccessful “KIT im Rathaus” event sheds light on the prospects for mobility change

Experts present the latest research findings and discuss the challenges of future mobility in front of an interested audience.

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Seamless Engineering 2025Seamless Engineering 2025: students demonstrate their skills in robotics and material flow technology

Students on the MIT (Mechatronics and Information Technology) Master's degree program gained practical experience with state-of-the-art robotics hardware as part of the Seamless Engineering course.

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SWR2Prof. Eric Sax with his expertise on SWR2

Is the bad reputation of electric cars deserved? In a radio interview, Prof. Eric Sax provides interesting insights into the reservations, challenges and also the advantages of electric cars.

Click here for the radio feature
VernetzungstreffenMANNHEIM status and networking meeting: A look into the future of automobility

In December, the MANNHEIM status and networking meeting took place at the Maritim Airport Hotel in Hanover as part of the BMBF funding measure “Electronics and software development methods for the digitalization of automobility (MANNHEIM)”.

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PromotionCongrats on successfully passing your doctoral examination!

Fabian Kreß, doctoral student of Prof. Jürgen Becker, successfully defended his doctoral thesis on 19.12.2024. His research topic is “Ressource-aware Deep Neural Network Inference Partitioning in Embedded Systems”.

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GruppenbildPuderCongratulations on your doctorate!

Andreas Puder, doctoral student of Prof. Eric Sax, successfully completed the defense of his doctoral thesis on 18.12.2024. His research topic is "Anomaly detection for interoperable and modular operating room tables“.

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News archive 2024
KIUse of generative AI in systems engineering

The use of LLMs in systems engineering offers a wide range of possibilities for process optimization and is demonstrated in practice by the Requirements Checker, which creates and checks requirements.

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GruppenbildCelebration of the 10th anniversary of Bereich 3

On December 9, 2024, Bereich 3 of KIT celebrated its 10th anniversary. On this special occasion, members of the Executive Board, the divisional council, the professors, employees of the Dean's Office and the student council gathered together.

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OTraceOTRACE project completion: pioneering technology for sustainable mobility

Innovative cloud solutions from KIT and the University of Stuttgart increase the range of electric vehicles and reduce costs in public transportation.

To the video on YouTube
PreisverleihungAwarding of the Ernst-Schoemperlen-Prizes

This year, the Ernst-Schoemperlen-Foundation once again awarded prizes for outstanding dissertations as part of the 14th Carl Benz Memorial Lecture on 28.11.2024 in the Tulla lecture hall and, for the first time, the Ernst-Schoemperlen-Pioneer-Prize to an ITIV team.

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RA ConsultingWorkshop with KIT doctoral students at RA Consulting

In a recent presentation round, colleagues from the Institute of Information Processing Technology (ITIV) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) presented their research projects.

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Infotag24Technology up close: Successful study information day at ITIV

Innovative driver assistance systems and AI-supported learning tools inspire visitors.

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KIHTSuccessful completion of the Franco-German project “Kaligo-based Intelligent Handwriting Teacher” (KIHT)

The Franco-German project "Kaligo-based Intelligent Handwriting Teacher" (KIHT) aims to combine the advantages of handwriting with digital media.

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GetingeField trip - an exciting day at Getinge

Master's students from the MIT, MACH/CIW and ETIT faculties experienced theory and practice on 13.11.2024 in Rastatt.

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TokioIPG: proven partnership with the KIT

Prof. Eric Sax gladly accepted the invitation to give an inspiring keynote speech at the anniversary celebration “10 Years of Innovation - IPG Automotive Japan” in Tokyo.

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Na ShenCongratulations on your promotion!

Na Shen, doctoral student of Prof. Wilhelm Stork, successfully completed the defense of her doctoral thesis on November 11. Her research topic is: Installation and Maintenance of Weather Stations on Transmission Towers within the Power Grid utilizing UAV.

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StudieninformationstagStudy Information Day at the KIT Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology

The future is electric: come to KIT on November 20, 2024 or participate online if you live further away.

Further information is available here
SchuettCongratulations on the doctoral examination!

Barbara Schütt, PhD student of Prof. Eric Sax at the FZI, has successfully defended her dissertation titled “Exploration and Cluster-Based Analysis of Simulated Logical Scenarios for Testing Automated Driving Systems”. We congratulate!

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NeurotecCongratulations to Metis Neurotec

We congratulate the founding team - Dr. Simon Stock, Marius Gerdes and Prof. Dr. Markus Schinle - on receiving the award from the start-up competition - Digital Innovations of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection (BMWK).

Click here for the awards ceremony
Sur-KolayInternational Excellence Talks as a guest at ITIV

Prof. Susmita Sur-Kolay, who is currently a guest researcher at ITIV, will provide insights into her current research topics.

Link to the event
GruppenbildInsight into Prof. Eric Sax's annual doctoral student retreat

Intensive scientific exchange and team building in the picturesque Monbach Valley.

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LSDStudents develop robotic vehicles in a block practical course

The circuit design laboratory at the ITIV was also very popular in the current winter semester.

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LeitmotifSuccessful completion of the “ÖV-LeitmotiF-KI” project

The “ÖV-LeitmotiF-KI” research project was successfully completed on September 30, 2024 - a milestone for local public transport.

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O-PhaseExciting insights during the institute tour

OPhase 2024 - an unforgettable start to studying with fascinating projects and new friendships.

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Austausch Academic exchange between ITIV and HIT

A step towards international cooperation.

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SOCC DresdenSuccessful participation of ITIV at the 37th IEEE SOCC

Focus on the latest innovations and trends in SoC design in Dresden.

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PromotionCongratulations on your doctoral examination!

Lennart Ries, doctoral student of Prof. Eric Sax at the FZI, has successfully defended his dissertation titled „Driving sequence clustering for data-based scenario analysis for the validation of urban automated driving functions“.

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sima.aiKIT launches innovative AI courses with development kits

Students use state-of-the-art edge AI technology to solve real-world problems.

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Thessaloniki International FairVisit to the Thessaloniki International Fair: Presentation of the OTRACE project

From September 7 to 15, Nikola Lukezic, doctoral student of Prof. Eric Sax, visited the Thessaloniki International Fair to present the innovative OTRACE project.

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GruppenbildKarlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) receives delegation from the Indonesian Embassy at ITIV

On September 13, 2024, KIT welcomed a high-ranking delegation from the Indonesian embassy in Germany.

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LAMAImmerse yourself in the world of applied machine learning at ITIV

Join our dynamic team as a tutor for the Laboratory for Applied Machine Learning (LAMA).

Curious? Click here for the LAMA
Dr.RöschCongratulations on the doctoral examination!

Tobias Rösch, doctoral student of Prof. Eric Sax, has successfully defended his dissertation entitled “Optimization of the heat supply in thermal management systems of electric city buses”.

Click here for more information
Chip DesignKIT Chipdesign House to drive forward European production

The KIT Chipdesign House is being built on the South Campus for cutting-edge research in chip design.

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ScienceCampScience Camp Electrical Engineering: Automation in everyday life

As part of the event, a group of students also visited the ITIV and listened to David Kraus from Prof Eric Sax's team explain the mobility of the future using the demonstrator of the "CAVIL" project.

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MLNew block seminar "Machine Learning for Practitioners"

Prof. Dr. Amlan Chakrabarti (A.K. Choudhury School of Information Technology, University of Calcutta) combines fundamental knowledge with practical, real-world applications in an intensive 12-hour course.

Link to the seminar
IT1The “Laboratory on Information Technology I” says goodbye to the ITIV

As part of the degree program, the practical course “Laboratory on Information Technology I” offers the opportunity to expand theoretical knowledge through practical experience and to prepare for a future professional career.

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IPGStudents on an excursion at IPG - research put into practice

As part of the course “Laboratory in Software Engineering (PSE)”, an excursion with 30 students to the company IPG in Karlsruhe took place on July 18, 2024.

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PromotionCongratulations on your doctoral examination

Oliver Wolf successfully defended his dissertation entitled "Multigranular optimization for heterogeneous multicore systems" as an external doctoral student of Prof. Becker.

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GruppenbildCongratulations on passing the doctoral examination

Fabian Kempf from Prof. Becker's doctoral team has successfully defended his dissertation on "An Adaptive Multi-Core Architecture for Runtime-Configurable Redundancy in Mixed-Criticality Systems".

We congratulate and wish him all the best for the future!


ISVLSISuccessful participation at the ISVLSI 2024

The ISVLSI 2024 (IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI) took place from July 1st to July 3rd, 2024 at the Crowne Plaza in Knoxville, Tennessee, USA, and was a great success.

Click here to read the full report
Lehrpreis2024Teaching Award 2024 for outstanding teaching

Congratulations to Prof. Eric Sax, who was awarded the Teaching Prize 2024 for outstanding teaching by the students.

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VertiefungsabendThe ETIT Master's degree course: Major field of study and specialization

At the specialization evening in the Audimax, Bachelor students were able to find out about the various specializations and final theses of the institutes in personal discussions, as they do every year.

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PromotionITIV congratulates on the successful PhD defense

With his dissertation "Adaptive scenario selection for simulative testing of perception functions in automated driving", Johannes Bernhard has successfully completed his doctorate as an external doctoral student of Prof. Sax.


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YT VideoVHDL Crash Course: A Multimedia-Based Teaching Approach

Instructional videos and suitable online exercises on the ILIAS learning platform provide an insight into the use of VHDL.

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JohannesPfauSumma cum laude for Johannes Pfau

The ITIV team congratulates Johannes on this fantastic milestone! Hard work and determination have led to this academic success with distinction.

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RadiobeitragTo the swimming lake with the almost driverless bus

"MDR Aktuell" asked Prof. Eric Sax for his expertise on the challenges of fully automated driving and the advantages of platooning. 

To the radio feature
Alumni TagITIV Alumni Day 2024 - a joyous reunion

On June 14, 2024, ITIV issued an invitation - and the graduates of the Institute of Information Processing Technology came back to campus in large numbers.

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Prof. StorkShaping data protection - Why the ability to innovate starts in the mind

Prof. Stork calls for a new mindset and creative data protection that improves healthcare in Germany.

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Lynn ConwayLynn Conway (1938-2024) - An obituary

Lynn Conway, a visionary in the field of digital computing, a pioneer in the field of chip design in microelectronics and a fierce advocate for the rights and dignity of LGBTQ-T people around the world, passed away on June 9, 2024 at the age of 86.

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Promotion Florian SchadeCongratulations, Florian Schade!

ITIV congratulates Florian Schade from Prof. Becker's team on passing his doctoral examination with the distinction magna cum laude.

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CampustagCampus Day at KIT - Get to know the research university on site

At the KIT Campus Day, interested visitors came to get a taste of the university or with specific questions about studying.

Here to the detailed report
ETITOn campus day with Hertz!

If you are interested in technical answers to the pressing questions of our time, or if you simply enjoy technology, you've come to the right place!  From 13:30 to 15:00, Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eric Sax will be personally available to answer your questions.

To the ETIT program
CampustagCampus day at KIT - get a taste and join in

We will be there with the ITIV soldering workshop to experience the construction of electronic circuits using concrete examples. You will receive a kit that you can solder and test yourself. 

Link to the soldering workshop
GruppenbildSuccessful final meeting in the PARFAIT II project

The last meeting of the PARFAIT II project took place on May 24, 2024. The project partners came together to discuss the progress of the project and prepare the joint final report.

(Click on the picture for the long version.)

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gaebler-becker_newsInnoSpring 2024: a night of innovation and inspiration at Infineon Technologies

On May 15, we experienced InnoSpring 2024 at Infineon Technologies in Dresden - an event of innovation and collaboration that was extraordinary.

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GruppenbildCongratulations to Tim Hotfilter on his successful promotion!

In his dissertation "Efficient Optimization of Convolutional Neural Networks for Modern Embedded High-Performance Applications", which was awarded magna cum laude, three new approaches were investigated to meet the high energy and performance requirements of Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) on embedded systems: first, two tools that enable a systematic analysis of different CNN accelerator configurations and then two new methods to increase the energy efficiency and robustness of CNNs during inference using pruning and mixed-precision quantization.
Congratulations from the whole ITIV team!

Link to the profile
MesseMobility in transition: IT-TRANS 2024 brings together experts and innovations

The IT-TRANS trade fair and conference, an important platform for the digitalization of public transport since 2008, offers an inspiring mix of lectures, interactive workshops and inspiring exhibitions from 14 to 16 May 2024. It is a unique opportunity to exchange views on the latest developments in the industry.

From artificial intelligence to cybersecurity - IT-TRANS presents a wide range of topics that are shaping the future of mobility. ITIV will be on site with three demonstrators and together with Christian Steinhauser from the FZI, Prof. Eric Sax's team will present new innovations at the joint stand 'Karlsruhe Mobility Lab' in the dm-Arena.

Link to the Youtube video
EVS37U-Shift II-Demonstrator: Electromobility and Innovation in Focus

Since its foundation in 1969, the international Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition Series (EVS) has been a driving force for innovation and one of the most important events in the e-mobility sector. From April 23 to 24, 2024, David Kraus from the Institute of Information Processing Technology (ITIV) and Sören Fuchs from the Research Institute of Automotive Engineering and Vehicle Engines Stuttgart (FKFS) presented their research work as part of the U-Shift II project at EVS37 in Seoul, South Korea. The aim of the "U-Shift II - Demonstrator" project is to functionally demonstrate the highly innovative concept of "on-the-road" vehicle modularization in a closed-off area. The results were then discussed with scientists and industry partners from over 30 countries. Further exciting presentations by leading representatives from industry and science from all over the world as well as various networking events provided visitors with additional insights into the mobility of the future.

Link to the Event
MesseU-Shift II: The urban mobility revolution

The futuristic U-Shift II vehicle concept shone in the halls of the Hannover Messe 2024, at the Baden-Württemberg stand. The modular design of U-Shift allows the drive unit to be flexibly combined with various capsule technologies. Whether passenger transportation, goods transport or services in urban and rural areas - U-Shift adapts to requirements and sets new standards. The ITIV team with David Kraus and Veljko Vučinić under the leadership of Prof. Eric Sax has done a great job: an adaptive E/E architecture enables seamless reception and integration with the drive unit. The modular diagnostic system they have developed for automated vehicles processes live data from the cloud server and displays it in real time. U-Shift II shows that the future of mobility has already begun - and it is electric, automated, safe and quiet. A path that we are taking together to shape the world of tomorrow.

Link to the vehicle concept
GruppenbildCongratulations, Nidhi Anantharajaiah!

Her dissertation, entitled ‘Adaptive and Distributed Networks-on-Chip for Mixed Criticality Systems’, passed the examination with flying colours and magna cum laude.

One of the topics of her doctoral thesis is the increasing trend, to run multiple applications of varying criticality on the same platform to meet non-functional requirements like cost and power consumption. Such platforms can comprise of hundreds of cores forming complex Multiprocessor System-on-Chips (MPSoCs) using Networks-on-Chip (NoC) as the communication infrastructure. Focus of this work is investigating a NoC that provides hardware architectural support for runtime adaptivity to improve performance while guaranteeing Quality of Service (QoS) for critical applications.

We are proud of her achievement and wish her every success in her future research and projects!

Link to the profile
GruppenbildWe congratulate Kai Zhou on passing his doctoral examination!

We are delighted to welcome Kai Zhou from Prof. Stork's group of external doctoral students for his successful dissertation entitled "Stress and Emotion Recognition based on Remote Photoplethysmography" - an important milestone in his academic career.

The dissertation is about using a camera to measure physiological parameters such as heart rate, respiratory rate and heart rate variability without contact and to identify stress and emotional states. Potential applications for this technology would include driver condition monitoring or patient monitoring.

Link to the profile
MümmlerFrom fascination with electrical engineering to career aspirations

Max Mümmler, a 10th grade student at Löwenrot Gymnasium in St. Leon-Rot, started his one-week internship at ITIV this week. His passion for electrical engineering and his previous experience building a word clock and a weather station for the school motivated him to take this step. The warm welcome from Prof. Eric Sax was the prelude to an exciting week. Max dived straight into the workshop, where Prof. Sax's team of doctoral students were already waiting for him. Together, they carried out practical experiments with demonstrators for the "IT-Trans/OTRACE" and "CAVIL" projects. Max was able to provide active support and use his programming skills in C and C++.

In addition to the technical aspects, there was also room for creativity. Max designed a 3D model and took part in soldering exercises. A highlight was the visit to the International Department of the KIT, where the Magni robot was presented. He also learned about tools for digital learning. At the end of this varied week, Max draws his own personal conclusion: his keen interest in electrical engineering has developed into a concrete career aspiration. The valuable experience he gained at ITIV will lead him back to KIT as a student after his Abitur. A promising future lies ahead of him!

Link to the Löwenrot Gymnasium
GruppenbildFireside Chat at the KIT UpGrade Mobility Winter School

In a relaxed atmosphere, the participants of the KIT UpGrade Mobility Winter School recently had the opportunity to talk to a high-ranking executive from Baden-Württemberg: Dr. Ulf Zillig, Vice President Group Research for Sustainability at Mercedes-Benz AG, was a guest at a fireside evening that provided the ideal setting for stimulating discussions.   

After a brief round of introductions and a keynote speech by Mr. Zillig on the topic of sustainability from the perspective of Mercedes-Benz AG, a lively discussion developed, which was moderated by Prof. Eric Sax. In addition to technical topics, Mr. Zillig gave interesting insights into his professional career and how he arrived at his current position in the company.

We would like to thank Mr. Zillig for the time he spent with us and look forward to further opportunities for exchange in the future. 

Link to the article
GetingeInvitation to a work experience trip - a day at Getinge for students

What special challenges does the medical technology sector present? How can modern technologies improve patient care? What career opportunities do these new technologies open up? We will provide the answers during a tailor-made tour of Getinge AB's largest development site in Rastatt on 22.05.2024. The return journey, on-site program and catering are free of charge for all participants.

The specific program and the possibility to reserve one of the limited places is available in direct contact with M. Sc. Andreas Puder, who organizes the excursion as an external doctoral student of Prof. Eric Sax and employee of Getinge. Registration by Wednesday, 15.05.2024 at the latest at

Link to the company
OPhaseMaster's orientation week ("O-Phase") in the summer semester 2024

Organised by the Mechanical and Process Engineering (MACH/CIW) and Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (ETIT) student councils, the Master's Orientation Week (O-Phase) is taking place again this week with a variety of events. One of these was held yesterday at ITIV, where various demonstrators and projects were presented: KIHT pen, 6G real-time radar, demonstrator "CAVIL" and Brain-Computer-Interfaces for visual acuity measurement.

Link to the website of the ETIT-Fachschaft
GruppenbildWe congratulate Lukas Kohout on passing his PhD examination!

We are delighted with Lukas Kohout from Prof. Stork's group of PhD students for his successful dissertation entitled "Automatisierte Workflowanalyse im OP für die chirurgische Logistik"
In order to optimise the logistics around the operating theatre in hospitals, this dissertation examines how an automated workflow analysis of operations can be implemented within an intelligent operating theatre.

The work makes a contribution to various aspects of workflow analysis in the operating theatre environment and forms the basis for further possible applications of AI methods in the surgical context. Congratulations!

RoboterResearch exchange between ITIV and Tsinghua University: a journey through knowledge and culture

In March 2024, an exciting research exchange took place between ITIV and Tsinghua University in Beijing. Tim Hotfilter and Julian Höfer, two PhD students from Prof Becker's team, travelled to Beijing to visit Prof Yu Wang's lab. Here they were greeted by a variety of projects: from computer chips to large language models - the research foci are diverse, and everyday life at the university is both hectic and inspiring. In addition to research, there was also a cultural exchange. The two tried their hand at the Chinese language, savoured local delicacies and explored the historical sites of Beijing. The great hospitality, helpfulness and openness of their Chinese colleagues was always remarkable. The research exchange lays the foundation for future collaborations. It is a bridge between cultures and a reminder that research should know no borders.

Link to the Tsinghua University
HelmholtzShaping the future: Pupils at Helmholtz Gymnasium discover the world of electrical engineering

Yesterday was an exciting day for the Year 9 pupils at Helmholtz Gymnasium: they visited the Institute of Information Technology (ITIV) at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology (ETIT) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT).
The day began with a warm welcome from the Dean of Studies, Prof. Hiller. The students, accompanied by their teachers, were then shown around the state-of-the-art laboratories and research facilities.
A particular highlight was the presentation of various demonstrators showing the practical application of the technologies developed at ITIV. The pupils had the unique opportunity to operate a robotic vehicle whose electronic circuitry students can develop themselves in teams in the second semester. Dr. Andreas Barth from ETIT summed up the day and emphasized how impressed the students were by the variety of topics covered by the faculty. The teachers were also very positive about the visit and the high level of commitment with which they and their students were received.

Link to the Helmholtz Gymnasium
CeCaSHigh-performance computers control cars of the future - the CeCaS project

The CeCaS (CentralCarServer) research project of the Federal Ministry of Research and Education (BMBF) under its "Mannheim" funding programme aims to support the German automotive industry in assuming a leading role in global competition even in the era of IT dominance. Under the leadership of Infineon AG, 30 partners from industry, research organisations and universities are conducting research into future high-performance computers in cars. Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Becker gives an insight into the work on the CeCaS project.

Link to the article
GruppenbildFocus on Innovation and Community: the Stork Group's Doctoral Seminar

The Stork Group's doctoral seminar took place in idyllic Menzenschwand in the Black Forest from March 4 to 8, 2024. An event that not only promoted scientific discourse, but also strengthened the sense of community. The doctoral students of the working groups at the FZI and ITIV came together to present their own research topic in a relaxed atmosphere and then discuss possible further research steps as a team. A special highlight were the one-on-one meetings with Prof. Stork, in which individual progress and future milestones for the doctorate were discussed. These personal consultations provided the doctoral students with valuable insights and guidance for their academic careers.

Link to the location of the seminar
GIrlsdayInvitation to the Girls'Day ITIV workshop: "Green thumbs through technology"

Discover the fascinating world of microcontrollers in our workshop "Green thumbs through technology: the world of microcontrollers for beginners!" Find out how microcontrollers - the "brains" of our technical devices - work and how you can program them. In this workshop, you will become developers and create your own microcontroller that will remind you to water your plants. At the end of the workshop, you will take your self-built and programmed circuit home with you and can even automate watering. We look forward to an inspiring day with you! Places are limited - register quickly!

Information and Registration
PromotionsbildWe congratulate Dejenie Gemeda Birile on passing the doctoral exams!

We are delighted to congratulate Dejenie Gemeda Birile from Prof. Stork's group for his successful dissertation titled "Implementation of Machine Learning Models for Transmission Grid Monitoring and Blackout Prevention". This doctoral thesis aims to solve the problems of the Ethiopian power transmission grid with the help of dynamic line evaluation of overhead lines in real-time applications.

Link to the profile
Horst HipplerFirst KIT President Horst Hippler passed away

The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) mourns the loss of its founding president Professor Horst Hippler, who passed away on 6 March 2024 at the age of 77. Hippler had been Rector of the then University of Karlsruhe since 2002, which he led to its first success in the Excellence Initiative with the idea of founding KIT in 2006. From 2009 to 2012, he headed KIT together with Professor Eberhard Umbach. He then served as President of the German Rectors' Conference until 2018. ITIV's thoughts and sincere condolences are with his family and will honour his memory.

Link to the KIT press release
GruppenbildCongratulations on passing the doctoral examination

We congratulate Mr. Jundong Zhou, who successfully completed his doctorate as an external doctoral student under the supervision of Prof. Stork. With his research topic "Development of a novel Directional Backlight for Multi-user Display Applications" he has made a significant contribution to his field.

WinterschoolThe autonomous mobility of the future is the focus of UpGrade Mobility 2024

The annual winter school of the graduate school UpGrade Mobility, a networking event of the KIT Mobility Systems Center, took place from February 12 to 16, 2024. It offered a platform for doctoral students from various mobility disciplines to expand their knowledge, exchange ideas and collaborate in interdisciplinary workshops. An excursion through ITIV's research labs allowed participants to learn about various research topics in the field of autonomous mobility of the future through four captivating project presentations.

Link to the Winterschool
LAMAMachine learning and artificial intelligence - learning in application-oriented projects

The topics of machine learning and artificial intelligence are playing an increasingly important role in our society. The Laboratory for Applied Machine Learning Algorithms (LAMA) has been attended by students since 2019 and was developed by ITIV. Here, bachelor students of electrical engineering gain a basic understanding of methods and tools in the field of machine learning, practice practical challenges and find innovative solutions, which were presented last week. After an oral colloquium and a general assessment, the lab ends, which often provides a good transition to final theses and internships in further studies.

Link to the video
LehrveranstaltungSeamless Engineering - the Teaching Module with Systematic Development in a Simulation Environment

In 2024, the Seamless Engineering course was once again able to teach students on the MIT Master's degree program about robotics hardware (gripper robots, AGVs) and the associated software tools (Robot Operating System) using a practical logistics problem. The final presentation of the group results took place yesterday on the IFL's test area: a fictitious customer order for which various blocks representing the fictitious customer had to be picked up in the developed material flow system and transported to a storage box at the end of the material flow. The task was successfully completed by all participants. Next year, Prof. Eric Sax's team and Prof. Kai Furmans' team (IFL) will again be coordinating the teaching module.

Link to the Course
Prof.SaxThe Effects of Digital Transformation on Vehicle Development

Henning Kemper and Jan Stehle from IPG Automotive GmbH were in conversation with Prof. Eric Sax and interviewed him about the effects of digital transformation on vehicle development.
In the interview, you can also read more about current challenges in research work, the use of systems engineering and the role of simulation.

Link to the Interview
Professor Sax VortragOne location and two events - a cooperation for future prospects

ITIV was able to present itself at two events at the Balthasar Neumann School (BNS) in Bruchsal as part of the cooperation program with BNS. At the school's in-house exhibition on January 27 and as part of a lecture by Prof. Eric Sax on January 31 about studying electrical engineering and information technology at KIT, his research assistant Houssem Guissouma presented a demonstrator (ATLAS) to the students to illustrate the role of embedded systems in modern networked vehicles.

Both events were well attended and focused on the importance of digitalization and information technology for society and the economy. The students showed great interest and asked questions about studying at ETIT, internship opportunities at ITIV and the demonstrator. In terms of promoting young talent, this was a practical way of further strengthening cooperation.

Link to the school website
NewaXANDAR project completion: Model-based transformations and system integration - from specification to realization

The development of embedded electronic systems for self-driving cars, autonomous air cabs and similar safety-critical applications is subject to numerous constraints. As part of the XANDAR joint project coordinated by the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), eight European partners have joined forces to research new approaches to tackle this complex challenge. After a three-year term, the consortium is presenting an automated tool chain that is tailored to the environment of innovative mobility solutions and supports developers in meeting important safety, security and real-time requirements. In the consortium coordinated by Prof. Becker and his research assistant Tobias Dörr, the newly developed concepts were used in particular to meet application-specific safety, security and real-time requirements.

Link to the KIT press release
VLSILatest trends & innovations in semiconductor and processor technologies at VLSID 2024 in Kolkata

From January 6 to 10, 2024, the international conference VLSID 2024 for VLSI Design and Cyber-Physical Systems took place in Kolkata, India. For over three and a half decades, it has provided a global platform for the presentation of current research results, solutions and trends within panel discussions, innovation forums and lectures. The conference was sponsored by numerous major processor and chip manufacturers with the support of representatives of the Indian state and central governments together with the VLSI Society of India (VSI).

As one of the keynote speakers for KIT, Prof. Becker presented the prospects for integrating high-performance system-on-chip (SoC) and chiplet solutions in the field of future automotive electronics, including AI components and based on the latest innovations in semiconductor technology.

With around 1,400 international participants, including numerous students, the conference was the ideal setting to present current projects and developments and also to further intensify and network the global Chipact initiatives.

Link to the conference
KretschmannMobility of the Future: Regional Government Informs Itself at KIT

"The automotive industry is currently experiencing the greatest upheaval in its history.To ensure that it remains one of our key industries and an important driver of innovation in the future, we initiated the strategic dialogue on the automotive industry in Baden-Württemberg several years ago as a successful alliance between business, science and politics. A key component of this dialogue is the Innovation Campus Mobility of the Future, which was set up in order to develop new technologies together quickly and flexibly. The research projects presented today show that this has been successful. I am impressed by what KIT, the University of Stuttgart, Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences and all the players involved have achieved so far in a short space of time," said Winfried Kretschmann, Minister President of the State of Baden-Württemberg, during a visit on Friday, 12 January 2024.

Link to the press release
News archive 2023
KontaktbörseProfessional and practical orientation for the committed promotion of young talent

Several universities, companies, career and study guidance services from the employment agency, the Chamber of Crafts and the Chamber of Industry and Commerce were invited to the first contact exchange last Wednesday at the Carl Engler School in Karlsruhe. As part of ITIV's cooperation with the school, Prof. Eric Sax and two of his doctoral students, Marco Stang and David Kraus, took part in the event, which was held under the motto: "Prospects and opportunities after the Carl Engler School - or: CES and then what?". Information talks on choosing a course of study in the context of vocational training were offered in various rooms, Prof. Sax gave a presentation on the electrical engineering/information technology course and there were information stands for individual questions in the foyer in front of the staff room.

Link to the article on the school's website
GruppenbildAnother milestone in the Smart e-Meter project

At the invitation of Haramaya University in Addis Ababa, the project participants, including GIZ Ethiopia and the Ethiopian Electric Utility (EEU), have now met in Ethiopia for the final workshop.  
The aim of the project is to develop and build an innovative, intelligent monitoring system that can monitor the electricity distribution network of the Ethiopian Electric Utility (EEU) using advanced measurement and communication technologies and the IoT (Internet of Things). 
Prof Stork is being accompanied by his research assistants Dejenie Birile Gemeda and Markus Lehner, who are checking the installation of the sensors in Harar, among other things.
The project results were presented at the workshop and practical implementation is now being planned and prepared.

Link to the project
ZooExkursionExcursion behind the scenes at the Zoological City Garden

16 members of Professor Sax's Systems Engineering working group were invited on a guided tour behind the scenes at Karlsruhe Zoological Garden.
Zoo vet Marco Roller accompanied the group for almost two hours through the depot, the surgery, the elephant enclosure and the technical area of the tropical house, where the first breeding successes (see article) could be marveled at. The day gave rise to many ideas for new final theses and projects, which will be worked on and put out to tender in the coming weeks. The cooperation has now been in place for almost two years and three theses and two internships have already been completed. Two further bachelor theses are currently in progress. If you are interested in the topics, please contact Vitus Lüntzel by email (

Link to the article
ReisgysPromotionITIV congratulates Felix Reisgys on his successful doctorate

We are delighted to congratulate Felix Reisgys from Prof. Eric Sax's group of external doctoral students on his successful dissertation entitled "Credibility and use of scenario-based X-in-the-loop testing for driver assistance systems".

The dissertation presents how scenario-based testing and simulation can be integrated into existing development processes for driver assistance systems. Based on this, a process for evaluating the credibility of simulative tests of these systems by comparing them with reality is developed.


PreisverleihungWe congratulate Dr. Xiang Xie on the NAMUR Award

Xiang Xie was honoured with the NAMUR Award for his dissertation entitled "Artificial Intelligence for spectral analysis: a comprehensive framework", which was awarded "summa cum laude". In his thesis, he developed a "pioneering framework for spectral analysis based on neural networks", as Dr Dorothea Pantförder from the Technical University of Munich said in her laudatory speech.

NAMUR, the "Interessengemeinschaft Automatisierungstechnik der Prozessindustrie e.V.", is an international association of user companies. The prize for the best dissertation is endowed with €3,000. A further €5,000 (doctoral thesis) goes to the supervising chairs.


Link to the press release
GruppenbildResearch meets industry - the basis for future transfer activities

The Standardized Automotive Software Workshop took place in Bad Liebenzell on 30.11.2023.
The workshop was aimed at engineers and researchers from the automotive industry as well as scientists from the Innovation Campus Mobility of the Future (ICM), particularly from the research field of software system architecture. In addition to the lively exchange in various working groups within the specialist topics and a joint lunch break, visitors could look forward to exciting keynote speeches on open source developments and standards in automotive software. Prof. Sax moderated a panel discussion in which four top-class participants from industry and research took part: Thorge Erichsen (Mercedes-Benz), Dr. Christian Müller from ZF Group, Dr. Marc Weber (Vector Informatik) and Prof. Michael Weyrich (University of Stuttgart). ITIV employees helped shape the parallel working groups in the afternoon and discussed innovative ideas.

Link to the ICM-Website
Studi-Info-TagExciting insights into the big world of research at the KIT Study Info Day

In the field of information processing, prospective students were given a guided tour of the ITIV at four different stations, focusing on a range of topics: from the development of an intelligent learning device that helps students learn handwriting, to the presentation of realistic traffic scenarios using model vehicles, the importance of digital technology as a basic subject in the degree program and the use of neural networks in medical technology. Afterwards, there was still time for questions and individual discussions.

Link to the event
GruppenbildMaster's students from the MIT and ETIT faculties experience theory and practice at Getinge in Rastatt

In the morning, the students travelled by bus to Getinge AB's largest development site in Rastatt. The excursion was organised in cooperation between Prof. Eric Sax's ITIV group and Getinge Rastatt. After guided tours of production and development, there was plenty of opportunity to talk to other employees after lunch before returning to ITIV in the afternoon. We received very positive feedback from the 18 students, for which we would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks.

Link to the company
StudieninformationstagInformation technology is shaping the future

At the Institute of Information Processing Technology, we will show you a treadmill demonstrator that can be used to present realistic scenarios for driver assistance using model vehicles.
You can also find out how we are developing a digital pen that uses sensors and artificial intelligence to help children learn to write.
Artificial intelligence is also playing an increasingly important role in medical technology. We will show you how AI could be used to detect neurological diseases such as dementia much earlier in the future.

How? Guided tour at ITIV
Where? Foyer - Ground floor - Building 30.10 - South Campus
When? 10:00 - 11:00, 22.11.2023

Link to the website with program
SavethedateInvitation to a field trip - a day at Getinge for students

What special challenges does the medical technology industry offer? How can modern technologies improve patient care? What career opportunities do these new technologies open up? We will provide the answers during a customized tour of Getinge AB's largest development site in Rastatt on Nov. 15, 2023. Round-trip transportation, on-site program and catering are free of charge for all participants.

The concrete program and the possibility to reserve one of the limited places is available in direct contact with M. Sc. Andreas Puder, who organizes the excursion as a PhD student of Prof. Eric Sax and employee of Getinge. Registration by Wednesday, 08.11.2023 at the latest at

Link to the company website
FakutltätslehrpreisCircuit design lab - from the idea to the finished circuit board

2023 PhD students Florian Schade, M. Sc., Iris Fürst-Walter, M. Sc., and Christian Maximilian Karle, M. Sc. from ITIV won the faculty teaching award for the course "Laboratory Circuit Design" at ITIV.

In the current winter semester, the laboratory was again very popular as a 3-week block practical course. In their feedback, the students considered the lab and the practical relevance as an optimal experience for their further studies.

Next year the lab will start again. The number of participants is limited, so early registration is recommended. Places will be allocated via the campus portal using SignMeUp within the period specified there.

Link to the course
TeambildSuccessful exchange of the international expert community at ELIV - Electronics in Vehicles 2023

A colorful program of presentations awaited the expert audience at the world's largest congress for automotive electronics, software and applications at the World Conference Center Bonn from Oct. 18 to 19, 2023. Almost 1,000 participants met at the accompanying exhibition. Prof. Eric Sax and a team of his doctoral students from ITIV and FZI were represented with their own booth, and two demonstrators (bus platooning as a model in M 1:87 and test setup for tailgating) explained new technologies for the future of mobility to visitors.  Nicole Kechler was also able to convince the expert audience with her presentation "Key Factors of a robust and safe Automated Driving Function - Transferable Insights of City-Bus Platooning in Munich".
Team photo at the booth (from left to right): Marc Schindewolf (ITIV), Lennart Ries (FZI), Nicole Kechler (ITIV), Christian Steinhauser (FZI)

Link to the youtube video
DekanwahlSaxProf. Eric Sax Elected New Dean of the Faculty

A new board was elected in the KIT Faculty Council ETIT on October 10, 2023. The new Dean of the Faculty is the previous Vice Dean Prof. Eric Sax. He is followed by Prof. Thomas Zwick (IHE) as new KIT Vice Dean and Prof. Marc Hiller (ETI) was confirmed in office as Dean of Studies.
In his résumé, the outgoing dean, Prof. Ulrich Lemmer, addressed special challenges of his three-year term of office: the faculty had come through the Corona period, in which the rapidly changing framework conditions required special flexibility, well. The development of online formats, which had become necessary in the process, had become an integral part of teaching, to the benefit of students. Likewise, the major change toward budgeting has taken shape in recent years, and the faculty has grown gratifyingly through numerous newly appointed professors. For all of this, he said, the collegial interaction and good communication within the board and across the ETIT faculty had been crucial. The newly elected dean Prof. Sax confirmed this assessment in his words of thanks and promised to continue on the path taken.
(Picture from left to right: N. Landeck (Managing Director), Prof. U. Lemmer, Prof. M. Hiller, Prof. E. Sax)

Link to the Faculty
GruppenbildPresentation of current work of Tsinghua University (Beijing)

For further exchange within the existing research cooperation with KIT, two members of Prof. Yu Wang's group, Yudong and Tianchen Zhao, were guests at ITIV. They were welcomed by the team of Prof. Becker, one item of the program was the talk of Tianchen Zhao on "Ada3D : Exploiting the Spatial Redundancy with Adaptive Inference for Efficient 3D Object Detection".

Link to the Tsinghua University:
OrientierungstagOrientation offer with institute tour

As part of the orientation phase for the bachelor's degree programs in electrical and information engineering and medical engineering, a guided tour of the building with all 3 institutes (IHE, IPQ and ITIV ) took place. After the welcome by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulusoy (IHE) and a get-together with coffee and pretzels with Prof. Dr. Randel (IPQ), a presentation of the ReLoDAQ demonstrator (Open 6G Hub), an optical flow demo, the treadmill demonstrator (see pictures), the Space Invaders and the demonstration of a medical engineering experiment by Marius Gerdes awaited the students at ITIV. As a conclusion, the institute tour was again very well received this year.

Link to the KIT-Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
ScienceWeekMarket of Opportunities in the Foyer of the Audimax

The day before yesterday, the official opening of KIT Science Week took place in the Audimax of KIT. The opening was marked by a keynote speech of marine biologist Prof. Antje Boetius, head of the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research, on the topic "Humans and our environment - what keeps us together? She is convinced: "We have opportunities and can make a difference together. But time is short."

The Market of Opportunities in the foyer of the Audimax then provided an opportunity to learn about innovative climate and environmental projects. Also present from ITIV were Prof. Eric Sax with Nicole Kechler, Moritz Zink and Luca Seidel from his doctoral team with the bus platooning demonstrator, which illustrates the automation of e-buses in road traffic. 

Until October 15, people even without a scientific background can come into contact with researchers from all over the world at around 60 events during "KIT Science Week".


Link to the program
ELIVInternational VDI Congress "ELIV" in Bonn from October 18-19

In recent years, the ELIV Congress (Electronics In Vehicles) has become the most important event of its kind - also internationally. This is where vehicle manufacturers and suppliers exchange information and identify innovations, developments and problems in automotive electronics at an early stage. This is where trends are set and essential decision-making bases for the automotive industry are created.

Prof. Eric Sax will be represented by a team of his doctoral students, the Tempus demonstrator will present the development of platooning in automated local traffic and Nicole Kechler will give a lecture with the topic "Key Factors of a robust and safe Automated Driving Function - Transferable Insights of City-Bus Platooning in Munich".

Link To the Congress
ICMThe Innovation Campus "Mobility of the Future" (ICM) strengthens Baden-Württemberg as a location for innovation

To mark its fourth anniversary, ICM presented groundbreaking projects and results at the "ICM Day - Future Mobility Open Labs" at the ARENA2036 research factory in Stuttgart on October 5, 2023.
ITIV is involved in several ICM projects such as SdMobi2/SWUpCar and INDU2/OTrace. Prof. Eric Sax was able to present the most important project results with his PhD students Marc Schindewolf, Daniel Grimm, Julian Lorenz and Houssem Guissouma, Martin Sommer gave a keynote speech on the OTrace project and the demonstrator vehicle DeVee with integrated sensors and ECUs was shown to the interested audience. The groups of Prof. Becker and Prof. Stork were also represented to present the results of the project SdMobi3/LETSCOPE.

Link to the program
Science WeekKIT Science Week 2023: Shaping a sustainable future together!

At KIT Science Week 2023, a diverse program with exciting insights into the world of science awaits those with a thirst for knowledge. In 2023, everything revolves around the topics of climate protection and sustainability. Look forward to many hands-on offers, also for children.
We cordially invite you to the opening on 10.10.23 at 7 p.m. in the Audimax of KIT. ITIV will be there with the team of Prof. Eric Sax and will present the TEMPUS demonstrator.
Venue: At the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, in Karlsruhe and online.
Date: October 10 - 15, 2023

More Information
GruppenbildDoctoral Seminar at Lichtenthal Monastery

Last week, the Lichtenthal Monastery on the outskirts of the city of Baden-Baden was the ideal setting for scientific lectures, feedback and discussions as part of the PhD retreat of Prof. Sax's team. With its historical character of the buildings, the monastery offers a contemplative atmosphere for deceleration and concentration. To compensate, there was a varied program with a guided tour of the SWR Baden-Baden, a visit to the museum "Sammlung Frieder Burda" and a trip to the casino. The flair of a country school stay came up with the movie evening about the decoding of the Enigma or the online game "Kahoot". Every year, the doctoral retreat offers an ideal opportunity to think outside the box and to find overlaps through the topics and projects of the other participants.

Link to the venue
U-Shift IINew research results in the U-Shift II project

On 09-12-2023 the advisory board of the U-Shift II project met at FKFS. The project partners (DLR-FK, FKFS, KIT FAST, KIT ITIV, UULM MRM) jointly presented the current progress in building the U-Shift II prototype. Prof. Eric Sax and his research assistant David Kraus from ITIV are involved in building the E/E architecture and are researching a reconfigurable software architecture for modular vehicles as part of the project.

Afterwards, the first driving tests were demonstrated in the workshop hall. The research results have the potential to consolidate Baden-Württemberg's position as a location for innovation and progress. Excerpts from U-Shift II will certainly be on display at one or another conference and trade fair next year.

Link to the project
DoktorandenseminarDoctoral Seminar in the Southern Palatinate

Exciting lectures, inspiring presentations and a llama hike for team-building - there was a compact program at the PhD students' seminar with Prof. Becker.

The art nouveau hotel Trifels in the Palatinate Forest and the idyllic town of Annweiler provided ideal conditions for the scientific and interdisciplinary exchange of experiences between the doctoral students on the status of their work and the discussion of research results.

Yu Wang BesuchFurther planning meeting with Yu Wang

Prof. Yu Wang, the co-founder of Deephi Tech (acquired by Xilinx), a leading provider of deep learning computing platforms, is a professor at the EE Department of Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. Together with Prof. Guohao Dai and PhD students Zhenhua Zhu and Yu Zhu, he was a guest at ITIV to concretize the next steps of a cooperation after an initial meeting a month ago. Within the Sino-German mobility program "Efficient Machine Learning for Multi-Agent COoperation Systems" (in short: MLCOS), there is already a collaboration. Yu Wang also holds the Humboldt Fellowship, which serves as a basis for further successful projects and collaborations. Prof. Becker will travel to China in March 2024, and there will also be an exchange of PhD students over several months.

Link to the profile of Prof. Yu Wang
SOCC ConferenceLively exchange at the 36th SOCC (IEEE International System-on-Chip Conference)

From 05.09-08.09.2023, the 36th SOCC (IEEE International System-on-Chip Conference) took place in Santa Clara, California. Prof. Becker was General Chair and Tanja Harbaum Technical Program Chair in the committee. They were supported by Fabian Lesniak, Tim Hotfilter (both ITIV) and Brian Pachideh (FZI) with their papers. The SOCC offered a three-day technical programme for more than 120 participants with keynote and plenary lectures, oral and poster presentations, thematic panel discussions and a day of industry talks. Next year the conference will be held in Dresden.

Link to the conference
Neue MitarbeitendeWelcome to ITIV!

We welcome our new research assistants to the team of Prof. Sax:
Julian Lorenz, M.Sc. (left) and Nikola Lukezic, M.Sc. (right).
Have fun and success with your exciting tasks and projects!

Student Innovation LabNew round of the Student Innovation Lab (SIL) at KIT starts soon

Be one of the participants in this unique Master course in the winter term 2023/2024.  
Experience the complete startup process from ideation to the pitch of an investment-ready prototype in front of potential investors.  2 terms, 15 ECTS (Economics: 18 ECTS), application until October 8th! 

Visit this website for more information
TEMPUS IAA Mobility 2023Automated and networked mobility: an exciting look into the future

The largest mobility event in the world is currently taking place in Munich. In the middle of the city, projects and innovations will be presented to interested citizens from September 5 to 10 - freely accessible and free of charge. Cars, micro-vehicles, bicycles, new solutions for traffic and a colorful supporting program will be presented. As part of the TEMPUS research project, ITIV will be present at the Open Space area on Königsplatz. Here, the trade fair team will present, among other things, the bus demonstrator and the platooning principle using the follow-on vehicle equipped with sensors and other hardware in a convoy as an illustrative model.

Link to video on Youtube
UnipreneursUNIPRENEURS award for Prof. Stork - congratulations!

UNIPRENEURS, the initiative to strengthen spin-offs from universities in Germany, awarded 20 outstanding professors.
The award ceremony was held yesterday by Federal Minister of Education and Research Bettina Stark-Watzinger and Dr. Anna Christmann, Commissioner for Digital Economy and Startups at the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection, at the Allianz Forum at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin.

The co-founder of one of Prof. Stork's current startups, Dr. Simon Stock (Metis Neurotec), accepted the award on his behalf. Congratulations!

Link to the UNIPRENEURS profile of Prof. Stork
GruppenbildProfessor Yu Wang of Tsinghua-University, China visits ITIV

At the beginning of August, ITIV hosted an exchange meeting within the Sino-German mobility program "Efficient Machine Learning for Multi-Agent COoperation Systems" (short: MLCOS). The guest was Professor Yu Wang from the EE Department of Tsinghua University, China. 
After the institute presentation, the meeting continued after lunch break at the FZI for the presentation of the research center with a tour through the House of Living Labs: a research environment on more than 2,000 square meters, especially for small and medium enterprises. Another meeting with Prof. Becker will take place in September to deepen the cooperation.

Link to Tsinghua University, China
GruppenbildITIV congratulates Con Tran Vu on the successful completion of his doctoral thesis

We are pleased to congratulate Con Tran Vu from Prof. Stork's PhD group on successfully completing his dissertation entitled "Towards Predictive Maintenance For Radiation Generation Vacuum Components". The practical thesis presents a recipe consisting of systems, processes and algorithms for the realization of a predictive maintenance solution in the context of a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME). 


HackathonCongratulations for the Best Design Award!

The FPGA Ignite Summer School 2023 took place in Heidelberg from July 31 to August 04. The Summer School series brings together young researchers in the field of hardware design for reconfigurable computing with FPGAs.

During a hackathon on the last day, Iris Fürst-Walter from Prof. Becker's team and two other students from Heidelberg University won the Best Design Award for the integration of a CPU in the "Multi-Project Die".
In this project a chip was designed and mini-projects were realized in small groups. An FPGA fabric was provided centrally, to which further functionalities were integrated. The criteria for the award were creativity and progress/maturity of the design. Congratulations!

Link to the FPGA Ignite Summer School
OnlineSessionOnline Info Session "Driving the Future"

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eric Sax hosted an online info session together with Martina Waldner, Senior Programme Consultant HECTOR School. In the field of mobility, we are currently experiencing unprecedented change, the likes of which have not been seen for over a century. The Master's programme in Mobility Systems Engineering and Management provides the knowledge, skills and experience to drive innovation and meet the challenges of tomorrow.

Link to the Online Info Session
PromotionWilmsWe congratulate Tobias Wilm from the group of Prof. Stork on his successful PhD thesis

His doctoral thesis entitled "Realization of Highly Transparent Wave Front Printed Holograms for Display Applications" deals with the recording of highly transparent holograms for augmented reality displays (e.g. so-called smart glasses). 

The holograms are produced using a novel method called holographic wavefront printing. In the course of the PhD, fundamental interference effects were identified, so that in particular the transparency and complexity of the holograms could be increased.


Linkedin Profile
AutobahnpilotVisiting the IPG headquarters with 30 students

As part of the course "Practical Software Engineering (PSE)", an excursion with 30 students to the company IPG in Karlsruhe took place on 20.07.2023. ITIV, represented on that day by David Kraus and Luca Seidel, cooperates with the Karlsruhe company within the internship. During the internship, a software project for the implementation of a highway pilot is designed, implemented and validated with the IPG simulation tool CarMaker.

Dr. Pascal Piecha from IPG presented different hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) systems that can be used with the CarMaker software. CarMaker is a central simulation tool in PSE, so that a clear relation to the practice in the industry is established here. This year, for the first time, a competition was held where the two best student teams could test their highway pilot on one of the HiL systems. At the end of the day, IPG organized a get-together with beer and pizza. A successful event all around!

Link to the Laboratory
GruppenbildITIV goes Africa

As part of the "Smart-e-Meter" project, a team led by Prof. Stork traveled to Ethiopia for a month in mid-April.
Ethiopia needs energy. By 2025, the country aims to have a nationwide power supply. However, currently only about 45% of Ethiopia's 120 million inhabitants have access to electricity. Especially in rural areas, very few people have access to electricity. Blackouts can occur at any time due to outdated equipment. The focus is therefore on stabilizing the power grid and taking better precautions in the event of bottlenecks in the energy supply.
To this end, the ITIV team is on site studying outage data to make better use of the existing grid. The local utility gets continuous access to the measurement data and can thus better respond to outages and investigate the reasons for them.

Link to the Youtube Video
ShiftIIImplementation of the E/E architecture in the U-Shift II project 

As part of the U-Shift II project, which is funded by the state and coordinated by the German Aerospace Center (DLR), a prototype setup took place at the Research Institute of Automotive Engineering and Vehicle Engines Stuttgart (FKFS) at the University of Stuttgart. Among other things, this involves developing and implementing the E/E architecture of a vehicle. David Kraus, Veljko Vucinic and Zacharias Franz from ITIV were involved in its implementation.

Link to the Project
TullaSchuleActive promotion of young talent and study orientation

Within the project days at the Tulla Gymnasium Rastatt, a group of students visited a workshop organized by the ITIV - in cooperation with the institutes IPQ and IHE - with a varied program. After a guided tour through the institutes, the workshop with the demonstrators and a welcome by Prof. Becker, the program continued with interesting lectures and practical exercises. The students showed interest in the many possibilities of studying in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology.

Link to the Gymnasium
MetisInternational Workshop on Digital Dementia Intervention and Prevention on 26. and 27.06.2023

The workshop at the ITIV on digital dementia intervention and prevention in the age of AI paved the way for innovative approaches to address the challenges of dementia in the digital age. The first day started with a series of interesting presentations. The speakers from Karlsruhe (KIT and FZI) focused on the topic of software as a medical product. Researchers from RIKEN CBAT from Japan presented the use of AI and robots against cognitive impairments. The DZNE Rostock highlighted the need for digital support for people with dementia. Participating institutions will share their individual strengths to globally positively impact the lives of people affected by dementia.

Link to the METIS-Project Website
Symposium23rd Stuttgart Symposium at the Haus der Wirtschaft in Stuttgart

From 4.-5. of July 2023, the 23rd Stuttgart Symposium took place at the Haus der Wirtschaft, Stuttgart. During this interesting event with many representatives from the automotive industry and research, the PhD student team of Prof. Eric Sax presented the conference paper entitled "Concept for an Approval-Focused Over-The-Air Update Development Process" during a presentation in the session Vehicle Technology.

In the context of the SofDCar project, the paper was developed under the leadership of Jacqueline Henle (FZI Research Centre for Information Technology), a doctoral student of Prof. Eric Sax, who supported her, and his other doctoral students Houssem Guissouma (ITIV), Mona Gierl, Felix Müller (both from Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences) and Goutham Bharadwaj Ramesh (BMW Group).

Link to the Symposium
SymposiumThe ITIV at the ISVLSI 2023 in Iguazu Falls, Brasilien

The ISVLSI 2023 symposium, held on the 20.-23. of June in Iguazu, Brazil, focused on emerging trends, new ideas and concepts in microelectronics.

Prof. Becker gave a keynote talk on "Smart Scalable & Embedded Automotive Supercomputing" and as chair of the Steering Committee he led, among others, a special session on automotive applications, which included presentations on various topics.

Among other topics, the ITIV team presented a paper on "DREAM: Distributed Reinforcement Learning Enabled Adaptive Mixed-Critical NoC."

Link to the symposium
KonferenzMediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO) from 6. to 10. of June in Budva, Montenegro

Prof. Jürgen Becker's keynote was focused on the issue of reliable high performance computing (HPC) in embedded systems and was awarded as the best keynote of the conference.

Matthias Stammler and Fabian Kempf presented work on information flow control in software systems and adaptive redundancy for fault-tolerant processors. The latter paper was awarded as "Distinguished Paper", for which we congratulate the authors!

At the parallel SS-CPSIoT, the XANDAR team around Prof. Becker and Tobias Dörr organized a tutorial on the design of real-time software, which was created in cooperation with the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and met with great interest in Montenegro.

Link to the conference
GruppenbildConstituency tour "Information and Communication" at ITIV on 04.07.2023

Presented were the institutes CEL, IBT, IMI, IPQ, ITIV and IHE and thus a wide range of scientific and innovative topics: Development of new modules and systems of microwave technology, methods and computer-aided tools for the design of electronic systems and microsystems, modeling of the human heart with its electrophysiological as well as mechanical properties and biosignal processing, mobile communication and the digital signal processing dominating it, and virtual engineering in the product life cycle. Accordingly, the partner landscape is composed of all innovative industrial branches of information and communication technology.

Overview of the thematic electoral clusters
TEMPUS2nd TEMPUS Consortium Meeting in Munich

The TEMPUS project consortium met at the end of June at the BMW Four Cylinder for a diverse program of technical and personal exchange. Here, the individual use cases were presented and the TEMPUS test vehicles were exhibited. The timing of this year's consortium meeting also sets the stage for the final spurt to the end of the project term on Dec. 31, 2023. A special highlight will be the appearance at the International Motor Show (IAA) in Munich in September. ITIV will exhibit the bus demonstrator and illustrate the platooning prototype with two buses from SWM/MVG manufacturer Ebusco. 

Link to the report on the TEMPUS-Website
KaffeeCoffee enjoyment - purely a matter of taste?

Michael Müller, PhD student of Prof. Eric Sax and working at WMF as Head of Product Engineering and Development in the Consumer Goods division, started his PhD project at ITIV in 2022 with the topic: "Use of machine learning methods for optimized preparation of food and beverages with kitchen appliances". In order to uncover the secret of optimizing the taste of prepared foods, a coffee machine has now been set up at the institute as a test object, which will be used to find out how great the influence of the recipe on taste perception is by changing individual parameters and adapting the recipe.

Link to the Youtube video
ViertiefungsabendLively exchange at the faculty on the specializations

Organized by the VDE university group KIT, the specialization evening Electrical Engineering and Information Technology 2023 took place in the Tulla Hall. Over drinks and pretzels, there was the opportunity for personal discussions with the professors, subject advisors and doctoral students of the individual institutes.

Almost 100 students came to the ITIV booth to get information about the majors "Systems Engineering (Model 13)" and "System On Chip (Model 21)" and asked questions about open theses and HIWI jobs.

Link to the VDE Universitygroup at KIT
6G KonferenzAnnual networking event of the German 6G program

The annual meeting of the 6G platform is currently taking place in Berlin. The goal of the project "Platform for Future Communication Technologies and 6G (6G-Platform)" is to provide scientific contributions to the content of 6G as well as to ensure the scientific-organizational support of the processes that are necessary for the successful implementation of the German-European 6G program.

M. Sc. Christian Maximilian Karle (KIT, ITIV), M. Sc. Marc Neu (KIT, ITIV) and Benjamin Nuß (KIT, IHE) together with M. Sc. Andre Scheder (FAU, LHFT) and M. Sc. Lukas Witte (FAU, LHFT) present the jointly developed 26 GHz MIMO testbed.

Link to the conference
VertiefungsabendETIT institutes present their fields of specialization

You want to know more about the different specializations you can choose in the Master? You want to learn more about the different specializations in the Bachelor? Or do you just want to establish some contacts to institutes?
Come to the specialization evening Electrical Engineering and Information Technology 2023, where the different institutes will present their specializations and answer all your questions.

Talk personally to the professors, advisors and PhD students of the individual institutes of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology and get an overview of the different majors and offers of the institutes.

Link to the event
Open6GSuccessful open day at Campus North

After a break of four years due to the pandemic, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) was back in action and on site on June 17, 2023, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the North Campus in Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen to provide exciting insights into research at the Open House.

ITIV was there with a booth on the "Open6GHub" project. With their baseband system, Christian Maximilian Karle (ITIV) and Johannes Galinsky (IHE) gave interesting insights into a technology that provides important contributions to the global 6G standard.

Link to the KIT press release
PraktikumThe next generation visits ITIV

Within the cooperation with the Balthasar-Neumann-Schule 1, two students from the J1 were given the opportunity to do an internship at ITIV that was perfectly tailored to the profile subject of computer science. They were allowed to work on projects at ITIV, similar to auxiliary scientists. The two students were given practice tasks and assistance from doctoral students at the institute in order to familiarize themselves with the subject matter.
Both students got an excellent insight into the work of an auxiliary scientist as well as into the daily study routine at ITIV.

Link to the article on the school website
Cyber Physische SystemeUpdating Cars as Fast as a Smart Phone

Modern cyber-physical systems (CPS), such as cars or production plants, are full of electronic and mechanical components that are controlled by software. The system as a whole can only function if all these parts interact perfectly. Designing such systems poses the challenge of keeping the system architecture consistent att all times. New methods will be developped in a Collaborative Research Center (Sonderforschungsbereich) Consistency in the View-Based Development of Cyber-Physical Systems (Convide) at KIT, with a budget of 11 million € over four years. In the project, ITIV will explore new consistency-based methods and processes for incremental safety analysis and validation of cyber-physical systems, such as automated vehicles.

Link to KIT press release:
WandertagHiking day at ITIV or: Teambuilding with a difference

The tour started in the morning with a visit to the Rudolf Fettweis plant in Forbach. The complex of the pumped storage and run-of-river power plant includes several plants connected by tunnels and pipelines, which were to be discovered during an interesting guided tour. After a delicious lunch at the Naturfreundehaus Badener Höhe, there was an opportunity to visit the Mehliskopf with its wide range of leisure activities.

Betriebsausflug WandertagWandertag am ITIV oder: Teambuilding mal anders

Los ging es morgens mit der Besichtigung des Rudolf-Fettweis-Werkes in Forbach. Zum Komplex des Pumpspeicher- und Laufwasserkraftwerkes gehören mehrere über Stollen und Rohrleitungen verbundene Werke, die es während einer interessanten Führung zu entdecken galt. Nach einem leckeren Mittagessen im Naturfreundehaus Badener Höhe war die Gelegenheit zu einem Besuch des Mehliskopfes mit seinen vielfältigen Freizeitangeboten. 

VortragHands-on science - or: How does software control hardware?

On May 24, 2023, students of the IMP profile subject in grades 9 and 10 at the St.-Dominikus-Gymnasium were given an insight into how a microprocessor works by Dr.-Ing. Tanja Harbaum. The students followed the explanations with keen interest to learn how a "NAND gate" for the logic operation "not a and b at the same time" can be built from two transistors, which then serves as the basis for circuits for all other logic operations.

Link to the report on the school website:
KooperationNew cooperation with the Carl-Engler-Schule in Karlsruhe for successful career orientation

Prof. Eric Sax has signed a cooperation agreement together with the principal Mrs. Zimmer and Mrs. Höninger from department 76 of the Regierungspräsidium Karlsruhe to inspire young people already at their school for a technically oriented study. Visits of lectures and internships at the institute will give insights into everyday student life and an overview of possible study contents.

In addition, KIT holds annual information events at the Carl-Engler-Schule, where young people can ask specific questions about their personal study plans.

Link to the school website
MINGAAutomated city buses - for the future of urban mobility

On 24.05.23, the kick-off for the new research project MINGA (MINGA = Munich's Automated Local Transport with Ridepooling, Solobus and Bus-Platoons) took place in Munich at the Stadtwerke.

Around a dozen project partners (including KIT with the Institute for Information Processing Technology) and four associated partners from administration, research, business, and industry are working in six work packages on, among other things, the integration of automated vehicles into the existing mobility ecosystem, on-demand services, automated bus line operation, and the simulation of automated local public transport.

Link to the project
Xandar Professor BeckerFrom Cloud to Edge to IoT in Brussels

As part of the European project XANDAR, researchers from ITIV participated in the “Concertation and Consultation on Computing Continuum” organized by DG Connect and the EUCloudEdgeIoT initiative from May 10 to May 11. During the two-day event, Prof. Jürgen Becker and Tobias Dörr presented success stories from XANDAR and shared the consortium's recommendations for future research on cloud, edge, and IoT computing.

Link to the event
LötwerkstattGuided tour of the institute and soldering workshop - activities to get to know and participate in

Interested visitors came to the Campus Day at KIT for a taster session or with specific questions about their studies. During the institute tour at ITIV, the demonstrators in the foyer were the main focus - in the soldering workshop, the participants could make their first experiences in handling soldering stations and printed circuit boards and take home the circuits they had built themselves.

CampustagCampus day on 13.05.2023

Some already know in elementary school what they want to study one day, for most of them it is still a big open question around the Abi. To make the decision a little easier, about 100 study programs of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) will be presented at the Campus Day on May 13. With guided tours, question rounds, and a lot of information, the KIT faculties as well as university groups and student councils will present themselves from 10 a.m. on.

Advice is also available for bachelor graduates who are interested in a master's degree. A live program on the Campus Day stage and food trucks will provide variety. We are currently busy organizing and look forward to many prospective students!

More info about the program:
Junge Talente Wissenschaft und MusikYoung talents - Science meets music on May 21, 2023

Here, cutting-edge research at KIT, presented in a popular scientific way, meets young talents from the environment of the Karlsruhe University of Music. The event series offers comprehensible lectures on current research of young scientists at KIT. Afterwards, young musicians perform a concert program, mostly chamber music.

The programs are curated and organized by the KIT Event Management in cooperation with the Förderverein für Kunst, Medien und Wissenschaft e.V.. Since 2022, the KIT Freundeskreis und Fördergesellschaft e.V. has also been involved. Occasionally, short art tours to one of the numerous artworks in front of or inside KIT buildings are also offered by KIT art curator Andrea Stengel shortly before the event begins.

On the part of ITIV, Moritz Zink will give a scientific lecture entitled "Automated Public Transport - from the Niche into the World".

Link to event page:
CeCas ProjektMobility: High-performance computers control cars of the future

The highly automated and networked vehicles of the future will need powerful computer systems that perform sophisticated calculations and process huge amounts of data. For this purpose, 30 partners from industry and research are developing suitable processors, interfaces, and system architectures in the CeCaS project. The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is involved in the project coordinated by Infineon with two institutes (ITIV and ITEC-CES). The Federal Ministry of Education and Research is funding CeCaS within the MANNHEIM initiative.

Link to the KIT press release
BNS 1 BruchsalVisit of the 11th grade of the Balthasar-Neumann-School 1 from Bruchsal

During a guided tour of the institute, the young people were given information about IT1 and IT2. With a presentation by Prof. Eric Sax and the presentation of the project demonstrators in the workshop, they were able to gain further impressions of the everyday life of studies and the institute in the field of "Electrical Engineering and Information Technology" before they concluded the day in the refectory.

Link to the school website
TEMPUS HannovermesseMit dem Projekt TEMPUS auf der Hannovermesse

Die Doktoranden aus der Gruppe von Prof. Eric Sax, Jacqueline Henle (FZI), David Kraus (ITIV) und Hubert Padusinski (FZI), erläutern u.a. Prof. Hanselka und Volker Wissing, Bundesminister für Digitales und Verkehr, den Demonstrator des TEMPUS-Projektes, in dem es am ITIV um Konzeptionierung, Implementierung und Evaluation der Fahrfunktionen für ein automatisiertes Platooning von E Bussen im ÖPNV geht. Das ausgestellte Modell mit realistischen städtischen Umgebungssituationen veranschaulicht die Herausforderungen des Bus-Platoonings.

Link zum Projekt auf der Hannovermesse
PilotyRobert Piloty Prize 2022 of the Technical University of Darmstadt

For his outstanding scientific achievements in the field of efficient design of dynamically reconfigurable embedded systems, especially in the area of safety-critical applications, Professor Jürgen Becker has been awarded the Robert Piloty Prize 2022 of the TU Darmstadt by the President Prof. Dr. Tanja Brühl on July 08, 2022. The honor, which the TU awards biennially to 2 laureates for outstanding achievements in computer science, electrical engineering and information technology as well as applied mathematics, is endowed with a total of 10,000 euros and a medal.

Link to the Website
GruppenbildITIV congratulates Victor Hugo Betancourt on passing his doctoral examination

We congratulate Victor Hugo Betancourt from Prof. Becker's group on successfully completing his PhD thesis “Task allocation for efficient edge computing systems”. In his work, an efficient allocation method was developed which realizes a combined consideration of resource availability and application demand to compute automatically a reallocation at runtime. For this purpose, the allocation problem is modeled at development time and the information is used at runtime. The special focus is on the allocation due to changes during operation.

Link to the profile
TerminänderungImportant date change!

Please note: the first lecture HSO (LVNr.: 2311619 "Hardware synthesis and optimization") on 17.04.2023 will take place in room 339 of ITIV (Geb. 30.10).

Course Link
PreisverleihungCongratulations on the award "Preis für Exzellente Lehre"

We congratulate Florian Schade, Christian Maximilian Karle and Iris Walter (from left to right) for this year's KIT Faculty Teaching Award (Electrical Engineering and Information Technology).

At yesterday's annual celebration in the Audimax, Prof. Wanner (right) presented them with the certificates as an award for the outstanding course "Laboratory Circuit Design", which will start again in the next winter semester.


Link to the video on Youtube
jugend forscht wettbewerbPrize winners of the 58th Jugend forscht state competition win invitation to a 3-day research internship at ITIV

Sustainable energy is becoming increasingly important. Photovoltaic systems in particular play an important role here. Stefanie Eski (17), Florian Brütsch (17) and Babett Ludwig (17) have also recognized this. The three have developed a system to make the entire energy of the plant usable even in the case of shading or pollution. They have now received an award for their commitment and met Prof. Eric Sax at the presentation of their project "Photovoltaics on fire!". They will participate in a 3-day research internship at ITIV in June.

Link to the project
AmpelphasenProf. Eric Sax visits Radioeins

A new study from the U.S. proposes a fourth traffic light phase to make traffic flow faster and safer. The new white traffic light is intended to give autonomous vehicles control over the flow of traffic and make traffic jams a problem of the past. Prof. Eric Sax talks about this with Radioeins.

Link to Radioeins
WorkshopGirls'Day 2023 with ITIV workshop

ITIV is organizing a workshop about "Green Thumbs through Technology: The World of Microcontrollers for Beginners!" on 4/27/2023 as part of Girls' Day 2023.

Link to the ITIV-Workshop
GruppenbildITIV congratulates Christian King on passing his doctoral examination

We are pleased with Christian King from the PhD group of Prof. Sax about the successful dissertation titled "Assessment of driver assistance systems in the field of scenario-based testing". The dissertation presents a test concept that can be used to test and assess automated driving functions in a wide variety of driving scenarios. Congratulations!

GirlsDayGirls'Day 2023 at KIT

"Girls'Day" is a nationwide career orientation day for girls* in 5th grade and above. Girls' Day gives schoolgirls the opportunity to gain insights into career fields that are rarely chosen by women - fields in the natural and technical sciences.

Link to Girls`Day at KIT
LAMAGruppenbildSuccessful completion of the LAMA laboratory

32 students, 3 supervisors from each working group at ITIV and 4 tutors participated in the "Applied Machine Learning Algorithms Lab" - short:LAMA.
Last week, the final plenary presentations took place, consisting of a ten-minute presentation and a Q&A session. After an oral colloquium and a general evaluation, the lab then ends, which often prepares a good transition to final theses and internships in further studies.

Link to the course
WorkshopSeamlessSuccessful 4th milestone in the "Seamless Engineering" workshop

In the workshop, participants develop systems to accomplish a task in a logistics context. The systems are developed, implemented and tested first in a simulated digital twin environment and then on a real testbench using hardware that is close to industry, such as robot arms, AGVs, etc.

Link to the Youtube Video
Automatisierte TramImportant milestone toward automated driving

The ride of the automated streetcar at the depot in Potsdam rounded off the final meeting of the AStriD project (Autonomous Tramway in Depot) on 08.02.23. ITIV successfully contributed its expertise on the specification and digitalization of depot processes, the automation of processes and the identification of the data required for this during the project. The results achieved by ITIV were now presented on site by Prof. Eric Sax, Nathalie Brenner and Nicole Kechler.

Link to the youtube video
MarcoStangThe ITIV as a guest at the Balthasar Neumann School 1+2

At this year's open day at the industrial training center in Bruchsal, visitors had the opportunity to explore both the theory building and the workshop building from the inside. As a cooperation partner, ITIV was represented by Marco Stang with a replica of the Steinbuch demonstrator to attract young people to study at ITIV/KIT.

Link to the school website
TestverfahrenssystemeSdMobi05 - TESSOF

The aim of the project is to develop a new generation of test procedures for the efficient and systematic validation of highly configurable mobility systems. The standardizable test procedures are to master the variability of the software in space and time. This will create procedures that can be applied throughout the entire life cycle to achieve high software quality.

Link to the project
ElektrobusseOver the Air Communication for sustainable Energy Management of Fleets (OTrace)

The range of electric vehicles, in this case city buses, can be increased by sharing data from vehicles or vehicle fleets. To this end, information from the vehicles is sent to the cloud and analyzed there in order to exploit energy-saving potential in the vehicle by means of new data-driven functions.

Link to the project
GruppenbildCooperative workshop with representatives of BME at ITIV

Prof. Eric Sax: "KIT - and ITIV in particular - has a long friendship with BME (Budapest University of Technology and Economics). For this very reason, we are pleased to exchange ideas with Prof. Zsolt Szalay and his team on current topics of automotive innovations."

Link to BME
GruppenbildITIV congratulates Xiang Xie on passing his doctoral thesis with distinction (summa cum laude)

We are delighted with Xiang Xie from Prof. Stork's PhD group for successfully completing his dissertation entitled "Artificial Intelligence for Spectral Analysis: a Comprehensive Framework". Congratulations!


Xiang Xie's dissertation provides an advanced AI-based system solution for a fast and accurate qualitative and quantitative analysis. With the help of this framework, a highly-efficient workflow can be realized at minimal cost in the mass production.

AutomobilCeCasPerformance and safety from a single source - the CeCas project for the future viability of the automotive industry

Automated, connected and electrified vehicles are picking up speed. However, energy-efficient and cost-effective high-end compute platforms that keep pace with the requirements for computing power and complexity with full automotive qualification (ASIL-D) are missing for full everyday suitability. In particular, AI-based topics such as autonomous driving require tailored, real-time capable and energy-efficient high-performance processors.

Link to the project
GruppenbildITIV congratulates Markus Lücking on passing his doctoral examination

We are pleased with Markus Lücking from the PhD group of Prof. Stork about the successful dissertation titled "Konzepte zur Kollaboration zwischen Intelligenten Geräten zum Aufbau vernetzter Städte". Congratulations!

6G MobilfunkentwicklungProgress in the ITIV project for a high-performance measurement system in the context of 6G mobile communications development.

To achieve the high raw data rates required to measure MIMO antenna systems in the context of 6G mobile radio development, ITIV is developing a Data Acquisition System (DAQ) system with a useful data rate of 400 Gbit/s. The system is based on a server-RFSoC architecture and allows the recording of raw antenna data as well as the replay of test signals on a MIMO antenna array. The system developed by Christian Maximilian Karle and Marc Neu from Prof. Becker's team forms the basis for further 6G mobile radio development and will be made available to our project partners in the near future.

Link to the project
Neue MitarbeitendeWelcome to ITIV!

We welcome our new employees to the team (from left to right):

Roman Moldauer (IT Administration), Luca Seidel (Research Assistant in the group of Prof. Sax) and Annina Gutermann (Research Assistant in the group of Prof. Becker). Have fun and success with the exciting tasks and projects!

Making of"𝗖𝗹𝗮𝗽!" "𝗔𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻." "𝗖𝘂𝘁."

At ITIV, the shooting of instructional videos for the Digital Hardware Design Laboratory with VHDL crash course is just starting.
A first impression of the "making of" can be found in the video on Youtube.

Video auf Youtube
ITIV TeamThe ITIV team at the HiPEAC 2023 conference in Toulouse

From Jan. 16-18, 2023, an ITIV team of Prof. Becker participated in this year's HiPEAC conference in Toulouse, the premier European forum for experts in the field of computer architecture, programming models, compilers and operating systems for general purpose, embedded and cyber-physical systems. 

The conference featured a workshop hosted by the XANDAR project, "XANDAR and Beyond: X-by-Construction (XbC) in the Design of Safety-Critical Systems." 

Besides, the conference was a great success for Fabian Lesniak, who won the Best Paper Award of the RAPIDO workshop with his paper "Non-intrusive runtime monitoring for manycore prototypes". Congratulations!

Link to the conference website
Korea Delegation BesuchITIV team welcomes Korean delegation

Prof. Jeong-A Lee from the Department of Computer Engineering at CSU (Chosun University, Gwangju/Korea) visited the institute together with the president of GIST (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea), Prof. Kiseon Kim, to discuss potential future research and exchange cooperations for students (e.g. in the form of a summer school). In this context, interesting discussions also took place with Oliver Schmidt, the head of "International Cooperations and Projects" at KIT.

After the presentation of the institute with various demonstrator presentations and the joint lunch, the participants went to the FZI Research Center for Information Technology to present ongoing AI projects.

SkizzeProject ELCH: the way to a modular e-drive for coaches

The aim of the Electrified Coach project - abbreviated to ELCH - is to develop a modular powertrain including two emission-free and practical demonstration vehicles over the next four years. These will then be tested under real operating conditions.

Link to the project
ParkhausParking without driver

Drive into the parking garage, get out and let the vehicle park itself using an app - this is now possible in Stuttgart. The world's first driverless parking system is to be followed by other parking garages.

Today, Prof. Eric Sax was a virtual guest on ZDF's Morgenmagazin. In the film clip, he points out weaknesses and future development potential in the field of autonomous driving.

Link to the video report in ZDF
News archive 2022
Kooperation BNS1 UnterzeichnungSuccessful advertising for young talent at schools

Last Friday, the cooperation agreement between ITIV and the Balthasar-Neumann-Schule 1 in Bruchsal - represented by the principal Frank Heusch - was signed in the presence of district administrator Dr. Christoph Schnaudigel.

Prior to the signing, Prof. Eric Sax gave a lecture on the study of electrical engineering and information technology at KIT as well as on the research fields at the institute. The ITIV team discussed the studies with the interested and highly motivated students and answered questions. In addition, a research demonstrator on the topic of "Automotive OTA updates" was presented.

And in the evening, there was a film report on Baden-TV about this all-around successful event.

Link zum Filmbeitrag auf Baden TV
.ITIV congratulates Marcel Rumez on passing his doctoral exam

Congratulations to Marcel Rumez from Prof. Sax's PhD group for his successful dissertation entitled "Absicherung von Diagnosefunktionen in E/E-Fahrzeugarchitekturen durch verteilte Zugriffskontrolle und Anomalieerkennung". Congratulations!

Link zum Beitrag auf Linkedin
TEMPUS DemonstratorAnother milestone in the TEMPUS project

On the occasion of the opening of the Munich Moosach depot, Nicole Kechler and Prof. Sax from ITIV presented the TEMPUS demonstrator. KIT contributes to the project by designing the concepts for platooning of city buses and developing corresponding algorithms for automation.

In platooning, several vehicles drive in close succession by means of electronic control. These columns can be adapted at will to the respective demand.

The new bus depot is intended to create the prerequisite for complete electrification of the Munich bus fleet.

Link to the official press release
Prof. Sax beim Vortrag zum StudieninformationstagStudy information day with lively attendance at ITIV

Prospective students from all over Baden Württemberg (especially from Central Baden), who want to orient themselves and decide on a field of study, were also guests at ITIV today as part of the study information day.
There were 10 times as many young people as expected, spontaneously the guided tours were divided and the lectures were repeated several times. Prof. Eric Sax on the question of how far information technology influences our areas of life and what professional opportunities it offers: "Those who manage to interpret the large amounts of data that are currently being generated and will be generated in the future in a value-creating way will be able to set the right course for the future in the areas of climate, mobility, health and energy."

We still have student places available for the Electrical Engineering and Information Technology program and welcome all applications for the coming semesters.

Link to info page
Xandar Projektmeeting KITA lot of movement in the XANDAR project

After a successful special session titled „XANDAR: X-by-Construction Architecture for Safety Critical Systems” at the IEEE SOCC 2022 in September, the XANDAR project meeting was held at KIT in mid-October. This second major face-to-face meeting of the XANDAR consortium was attended by 23 participants in person or virtually. The project partners used the opportunity of the three-day event to present the results of their work and to discuss future directions. They are looking forward to the next meeting, which is scheduled for early 2023.

Link to the project
.New Project at the Institute: AutoDevSafeOps - Integrated Development and Operation of Safe Automotive Systems

Digitalization in vehicles represents an important innovation driver with high economic significance for Germany as a business location. The implementation of highly automated and autonomous driving functions results in high requirements for the verification of safety properties of these systems. 

The AutoDevSafeOps project will provide an important building block for modular updates of safety-critical driving functions - a key technology that transcends previous system boundaries and thus holds high strategic importance for the competitiveness and innovation dynamics of Germany as a high-tech location.

Link to the project
.Cooperation with the information technology high school (TGI) at the BNS 1 in Bruchsal

Cooperation with the information technology high school (TGI) at the BNS 1 in Bruchsal
On November 25, the Institut fuer Technik der Informationsverarbeitung (ITIV) and the Bruchsal Technical High School will agree on a comprehensive cooperation, the aim of which is to familiarize the learners of the main subject information technology with the study contents of computer science courses at an early stage. In addition, enthusiasm for topics such as information processing, artificial intelligence, software and hardware applications, and for KIT as a place of study is to be aroused. Mutual visits for information and study orientation are planned as well as internship offers for learners of grade 1 and the possibility to complete vacation jobs at ITIV. 
We are looking forward to the cooperation with Frank Heusch (OStD), principal of Balthasar-Neumann-Schule 1 Bruchsal, and his team.

Link to BNS1 in Bruchsal
.The Circuit Design Laboratory (CDL) at ITIV - Teaching with Practical Relevance

From 22.09.2022 to 21.10.2022, the circuit design laboratory took place at ITIV as a block practical course. From the idea to the finished circuit board, students designed a complex robot system in teamwork: from the creation of the circuit diagram to the circuit board layout to the test drive with the robot. In addition to circuit technology, basic methods and skills for creating layouts were taught and the required basic circuits were discussed. This enabled the participants to build and test the designed circuits in real life. Events that combine theory and practice are definitely very well received by the students.

More information
.New lecture "System integration and communication structures in Industrie 4.0 and IoT"

A new lecture "System Integration and Communication Structures in Industry 4.0 and IoT" will start at ITIV on Tuesday, Tues 25 Oct 2022. 
The lecture describes the milestones of automation from the beginning of Ethernet and fieldbus system developments as well as the emergence of the OSI model and the automation pyramid. It provides a focus on the development of field devices and automation components in the context of the influence of electronics, µ-controller- DSP, FPGA, multi-core processor and chip-on-bond developments as well as software and algorithms.
The lecturer is Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Babel, a double doctor of electrical engineering, who has been familiar with international automation for 40 years and has helped to shape the experience in 5 automation technology groups.

Link to the lecture
Prof. Sax Key Note Speaker EMCC2022 Prof. Eric Sax as Key Note Speaker at EMCC2022

Prof. Eric Sax as Key Note Speaker at #EMCC2022 with clear messages:

"Only engineers and computer/data experts are able to solve the challenges of the future."

The EMCC is an exclusive expert congress with global participants in Stuttgart, Germany.

Link to EMCC2022
.KIHT project coordination

From 18.10.2022 to 19.10.2022 the annual meeting for the project cooperation "KIHT" (Kaligo-based Intelligent Handwriting Teacher) took place at the institute. For the coordination of the development of an intelligent writing device for automated handwriting, the project partners from Stabilo, IRISA and Learn&Go met with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Becker and Dr.-Ing. Tanja Harbaum from ITIV for a lively exchange of the first project results, which look promising.

Link to the project
Besuch ITIV BME BudapestStudying at BME in Budapest, e.g. with the ERASMUS program

At the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, ITIV currently provides collegial support directly on site, represented by Prof. Eric Sax (, e.g. with ERASMUS, a funding program of the European Union.

Link to BME Budapest
.With ITIV at the Innovation Campus Mobility of the Future (ICM)

On 12.10.2022, the Innovation Campus Mobility of the Future (ICM) celebrated its third anniversary together with its partners and invited guests. And ITIV was there with exciting future topics!
Under the motto "Future Mobility Open Labs", the Science Day was all about the ICM topic areas of mobility technology, production systems and software systems. The event included lab tours, the presentation of demonstrators and test vehicles, a presentation of current projects, and a panel discussion.

Press article in the professional journal "Nahverkehrspraxis"
Die Gruppe von Prof. BeckerAnnual PhD student seminar with Prof. Becker in Gernsbach

From Sept. 27 to Sept. 30, 2022, the annual doctoral student seminar for scientific exchange of the group around Professor Becker finally took place again after the long Corona forced break. At the training center of the association DIE PAPIERINDUSTRIE e. V. in Gernsbach, which served as the new location, the employees came together to present exciting projects, network and engage in lively discussions. Team building was not neglected either, and all participants were able to prove their accuracy in bowling and archery, even in the rain.

Steve FurberVisiting the IEEE International System-on-Chip Conference (SOCC)

For 35 years, the IEEE International System-on-Chip Conference (SOCC) has been one of the leading forums of advances in SoC architecture, systems, logic and circuit design, process technology, test, design tools, and applications.

Professor Juergen Becker of ITIV served on the organizing committee - as he has for many years - and asked Lynn Conway, professor of electrical engineering and computer science at the Emerita University of Michigan, to give the dinner talk on "Surfing the waves of techno-social evolution". He was supported by Dr.-Ing. Tanja Harbaum.

In the EU-funded research project "XANDAR", in which KIT/ITIV is the coordinator, eight partners from science and industry - including the working group of Prof. Jürgen Becker - are working on a novel toolchain for model-based design of embedded systems. At the conference with about 150 participants, we were able to hold a special session and present the project.

Sandra Boser zu Besuch im KITState Secretary Sandra Boser visits KIT

Sandra Boser, State Secretary in the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, visited the KIT with her colleague Alexander Salomon to learn about ongoing projects on the topic of "Digitization of Schools". The ITIV staff placed a special focus on the KIHT (Kaligo-based Intelligent Handwriting Teacher) collaborative project to develop an intelligent learning device for automated handwriting.

Together with project partners Stabilo, IRISA  and Learn&Go, ITIV is developing artificial intelligence methods to interpret handwriting by reconstructing the pen trace from inertial data.

The exchange with the scientific community is an important concern for Ms. Boser in order to discuss possibilities for developments in the education system.

Artificial Intelligence: Digital Pen Helps Persons Learn to Write
HartensteinMourning for Prof. em. Reiner Hartenstein

Professor Hartenstein was a pioneer of hardware description languages, reconfigurable computing, and reconfigurable supercomputing.

Reiner Hartenstein had studied communications engineering at the then University of Karlsruhe (TH), today's Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), until 1959 and received his PhD in 1969 in the field of automatic character recognition under Professor Karl Steinbuch.

Our thoughts and deepest sympathies are with his family and loved ones during these difficult times. We will always cherish his memory.
.Prof. Becker in Digital People Interview

In the Digital People Interviews, KIT's Center for Medial Learning (ZML) introduces people who have immersed themselves in the digital world and are helping to shape it through new structures, through their teaching or innovation(s).

In the interview, Prof. Becker answers 5 questions about modern processors, embedded electronic systems for networked autonomous cars and digitalization in Industry 4.0 with reliable AI integration, the impact of Corona on teaching and the use of blended learning, and his assessment of future web applications.
Robert-Piloty-PreisProf. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Becker awarded the Robert-Piloty-Prize

For his outstanding scientific achievements in the field of efficient design of dynamically reconfigurable embedded systems, especially in the area of safety-critical applications, Professor Jürgen Becker has been awarded the Robert Piloty Prize 2022 of the TU Darmstadt by the President Prof. Dr. Tanja Brühl on July 08, 2022. The honor, which the TU awards biennially to 2 laureates for outstanding achievements in computer science, electrical engineering and information technology as well as applied mathematics, is endowed with a total of 10,000 euros and a medal.
ZalaZONEVisit to the University of Budapest (BME)

In July 2022, members of Prof. Eric Sax's research group visited their colleagues from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and the Faculty of Transport and Automotive Engineering at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME).

During the joint meetings, they learned about the work of the research group in the field of automotive cybersecurity and visited the ZalaZONE test track.
.Student advisory evening 30.06.2022

ITIV was represented at the student advisory evening with a hardware-in-the-loop demonstrator for testing and securing over-the-air updates. At this event, students were able to talk to PhD students and professors about the areas of specialization and research fields at ITIV.

VDE Hochschulgruppe KIT
VertiefungsabendVertiefungsabend Elektro- und Informationstechnik 2022

The VDE University Group KIT invites you to the Master Deepening Evening, which will take place on 30.06.2022 from 18:00-20:00 in the Tulla Lecture Hall (Geb. 11.40). Students will have the opportunity to get to know the individual institutes of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology in personal conversations with the professors, subject advisors and PhD students and to get an overview of the different specializations and offers of the institutes.

ITIV is also represented and is looking forward to welcoming the students again in presence.

VDE Hochschulgruppe KIT
EVS35ITIV at the EVS35 in Oslo

From 11.06.-15.06.22 the International Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition (EVS) took place in Oslo, Norway. At this year's largest event on the topic of electric vehicles, ITIV exhibited the H2Rhein-Neckar project in the Baden-Württemberg area. The Minister of Transport of the State of Baden-Württemberg, Winfried Hermann MdL, visited the joint stand, where a brief presentation of the stands was given by the exhibitors.
AwardRunner Up Award DCOSS 2022

For their paper "Hardware-aware Partitioning of Convolutional Neural Network Inference for Embedded AI Applications" Fabian Kreß, Julian Höfer, Tim Hotfilter, Iris Walter, Vladimir Sidorenko, Tanja Harbaum, and Jürgen Becker received the Runner up Award at the 18th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS) held in Marina Del Rey, LA, California, USA from May 30 to June 1, 2022.

TEMPUSInnovation award for the TEMPUS project

The TEMPUS funding project on automated driving in Munich, in which ITIV is also involved with Prof. Sax's working group, has won the "Innovationspreis Reallabore" of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection.

The TEMPUS funding project started in January 2021 with a duration of 30 months and deals with how automated and connected driving will change the future of our mobility, how the advantages of this technology can be used in an urban and environmentally friendly way, how the safety of all road users can be increased and how risks for the environment and traffic flow can be avoided.
Hannover MesseITIV at the Hannover Messe

At the Hannover Messe, which took place from May 30 to June 2, 2022 in Hannover and focused on climate protection and digitalization in various manufacturing technologies, logistics and mobility, ITIV presented itself within the booth of "The Länd".

The Baden-Württemberg Minister of Economic Affairs, Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut, had the H2 demonstrator shown to her at the stand of the metropolitan region.

At the booth of the KIT's InnovationCampus Mobility of the Future (ICM), ITIV was represented with the treadmill demonstrator.
.Prof. Sax at the Lifelong Learning Summit

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eric Sax participated at the Lifelong Learning Summit (among others with the head of human resources of VW Commercial Vehicles and the head of development Rolls Royce Power Systems) of the International Department, the Business School of KIT, on May 20, 2022.

At the congress, experts from industry together with university research and teaching institutions presented qualification measures in technological developments and their application in business. Interested parties thus received inspiration and best practices of in-service training to shape the change in renewable energies and digitalization and to ensure a sustainable knowledge addition in the company and competitive advantage in the market.


Impressions of the Lifelong Learning Summit:


XANDARMeeting of the XANDAR consortium in April 2022

In the EU-funded research project “XANDAR”, coordinated by KIT/ITIV, eight partners from academia and industry, including the research group of Prof. Jürgen Becker (ITIV), are working on a novel toolchain for the model-based design of embedded systems. From April 6, 2022 to April 8, 2022, the XANDAR consortium gathered for its first face-to-face meeting at fentISS in Valencia. During technical presentations and hands-on workshops, the achieved progress was reported and upcoming challenges to be solved by the end of the project in December 2023 were discussed. We thank all the partners for their valuable contributions and the productive exchange!
.Ökologiepreis Viktor & Sigrid Dulger-Stiftung 2022 for Gabriela Molinar

The Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften recognizes and promotes excellent scientific work with its annual award ceremony. The Ecology Prize of the Viktor & Sigrid Dulger Foundation is intended to promote scientific work in the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and engineering that deals with environmental problems and their solutions.
In 2022, the prize will go to Dr.-Ing. Gabriela Molinar, former doctoral student of Prof. Stork, whose work "Machine Learning Tool for Transmission Capacity Forecasting of Overhead Lines based on Distributed Weather Data" makes an important contribution to power load forecasting using artificial intelligence as an optimization method for grid operation and for supporting the energy transition in Germany.
EPIFirst project phase of the European Processor Initiative (EPI) completed

With the end of the year 2021, the first phase of the European funded project European Processor Initiative (EPI) has also been completed. In this project, the Institute for Information Processing Technologies (ITIV), together with 27 other partners from science and industry, successfully advanced the development of high-performance computing technology in Europe.
Over a period of more than three years, research and development was carried out on the next generation of high-performance European processors. In the process, work was carried out in parallel on various application domains and processor technologies...
go to Artikel

Second phase EPI SGA 2
inventifeNew Startup in the group of Prof. Stork: Inventife

The two master graduates of Prof. Stork, Robin Göbel and Max-Felix Müller, founded the startup Inventife. Inventife is the first company in the world to enable automation in the smart home based on the behavior or condition of the occupants.
With the help of a room sensor, state-of-the-art algorithms and artificial intelligence, it is possible to recognize the physical state of people. This can then be used to trigger automations or alarms.
News archive 2021 and earlier
KIHTArtificial Intelligence: Digital Pen Helps Persons Learn to Write

Handwriting is an important tool of the knowledge-based society. Repeated studies revealed that writing a text by hand results in a higher quality of the result than typing. A smart digital pen that helps persons learn to write is currently being developed in the framework of the German-French project “Kaligo-based Intelligent Handwriting Teacher“ (KIHT). The collaboration project funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research is coordinated by Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT). Within this project, researchers of KIT study algorithms of artificial intelligence (AI) that enable reconstruction of a writing trace and interpretation of handwriting.

KIT Presseinformation 116/2021
Bosch SoftDCarSoftware-Defined Car: Grundlagen für Autos der Zukunft

In Fahrzeugen sind heute teilweise über 100 Steuergeräte verbaut. Die hohe Komplexität der elektrischen und elektronischen Systeme und ihrer Architektur nimmt weiter zu, muss gleichzeitig aber beherrschbar bleiben. Im Projekt „Software-Defined Car“ (SofDCar) sollen nun standardisierte Regeln und Prozesse geschaffen werden, damit die elektronischen Komponenten im Fahrzeug reibungslos zusammenspielen, jederzeit aktualisierbar und damit sicher bleiben.

Die Arbeitsgruppe von Prof. Eric Sax ist mit Themen wie der Fahrzeug-Kontrolle über die Luftschnittstelle („Control over the Air“) und entsprechende Anpassungen der EE-Architektur am Projekt SofDCar beteiligt.

KIT Presseinformation 099/2021
ELIV 2021Rückblick ELIV 20.-21.Oktober.2021 in Bonn

Kollegen der Arbeitsgruppe von Prof. Eric Sax haben das ITIV auf der ELIV (Electronics in Vehicles), die vom 20.-21. Oktober 2021 in Bonn stattfand, wirkungsvoll vertreten.
Die ELIV ist der Branchentreff für Fahrzeug-Elektronik in Deutschland und ein Stelldichein für OEMs, Zulieferer und Tool-Hersteller, die sich über die neuesten Entwicklungen und Innovationen informieren möchten.
Mit dem weiter optimierten Demonstrator des Spurhalte-Assistenten auf dem Laufband und erstmals der Darstellung des Bus-Platooning-Projektes TEMPUS in München (in 1:87) kam man schnell ins Gespräch über Hintergründe und Fachthemen.
.Erna Scheffler Award for Gabriela Molinar

The Soroptimist Club Karlsruhe honoured Dr Gabriela Molinar with the Erna Scheffler Award for her excellent scientific achievements at a festive award ceremony on 15 October 2021 at the Federal Constitutional Court.
Gabriela Molinar received the prize for her work "Machine Learning Tool for Transmission Capacity Forecasting of Overhead Lines based on Distributed Weather Data", which she wrote at the Institute of Information Processing Technology (ITIV). In it, she presents a system that enables increased power transmission and optimises the current carrying capacity of overhead lines. The basis for this is the use of so-called overhead line monitoring (FLM) and artificial intelligence (AI), which can support the transmission of wind power from the north of Germany to the south.

The laudatory speech was held by Prof Dr rer. nat. Wilhelm Stork.

KIT Presseinformation 087/2021: Erna-Scheffler-Förderpreis
Seamless EngineeringNeue Lehrveranstaltung Seamless Engineering

Die Master-Veranstaltung Seamless Engineering verbindet Praxis mit spannenden Vorlesungen aus den Fachgebieten Logistik und Systems Engineering. Der Kurs beginnt mit Einführungsveranstaltungen, die Sie auf Ihre Gruppenarbeit über ein ganzes Semester vorbereiten. Ihre Aufgabe besteht darin, einen Materialfluss mithilfe von praxisnaher Hardware zunächst in einer Simulation (digitaler Zwilling) zu realisieren und anschließend den Transfer in die reale Welt auf einer Testfläche am Institut für Fördertechnik und Logistiksysteme (IFL) umzusetzen. Dabei verwenden Sie State of the Art Tools wie Robot Operating System (ROS) und Gazebo. Nach Beendigung des Kurses sind Sie in der Lage moderne Aktoren (Roboterarme) und Sensoren (Lidar) aus dem Bereich der Logistik anzusteuern und dadurch einen koordinierten und robusten Warenfluss in Betrieb zu nehmen.

Vorlesung Seamless Engineering
.ELIV vom 20.-21. Oktober 2021 in Bonn

Auch dieses Mal ist das ITIV wieder auf der ELIV (, dem wichtigsten Branchentreff für Elektronikexperten im Auto (20.-21.10.21), mit einem eigenen Stand vertreten.

Gezeigt wird der Laufbanddemonstrator, der einen Spurhalteassistenten im Maßstab 1:18 darstellt, und ein erster Demonstrator des Platooning-Konzeptes mit Stadtbussen in München. Wir freuen uns auf Ihren Besuch und Expertengespräche mit Ihnen.
.Neuer AMALEA Kurs

Der AMALEA Kurs vermittelt ein grundlegendes Verständnis für Machine Learning und den Umgang mit Algorithmen. Nach einem Einführungsteil auf der Basis inhaltlicher Wissensvermittlung, haben Sie intensiv die Möglichkeit, Kompetenzen durch forschendes Lernen und anhand realer Szenarien zu entwickeln. 

AMALEA lädt Sie dazu ein, selbst KI-Lösungen mittels Python zu implementieren. Mögliche Herausforderungen können dabei sein: Machine Vision, Natural Language Processing, Zeitreihen-Prognosen und Entscheidungssysteme. Bei Abschluss des Kurses sind Sie in der Lage geeignete Verfahren des Maschinellen Lernens auszuwählen, KI-Anwendungsfälle im Unternehmen zu identifizieren, Verfahren des Maschinellen Lernens zu implementieren und KI-Ergebnisse zu verstehen und zu interpretieren.
.Prof. Sax im Interview mit dem Deutschlandfunk

Der zum Volkswagen-Konzern gehörende schwedische Nutzfahrzeughersteller Scania hat sich in einer Mitteilung klar für Batterie-Elektrofahrzeuge ausgesprochen. Das Unternehmen betonte, bei der Transformation hin zu einem nachhaltigen, CO2-freien Transportwesen vorne mit dabei sein zu wollen. Der Fokus liege dabei auf batteriebetriebenen Fahrzeugen.

Scania verwies auf die Fortschritte bei schweren Nutzfahrzeugen in Bereichen wie Batterie-Technologie, Ladezeiten, Haltbarkeit und Wirtschaftlichkeit. Prof. Eric Sax erklärt im Interview mit dem Deutschlandfunk Kultur vom 15.09.2021, warum eine reine Batterielösung für schwere LKW aus seiner Sicht nicht praktikabel ist und dass es beispielsweise momentan noch eine viel zu geringe Kapazität an Ladesäulen gibt.

Interview: Schub für Klimaschutz? Scania setzt auf Batterie-LKW
.Prof. Becker beim SPELL@Hackathonamring vom 01.-03.Oktober 2021

Die Bundesregierung unterstützt seit Juni 2021 das Leuchtturmprojekt „SPELL – Semantische Plattform zur intelligenten Entscheidungs- und Einsatzunterstützung in Leitstellen und Lagezentren“, mit dem Ziel bei Notfällen, Feuer, allgemeiner Hilfe sowie bis zu Großschadensereignissen, Pandemien und Naturkatastrophen Maßnahmen zur Hilfe und Versorgung für die Bevölkerung schneller und situationsgerechter zu gestalten.

Mehr als 600 Teilnehmer werden zum SPELL@hackathonamring vom 1. bis 3.10.2021 am Nürburgring erwartet, um als Experten und/oder Architekten von Lösungen gemeinsam mit enthusiastischen Hackern an zukünftigen Lösungen bis hin zu Prototypen zu arbeiten. Prof. Becker hält dort den Vortrag "KI – Wo stehen wir heute/Was bringt die Zukunft/Offene Fragen".


Flyer SPELL@Hackathonamring
.Prof. Sax im Bayern 2 Podcast zum Bus-Platooning

Auch im Bayern 2 IQ - Wissenschaft und Forschung Podcast ging es am 21.07.2021 um das Konzept für das Platooning von Stadtbussen in München. Prof. Sax erklärt ab Minute 17:45, wie der Umbruch im öffentlichen Nahverkehr als Zwischenschritt zum autononomen Fahren aussehen soll und welche Herausforderungen es gibt.

Beim Platooning sind die Fahrzeuge über eine „elektronische Deichsel“ miteinander verbunden und können so leicht geteilt und wieder verbunden werden.

Bayern 2 IQ-Wissenschaft und Forschung Podcast, 21.07.2021
Deutschlandfunk Nova_PlatooningProf. Sax im Deutschlandfunk Nova zum Bus-Platooning

Die Stadt München will ab dem nächsten Jahr ein Pionierprojekt zum sogenannten Bus-Platooning starten.
Mithilfe von Sensoren und eines Bordcomputers könnten Busse benzinsparend in Kolonne fahren und bei Bedarf mehr Passagiere transportieren.

Prof. Sax erklärt im Deutschlandfunk Nova vom 07.07.2021, wie durch ein System von Sensoren, Radar und einem Bordcomputer ein Informationsfluss etabliert werden kann, der es ermöglicht, dass ein fahrerloser Bus einem anderen geführten Bus automatisch folgt. Weil Sicherheit an erster Stelle steht, sollen elektronische Warnhinweise zwischen den Bussen aufleuchten, damit niemand zwischen die Fahrzeuge gerät. Zudem kann der Fahrer des vorderen Busses die Verkehrssituation einschätzen und dementsprechend eingreifen.

Deutschlandfunk Nova 07.07.2021: Bus-Platooning in München
Prof. Eric SaxProf. Eric Sax im Deutschlandfunk

"In kleinen Schritten weg vom Diesel" war das Thema im Deutschlandfunk bei Forschung aktuell am 30.06.2021 anlässlich der Vorstellung des eActros von Mercedes-Benz, einem rein elektrischen LKW, der bis zu 17 Tonnen transportieren kann und eine Reichweite von bis zu 400 km hat.

Prof. Eric Sax befürwortet den Einsatz von batterieelektrischen LKW, weist aber auf das Gewicht der Batterien (" 1kWh pro km und 100 kWh wiegen 1 Tonne...") und die dadurch geringe Eignung für den Langstreckenverkehr hin. Eine Betriebsstrategie aus verschiedenen Technologien, unter anderem mit Wasserstoff-Brennstoffzellen, sei sinnvoll.

Deutschlandfunk 30.06.2021: Forschung aktuell (mp3)
Metis NeurotecNeue Ausgründung: Metis Neurotec

Aus dem Team von Prof. Stork heraus entstand die neue Ausgründung "Metis Neurotec", die u. a. eine Gründerförderung durch die Programme "EXIST Forschungstransfer" bzw. "Helmholtz Enterprise Spin-off" erhielt.

"Metis Neurotec" zielt auf die Detektion von Demenzerkrankungen in einer frühen Phase, um irreversible Schäden zu verhindern. Durch die KI-gestützte Plattform (App und QEEG) von Metis Neurotec können Ärzte schnell und ambulant kognitive Leistungseinbußen bei Patienten feststellen, um beispielsweise Alzheimer bereits im Frühstadium zu erkennen und behandeln.
.Prototyp einer Smart-Gesichtsschutzmaske mit aktiver Lüftung entwickelt

Im Rahmen einer Bachelorarbeit ist im Team von Prof. Stork eine Smart-Gesichtsschutzmaske entwickelt und anschließend ein Prototyp gebaut worden. Die Funktion der Maske umfasst die Unterstützung der Atmung und die Verstärkung des Gesprochenen. Die Smart-Gesichtsschutzmaske soll somit den Komfort beim Tragen einer (medizinischen) Gesichtsschutzmaske erhöhen.

Entwicklung einer Smart-Gesichtsschutzmaske mit aktiver Lüftung
.German Innovation Award for U-Shift

The automated, driverless, electric vehicle concept of the U-Shift project, in which ITIV (Prof Sax group) is involved, was honoured with the German Innovation Award ( in the Excellence in Business to Business Automotive Technologies category. The special feature here is the semi-trailer changing principle in the form of a capsule, which allows the transport of people and goods as required. ITIV is responsible for designing the electrical/electronic architecture of this highly innovative vehicle.

German Innovation Award Winner '21 U-Shift
.KIT Presseinformation 050/2021: Münchner Stadtbus der Zukunft fährt in Kolonne

Elektrisch und automatisiert fahrende Busse könnten den Personennahverkehr sicherer und effizienter machen. Das Problem: Gelenkbusse oder solche mit Personenanhänger brauchen zu viel Energie und sind nicht flexibel genug einsetzbar, um auf stark schwankende Fahrgastzahlen reagieren zu können. Die Lösung: Platooning. Dabei fahren mehrere Fahrzeuge mittels elektronischer Steuerung in engem Abstand hintereinander. Diese Kolonnen können beliebig an den jeweiligen Bedarf angepasst werden. Prof. Sax gibt in der Presseinformation des KIT hierzu Erläuterungen.

Presseinformation 050/2021: Münchner Stadtbus der Zukunft fährt in Kolonne
.Best Paper Award of the VEHITS 2021

For their paper "Time Series Segmentation for Driving Scenario Detection with Fully Convolutional Networks" Philip Elspas (externer Doktorand von Prof. Sax), Yannick Klose, Simon Isele, Johannes Bach und Eric Sax received the Best Industrial Paper Award of the 7th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS).

VEHITS took place online from 28-30 April 2021.

The aim of the Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems Conference is to bring together engineers, researchers and practitioners who can exchange ideas in the fields of vehicle technology and intelligent transport systems.

.Virtueller Auftritt von Prof. Sax auf der Hannover Messe

Auf der Hannover Messe, der Weltleitmesse der Industrie, die dieses Jahr als digitale Veranstaltung vom 12.-16. April 2021 stattgefunden hat, standen Themen wie Industrie 4.0, Digitalisierung der industriellen Prozesse, Supply Chain Management und Elektromobilität im Vordergrund.

Prof. Eric Sax hielt den Vortrag "Software architecture for future car generations" und nahm an der anschließenden Podiumsdiskussion teil. Prof. Sax umriss die Entwicklung der Fahrzeugarchitektur beginnend vor ungefähr 20 Jahren mit dem Regensensor und gab Ausblicke in die Zukunft des autonomen Fahrens.
.Neuronale Netzwerk Trigger für das Belle II Experiment operationsfähig

Seit Anfang des Jahres ist am ITIV im Team von Prof. Jürgen Becker, gemeinsam mit dem Max-Planck-Institut für Physik (MPI) und der Technischen Universität München (TUM), ein neuartiger Neuronaler z-Vertex Track Trigger für den Belle II-Detektor entwickelt und aktiv geschalten worden. Das Belle II Experiment ist ein global sichtbares Teilchenbeschleuniger-Projekt am KEK-Forschungszentrum in Tsukuba (Japan), das die weltweit höchsten Luminositäten erreicht. Innerhalb des SuperKEKB-Beschleunigers kollidieren Elektronen und Positronen, um nach seltenen Zerfallsprozessen zu suchen.

Es werden in diesem Kontext am KIT interdisziplinäre fakultätsübergreifende Bachelor- und Masterarbeiten durchgeführt, sodass zahlreiche Studierende die Möglichkeit haben direkt an einem internationalen Großforschungsprojekt forschend zu arbeiten.


News 03/2021: "Neuronale Netzwerk Trigger für das Belle II Experiment operationsfähig"
.KIT koordiniert neues EU-Projekt XANDAR

Software und Hardware für vernetzte eingebettete Systeme müssen höchste Anforderungen an Sicherheit, Echtzeitfähigkeit, Energie- und Ressourceneffizienz erfüllen. In dem am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) koordinierten Projekt XANDAR erarbeiten acht Partner aus Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft, darunter das Institut für Technik der Informationsverarbeitung (ITIV) mit der Arbeitsgruppe von Prof. Jürgen Becker, eine komplette Werkzeugkette (Toolchain) zur Softwareentwicklung und Hardware-Software-Integration für komplexe Anwendungen auf zukünftigen Prozessorplattformen, beispielsweise in autonomen Fahrzeugen und für zukünftige Urban-Air-Mobility-Konzepte. Die Europäische Kommission fördert das Projekt mit insgesamt rund fünf Millionen Euro.

zur KIT Presseinformation 011/2021
.Prof. Sax im Interview mit Baden TV am 04.02.2021

Zum Oberleitungsprojekt eWayBW, das momentan im Murgtal entsteht, gibt Prof. Eric Sax im Interview mit Baden TV Aktuell vom 04.02.2021 (Beitrag zu eWayBW ab Min. 08:38 bzw. Interview ab Min. 10:30) seine Erkenntnisse dazu wieder.

Die Ergebnisse der Teststrecke seien möglicherweise nicht so umfangreich wie erhofft, da die Strecke doch sehr autobahnähnlich sei. Zudem plädiert Prof. Sax für einen Technologiemix. Eine geeignete Anwendung für Oberleitungen sieht er im Shuttle-Betrieb, der durchaus mit autonomem Fahren kombiniert werden könnte.

Baden TV Aktuell vom 04.02.2021
.Prof. Sax im Interview mit den BNN zum Oberleitungsprojekt eWayBW

eWayBW ist ein Pilotprojekt zu elektrisch betriebenen Hybrid-Oberleitungs-Lkw, das vom Bundesumweltministerium gefördert wird. Auf einer etwa 18 km langen Pilotstrecke auf der B462 bei Rastatt werden zwei Abschnitte mit einer Länge von insgesamt ca. 4 km elektrifiziert. Lkws, die mit der entsprechenden Technik ausgestattet werden, können über die Oberleitungen Strom beziehen. Gleichzeitig wird eine Batterie aufgeladen, die dem Lkw eine emissionsfreie Weiterfahrt nach Beenden der Oberleitung ermöglicht.

Prof. Sax plädiert im Interview mit den BNN vom 27.01.2021 für Technologieoffenheit und befürwortet die Teststrecke für Oberleitungs-Lkw im Murgtal.

BNN Interview "Oberleitungsprojekt eWayBW"
.„ITK InnoLab“ vernetzt Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft

Wirtschaft und Wissenschaft zu vernetzen, Projekte schnell zu realisieren und erfolgreich auf den Markt zu bringen: Das ist das Ziel der neuen Innovationsplattform „ITK InnoLab“, die das Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT), die ITK Engineering GmbH und die Technische Universität Kaiserslautern gemeinsam zum 1. Oktober 2020 in Rülzheim gegründet haben.

Die Plattform gibt Studierenden aus der Region die Möglichkeit, intensiv in Projekten mitzuarbeiten, um von praxisnahem Wissen profitieren und wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse in der Wirtschaft anwenden zu können. Die Forschenden vom Institut für Technik der Informationsverarbeitung (ITIV) und der Professur für Pervasive Computing Systems (PCS) des KIT kümmern sich um Ansprache und Auswahl passender Studierender sowie um deren anschließende wissenschaftliche Betreuung.

KIT News "ITK InnoLab"
2020.12.01_IT Trans Eröffnungsdiskussion_Eric Sax_v1Eric Sax bei der Eröffnungsdiskussion der IT-Trans

Vom 01.-03.12.2020 informierte die internationale Konferenz und Fachmesse IT-TRANS virtuell über Innovationen im öffentlichen Personenverkehr, innovative Konzepte und Digitalisierungstrends.

Die Schwerpunktthemen der digitalen Konferenz waren u. a. Künstliche Intelligenz und Internet der Dinge (IoT), Autonomes Fahren, On-Demand- und Shared Mobility und Intelligentes städtisches Verkehrsmanagement.

Prof. Sax nahm u. a. an der Eröffnungsdiskussion der IT-Trans am 01.12.2020 teil.

.Erster Prototyp zum disruptiven Fahrzeugkonzept „U-Shift“ vorgestellt

Den ersten fahrfähigen Prototyp des futuristischen Fahrzeugkonzepts „U-Shift“ hat ein Konsortium aus baden-württembergischen Forschungseinrichtungen, an dem auch die Forschungsgruppe von Prof. Sax am ITIV mit der Entwicklung einer neuartigen Elektrik-/Elektronik-Architektur beteiligt ist, bei der Zwischenbilanzkonferenz des Strategiedialogs Automobilwirtschaft Baden-Württemberg am 17.09.2020 in Stuttgart vorgestellt.

zum Artikel in den KIT News
.Prof. Sax im P. M. Magazin 10/2020

Um das Klima zu schonen, sollen auch Lkw künftig elektrisch fahren.
Aber welches ist das beste Antriebskonzept für die Giganten der Straße?

Im Artikel "Schwer unter Strom" im P. M. Magazin, Ausgabe 10/2020, gibt Prof. Sax dazu Prognosen ab und erklärt, warum er die Brennstoffzellentechnologie favorisiert. Zur Problematik der zukünftig wohl stark überlasteten Stromnetze meint Prof. Sax, dass an einem Technologiemix aus elektrischen Antrieben, synthetischen Kraftstoffen sowie Oberleitungen kein Weg vorbeiführe.

"Schwer unter Strom" im P. M. Magazin 10/2020
.Faculty Teaching Award 2020 for the "LAMA" team

In the practical AI course "Laboratory for Applied Machine Learning Algorithms (LAMA)", the practical handling of common algorithms and methods of machine learning is taught in a project-based and hands-on manner. Students will implement algorithms and structures independently and at the same time learn the methods and tools commonly used in business and science today.

Daniel Grimm, Tim Hotfilter, Gabriela Molinar, Marco Stang and Simon Claus Stock received the ETIT 2020 Faculty Teaching Award for their work in "LAMA".
Congratulations from ITIV!

Video zum Fakultätslehrpreis 2020 für das Team "LAMA"
.Prof. Becker im Interview mit der Automobilwoche

In der Automobilwoche (Ausgabe vom 03.02.2020) gibt Prof. Jürgen Becker Antworten auf die Fragen, warum Auto-Hersteller ihre eigenen Betriebssysteme entwickeln, was die Vorteile für den Fahrzeugnutzer sind, welche Kosten entstehen und was dies für die Datensicherheit bedeutet.

Prof. Becker plädiert für eine Kooperation von Auto- und Halbleiterindustrie, sowie Universitäten und Forschungsinstituten, um die große Komplexität gemeinsam und global wettbewerbsfähig in den Griff zu bekommen.

Interview in der Automobilwoche 4 vom 03.02.2020
.Ehrendoktorwürde für ITIV-Alumnus Hasso Plattner

In einer feierlichen Festveranstaltung am 17.02.2020 verlieh die KIT-Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik Prof. Dr. h.c. mult. Hasso Plattner die Ehrendoktorwürde.
Sein Diplomstudium in Nachrichtentechnik schloss Hasso Plattner 1968 bei Prof. Karl Steinbuch ab, der bis heute als einer der Pioniere der deutschen Informatik gilt.
Dietmar Hopp, ebenfalls Alumnus der Universität Karlsruhe (TH), hielt die Laudatio und erinnerte an die gemeinsamen Anfänge bei SAP.
Sichtlich gerührt nahm Hasso Plattner den von ITIV-Doktoranden gebastelten Doktorhut entgegen.

zur KIT Presseinformation 013/2020

BNN Artikel vom 18.02.2020

Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung Artikel vom 18.02.2020

Foto: Überreichung des Doktorhuts
.European Processor Initiative (EPI) auf - IT-News für Profis

Die European Processor Initiative (EPI) arbeitet an einem Prototyp für den geplanten Exascale-Supercomputer. Das Design umfasst ARM-Kerne und RISC-V-basierte Vector-Beschleuniger, überdies nutzt es HBM2-Stapelspeicher und die moderne 6-nm-EUV-Halbleiterfertigung von TSMC.

Das ITIV als Vollpartner im Projekt beteiligt sich im Automotive Stream. In enger Kooperation mit Menta, BMW, der Uni Zagreb und Infineon werden vom Team von Prof. Becker HW/SW Partitionierungen für Anwendungsszenarien aus dem Automobilbereich entwickelt.

Webseite EPI:

zur Presseinformation auf
.KIT Presseinformation zur Ausgründung auvisus

Zwei Milliarden Essen werden jedes Jahr in Betriebsrestaurants in Deutschland manuell kassiert. Dies führt nicht nur zu langen Wartezeiten für Essensgäste, sondern verursacht auch hohe Kosten für die Betreiber.
Die ITIV-Ausgründung auvisus ( ermöglicht durch künstliche Intelligenz in der Bildverarbeitung eine Automatisierung des Kassiervorgangs.

Die Neue Interaktive Videoreihe zeigt Gründerinnen und Gründer des KIT, die Künstliche Intelligenz als Werkzeug nutzen. Folge 1 präsentiert das Start-up auvisus:

zur KIT Presseinformation 158/2019
.Sino-EU Automotive Summit 2019

On Thursday, October 10th KIT held the first automotive summit in cooperation with the Tongji University in Shanghai. Many representatives from research and companies in China such as BMW, Infineon, Intron and UAES (Bosch in China) participated. One major topic is autonomous driving and how it can be accomplished with the currently available computing resources. Prof. Jürgen Becker gave an interesting talk about the recent research activities in Germany and Europe also mentioning the on-goings in European Processor Inititative (EPI), which was well received by the audience.

Sino-EU Automotive Summit
.20-jährige Partnerschaft KIT und Tongji

Prof. Dr. Thomas Hirth, Vizepräsident für Innovation und Internationales des KIT, Prof. Dr. WU Zhiqiang, Vizepräsident der Tongji University, Vertreter vom DAAD, dem deutschen Generalkonsulat in Shanghai sowie Teilnehmer der beiden Universitäten, darunter auch Prof. Becker und wissenschaftliche Mitarbeiter des ITIV feierten am 11.10.2019 in Shanghai das Bestehen der 20-jährigen Partnerschaft des KIT und der Tongji University.

Die Partnerschaft zwischen dem KIT und der Tongji University begann offiziell im April 1999 mit der Vereinbarung über die wissenschaftliche Kooperation sowie den Austausch von Studierenden und akademischen Mitarbeitern. In Zukunft soll die Kooperation um das Thema „künstliche Intelligenz“ erweitert werden.

KIT-INTL DAAD-Projekt StratP China
.Prof. Becker im Interview mit der Automobilwoche

Im Interview "Einzelne Recheneinheit kann zum Flaschenhals werden" mit der Automobilwoche (Ausgabe vom 28.10.2019) spricht Prof. Jürgen Becker über Risiken und Herausforderungen künftiger E/E-Architekturen von Fahrzeugen. So plädiert er für eine hierarchische Architektur und isolierte Speicherbereiche im Auto, um schnellen Datenzugriff und Schutz vor Hackerangriffen zu garantieren.
Sobald die Daten im Backend verarbeitet werden und das Fahrzeug verlassen oder umgekehrt, müssen sie vor unbefugtem Zugriff durch Kryptografie verschlüsselt und über digitale Signaturen authentifiziert werden.

Interview Prof. Becker mit der Automobilwoche
.ELIV 2019 - Auto Electronic Excellence Award for Raphael Pfeffer

The largest and most important international automotive congress for manufacturers, suppliers and their partners, ELIV (Electronics In Vehicles), took place in Bonn from 16-17 October 2019. Prof Sax and some colleagues from ITIV were there and presented current research results. Our research associate Dipl.-Wi.-Ing. M. Sc. Raphael Pfeffer won the Auto Electronic Excellence Award for his presentation "Potential of training neural networks using virtual environments" - congratulations!

Foto: Kollegen des ITIV am Laufband-Exponat

Auto Electronic Excellence Award für Raphael Pfeffer
.Autonome Straßenbahn im Depot

Im Oktober 2019 startete das vom BMVI für 3 Jahre geförderte Projekt "Autonome Straßenbahn im Depot (AStriD)", an dem das KIT, Siemens Mobility und weitere Partner beteiligt sind. Ziel des Projekts ist die Vollautomatisierung eines Straßenbahndepots auf Basis einer autonom fahrenden Tram und eines digitalen Betriebshofes. Die Umsetzung erfolgt auf dem Betriebshof des Verkehrsbetriebs Potsdam.
Prof. Sax und sein Team freuen sich, aktuelle Forschungsergebnisse in AStriD einzubringen und auf einem Straßenbahndepot umzusetzen.

BNN Artikel vom 09.10.2019

.Best Paper Award of the MODELS Conference 2019

For their paper "Model-Based Resource Analysis and Synthesis of Service-Oriented Automotive Software Architectures", Philipp Obergfell, Stefan Kugele and Eric Sax received a Best Paper Award in the Practice and Innovation Track of the IEEE / ACM 22nd International Conference on Model Driven Engineering Languages and Systems (MODELS), which took place in Munich from 15 to 20 September 2019.

Best Paper Award der MODELS Conference 2019
.Erstes Tutorial im Projekt EPI online

Die Partner der European Processor Initiative (EPI) organisierten das erste öffentliche Tutorial des Projekts mit dem Thema „First steps towards a made-in-Europe high-performance microprocessor“. Es fand am 17. Juli 2019 an der Universita Politècnica de Catalunya in Barcelona zusammen mit der ACM-Sommerschule 2019 über HPC-Architekturen für KI und spezielle Anwendungen statt.

Link zur ITIV Projektseite EPI:

Link zum Tutorial EPI
.KIT-TI University Day

Am 19.11.2019 fand der erste KIT-TI University Day am ITIV statt. Mit dem von Texas Instruments entwickelten TI Robotic System Learning Kit kann Ingenieurstudenten ein praxisnahes Wissen von eingebetteten elektronischen Systemen vermittelt werden.
Mit viel Spaß und Elan machten sich die Teilnehmer daran, ihren eigenen Code zu entwickeln, um anschließend ihr eigenes, funktionsfähiges Robotiksystem zu bauen und zu testen. Ziel war es, den Parcours als schnellstes abzufahren. Die drei erfolgreichsten Teams erhielten von TI gestiftete Preise.
Wir danken TI für diesen durchgeführten lehrreichen und konstruktiven Workshop ganz herzlich!

TI Robotics System Learning Kit
.Presseinformation zu LAMA: KI im Studium macht fit für den Job

Das Maschinelle Lernen zählt zu den großen Trendthemen in Wissenschaft und Wirtschaft, ob bei maßgeschneiderten IT-Produkten oder Wettervorhersagen, ob bei personalisierter Medizin oder bei Produktionstechnologien. Ein gewinnbringender Einsatz der Methoden der Künstlichen Intelligenz (KI) setzt Erfahrung voraus. Am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) trainieren angehende Ingenieurinnen und Ingenieure dafür bereits im Bachelorstudium: Im Labor für angewandte Machine Learning Algorithmen, kurz LAMA, machen sie sich mit praxisnahen KI-Projekten fit für künftige Aufgaben.

Weitere Informationen zu LAMA:

zur KIT Presseinformation 109/2019
.SESE Summer School 2019

Vom 22. bis 24. Juli 2019 fand die 6. Sino-EU Doctoral School for Sustainable Engineering (SESE) in Lissabon am HIT statt. Sie bot die jährliche Austauschplattform für Doktoranden im Rahmen der CLUSTER-SEEEP-Programme „Energy and Transportation“ und “Collaborative Robots for Elderly Assistance and Advanced Manufacturing” (CREAAM).

Mit ca. 70 Teilnehmern aus Europa und China war dies die bisher größte der SESE Summer Schools. Beteiligt waren neben dem Gastgeber Instituto Superior Téchnico in Lissabon das KIT sowie die Tongji University aus Shanghai, Harbin Institute of Technology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University und die Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China.

SESE Summer School 2019
.OWPT 2019 Paper Award

In April 2019, Christos Klamouris, Kai Worms, Frans Wegh, Juerg Leuthold and Wilhelm Stork received a paper award at the 1st Optical Wireless and Fiber Power Transmission Conference (OWPT2019), which took place from 23 to 25 April 2019 in Yokohama, Japan, for their paper "Condition Monitoring of Wind Turbine Rotor Blades Using Optically Powered Sensors".

to OWPT2019:


Paper Award OWPT2019
.Gabriela Molinar im Interview mit Worldwind Technology

Im Interview "Take the power back" mit gibt M. Eng. Gabriela Molinar, Doktorandin am ITIV, Auskunft über die Forschungsarbeiten an selbstlernenden Sensornetzwerken, welche die Kühlwirkung des Wetters anhand realer Daten modellieren.

Während Deutschland bei der Erzeugung von Windenergie weltweit führend ist, bleibt der Verbrauch dieses Stroms aufgrund von Defiziten im nationalen Stromnetz zurück. Um das derzeitige nationale Netz des Landes zu optimieren, arbeiten Forscherinnen und Forscher des KIT im Verbundvorhaben PrognoNetz daran, dass vorhandene Freileitungen je nach Witterungsbedingungen besser ausgelastet werden können.
.Prof. Sax als Carl Benz beim EFFEKTE Wissenschaftsfestival

Im Dialog mit Prof. Dr.-Ing. J. Marius Zöllner diskutierte Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eric Sax als Carl Benz verkleidet im Rahmen des Wissenschaftsfestivals EFFEKTE, das vom 29. Juni – 07. Juli 2019 in Karlsruhe stattfand, über die Historie und Zukunft des Automobils.

Ist autonomes Fahren schon zum Greifen nah oder liegen Autos ohne Fahrer noch in ferner Zukunft? Damit ein Fahrzeug überhaupt autonom fahren kann, müssen noch viele Hürden genommen werden – methodisch und technisch. Welche Herausforderungen auf diesem Weg noch vor uns liegen und welche Chancen das autonome Fahren bietet, waren Themen dieser Talkrunde.

Foto: Prof. Sax als Carl Benz
.Student Innovation Lab (SIL) - Apply Now!

Be among the first who experience this brand new course on innovation starting in the winter term of 2019/2020. Application is possible until the end of July!
The lecture Entrepreneurship conveys theoretical foundations as well as application-oriented competences of innovation management and agile system development methods.
Theoretical foundations are applied in a practice-oriented seminar and in different labs. After choosing one of three labs you develop an idea as a team up to a final pitch (KIT Neuland) in front of investors.
.ITIV als Vollpartner bei EPI (European Processor Initiative)

Hoch performante Rechnerarchitekturen und Chips für High-Performance Computing (HPC) kommen aktuell zum Großteil aus den USA und Asien. Die Europäische Prozessor Initiative (EPI) möchte diesen Markt auch von Europa aus betreten. Das Ende 2018 gestartete Projekt wird im Rahmen des Horizon 2020 Programms der Europäischen Union gefördert.
Das Konsortium aus 26 Partnern – darunter auch das KIT – hat sich das Ziel gesetzt, den ersten Chip bis spätestens 2022 auf den Markt zu bringen.
Das ITIV als Vollpartner im Projekt beteiligt sich im Automotive Stream.

weitere Informationen zu EPI (European Processor Initiative)
.Ausstellung Lernmatrix in Berlin

Mit diversen Veranstaltungen stellt die Landesvertretung des Staatsministeriums das Land Baden-Württemberg in Berlin vor. Vom 01.10.-17.10.2019 wird dort eine kleine Auswahl von "Open Codes" Werken, darunter auch die original Lernmatrix von Karl Steinbuch aus den 1960er Jahren, zu sehen sein. "Open Codes" wurde vom ZKM Karlsruhe als ein Pilotprojekt konzipiert. Die Ausstellung bringt eine Reihe von Kunstwerken zusammen, welche immersive Technologien erforschen und verschiedene Modalitäten von Codes aufzeigen.

Eröffnung Ausstellung "Open Codes"
.Pfingstexkursion 2019

Die diesjährige Pfingstexkursion des ITIV hat am 11.06.2019 in Karlsruhe begonnen und die Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmer zunächst nach Neu-Ulm geführt. Im Rahmen einer Werksführung bei Setra hatten sie dort die Gelegenheit, viele interessante Einblicke in die unterschiedlichen Bereiche der Omnibusproduktion zu erhalten. Nach einer Übernachtung in München stand ein Besuch bei Texas Instruments in Freising auf der Tagesordnung. Neben einer Besichtigung des dort ansässigen Halbleiterwerks hatten die Studierenden die Möglichkeit, sich einen genaueren Eindruck vom Arbeitsalltag in Ingenieursabteilungen der Halbleiterbranche zu verschaffen. Wir bedanken uns bei den besuchten Unternehmen herzlich für die Einladung und die Vielzahl interessanter Einblicke.

.Künstliche Intelligenz gegen das Bienensterben

Vergangenes Semester wurde am Institut für Technik der Informationsverarbeitung (ITIV) im Rahmen einer Masterarbeit an einer Künstlichen Intelligenz gearbeitet, die eine Echtzeitanalyse an Bienenstöcken ermöglicht. Die Arbeit fand in Zusammenarbeit mit dem Unternehmen statt. Das Karlsruher Start-Up baut Hardware, Software und Infrastruktur, um den Daten über den Gesundheitszustand von etwa 60 Bienenstöcken im Ökosystem Karlsruhe in Echtzeit zu erfassen. Die Geräte werden am Eingang der Bienenstöcke befestigt und visuelle Sensoren erfassen ein- und ausfliegende Bienen.

Betreut wurde die Masterarbeit von Simon Stock am Lehrstuhl von Prof. Dr. Stork.

weitere Informationen
.Prof. Sax in den BNN vom 11.06.2019

In der neuen Interview-Reihe "Auf einen Espresso" auf der Wissenschaftsseite der BNN, in der Forscherinnen und Forscher in kompakter Form in ihr aktuelles Forschungsprojekt einführen, stellt Prof. Sax in der Ausgabe vom 11.06.2019 das Projekt INTERACt vor. Dabei untersucht das Team von Prof. Sax die Integration autonomer LKW in die bereits hochautomatisierten Betriebsabläufe moderner Containerterminals am Beispiel des Hamburger Hafens.

weitere Informationen zu INTERACt
.ITIV beim Neuland Innovationstag 2019

Das ITIV und mehrere Industriepartner arbeiten im Verbundvorhaben PrognoNetz zusammen an selbstlernenden Sensornetzwerken, welche die Kühlwirkung des Wetters anhand realer Daten modellieren. Dies wird am KIT Innovationstag NEULAND am 10. Juli 2019 innerhalb des Themenbereichs „Information & Künstliche Intelligenz“ mit dem Thema „Erhöhung der Übertragungskapazität mittels Intelligenten Stromnetzen“ präsentiert.

Der rasante Ausbau der Erneuerbaren Energiequellen belastet die deutschen Stromnetze zusehends. Das Forschungsprojekt PrognoNetz soll es ermöglichen, bestehende Freileitungen je nach Witterungsbedingungen besser auszulasten. Somit lässt sich der Bedarf an Neubautrassen reduzieren.


KIT Innovationstag NEULAND
.OptiCar in den Medien

Nach drei Jahren Pilotforschung hat für die Profilregion Mobilitätssysteme Karlsruhe die Kernphase begonnen.
Zwei Jahre lang sollen Forschungsprojekte rund um autonomes Fahren, Parkplatzkonzepte, neue Kraftstoffe und Digitalisierung im Verkehr mit rund neun Millionen Euro gefördert werden.
Der auf den Fotos abgebildete OptiCar-Demonstrator, eine fahrbare Plattform, auf der Kamerasysteme getestet werden können, wurde am ITIV vom Team von Prof. Sax entwickelt und schon mehrmals auf Messen vorgeführt.
.Presseinformation zu Projekt Prognonetz

Um die in der Regel volatilen erneuerbaren Quellen in die Energieversorgung zu integrieren, sind höhere Kapazitäten im Stromnetz erforderlich. Der Bedarf an Neubautrassen lässt sich jedoch reduzieren, wenn vorhandene Freileitungen je nach Witterungsbedingungen besser ausgelastet werden können. Dazu arbeiten Forscherinnen und Forscher am Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) im Verbundvorhaben „PrognoNetz“ an selbstlernenden Sensornetzwerken, welche die Kühlwirkung des Wetters anhand realer Daten modellieren. So lässt sich bei günstigen Bedingungen mehr Strom über die Leitung schicken.

ITIV Projekt PrognoNetz

zur Presseinformation
.ITIV-Daimler-Exkursion am 07.05.2019

Auch dieses Jahr fand die ITIV-Daimler-Exkursion im Rahmen der Vorlesung „Test eingebetteter Systeme im industriellen Umfeld (TES)“ statt.

Die Studenten bekamen dabei nicht nur einen detaillierten Einblick in die faszinierende Welt der Fahrzeugproduktion, sondern auch in Entwicklung und Test von neuen Fahrzeugreihen und -Funktionen im Mercedes Technologie Center.

Zum Abschluss gab es die Möglichkeit, weitere Fragen an den Dozenten der Vorlesung, Herr Prof. Schmerler, zu stellen und über die Eindrücke des Tages zu diskutieren.

An dieser Stelle nochmals ein herzliches Dankeschön an Herrn Prof. Schmerler für die Einladung!

ITIV-Daimler-Exkursion am 07.05.2019
.Erster Workshop des Projektes Step-Up!CPS

Nach dem erfolgreichen Kick-Off des BMBF geförderten Projektes Step-Up!CPS (Förderkennzeichen 01IS18080D) Ende Oktober 2018 in Oldenburg, fand vom 18. bis zum 20. März 2019 der erste Workshop des Projektes am ITIV und am Forschungszentrum Informatik (FZI) statt.

Beim Workshops haben die 15 Teilnehmer den aktuellen Stand des Projektes sowie die nächsten Schritte erörtert. Gemeinsam wurden die bisherigen Anforderungen und Konzepte in Gruppen diskutiert und weiterentwickelt.

In diesem Projekt erforscht das ITIV zusammen mit den Projektpartnern Software-Methoden und Technologien für die Absicherung modularer Updates für Cyber Physikalische Systeme in verschiedenen Anwendungsdomänen.

Foto Workshop Step-Up!CPS
Ernst-Blickle-Studienpreis for Daniel Grimm

Our research assistant M. Sc. Daniel Grimm from Prof Sax's group has been awarded the Ernst Blickle Study Prize 2018 for his master's thesis "Static and dynamic anomaly detection in Ethernet-based communication". The SEW-EURODRIVE Foundation honours outstanding work by young academics with the annual study prize in order to appropriately recognise their special achievements.

We congratulate Daniel Grimm on this award!

girls-day-logoITIV-Workshop beim Girls Day am 28.03.2019

Mit dem Workshop "Moderne Technik zum Anfassen- Die Welt der Mikrocontroller für Anfängerinnen" beteiligt sich das ITIV wieder am Girls Day , der dieses Jahr am 28.03.2019 stattfindet.
In diesem Workshop können die Schülerinnen ab Klasse 8 selber zur Entwicklerin werden und ihren eigenen Mikrokontroller programmieren. Sie bekommen einen Einblick in die Welt der Schaltkreise und digitalen Schaltungen. An diesem Tag werden die Teilnehmerinnen Drähte verlegen, eigenen Code schreiben und LEDs zum Leuchten bringen.

Workshop "Moderne Technik zum Anfassen: Die Welt der Mikrokontroller für Anfängerinnen!"
.Artikel in Car IT am 30.01.2019: Sicherheit fürs autonome Fahren

In dem Artikel auf, der sich mit Sicherheit beim autonomen Fahren und Alternativen zu aufwändigen Praxistests beschäftigt, meint Prof. Eric Sax, dass Virtualisierung bei dem Variantenreichtum von Verkehrssituation und Umgebungsbedingungen sogar der einzig denkbare Weg sei, denn die Aussagekraft von gefahrenen, statistischen Kilometern über den Reifegrad einer Funktion sei sehr beschränkt. Dennoch werde man um eine reale Erprobung in abgesicherten Testgeländen, wo die reale Physik wirkt, nie ganz umhinkommen.

.Prof. Eric Sax in den Tagesthemen vom 24.01.2019

Anlässlich des Verkehrsgerichtstags in Goslar, an dem es um wichtige juristische und ethische Fragen zum autonomen Fahren ging, äußerte sich Prof. Eric Sax in den Tagesthemen darüber, dass ohne strengen Datenschutz die technische Entwicklung beim autonomen Fahren schon weiter fortgeschritten wäre. Durch die unzähligen, durch Sensoren gesammelten Daten und Bilder seien dem autonomen Fahren in Deutschland gesetzgebungstechnisch Grenzen gesetzt.

Mediathek Tagesthemen vom 24.01.2019 (20:35)
.ITIV-Studenten beim Belle II Experiment in Tsukuba, Japan

Im Rahmen ihrer Masterarbeiten sind die beiden Studenten Adam Hochstuhl und Julian Pöhler zum KEK in Tsukuba, Japan gereist um die von ihnen erforschten Konzepte für den Belle II Teilchendetektor vor Ort an der Detektor-Hardware zu testen. Die Arbeiten sind Teil des BMBF geförderten Belle II Projekts am KIT. In diesem beteiligt sich die  Forschungsgruppe von Prof. Becker an der Entwicklung von Online-Datenreduktionsmechanismen, basierend auf Algorithmen aus dem Maschinellen Lernen, auf spezieller Hardware. Finanziell unterstützt werden Studenten durch das DAAD-Stipendium PROMOS.


Bild: ITIV-Studenten beim BELLE II Experiment in Tsukuba, Japan
20181030_Deutsch-Chilenische Wirtschaftstage_007Prof. Becker (KIT/ITIV) at German-Chilean Business Days 2018

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Juergen Becker presented in Santiago de Chile in October 2018 with his talk: "Integrated Digitalization in Industry 4.0 @ KIT: Challenges, Concepts and Solutions with Global Research, Education & Innovation" at this year's German-Chilean Business Days, which focused on Industry 4.0, selected activities, projects and models of KIT in the context of the 4th Industrial Revolution.
The event with the motto "On the Way to Industry 4.0: Smart Alliances - Smart Solutions", which has been taking place annually since 2010, has positioned itself as the most important business summit between Germany and Chile and will be organized by the German-Chilean Chamber of Industry and Commerce CAMCHAL.

Further Information
BT epaper Land. Probefahrt 'BerthaOne' - Interview Eric Sax, Montag, 22.Okt, S.4Prof. Sax im Interview mit dem Badischen Tagblatt: "Ein Sensor kann mehr wahrnehmen als der Mensch"

Im Oktober 2018 traf Prof. Sax im Interview mit dem Badischen Tagblatt Aussagen zu den grundlegenden Perspektiven des autonomen Fahrens, z.B. dass als nächstes das automatisierte Parkhaus-Parken kommen werde und wie wichtig das Karlsruher Testfeld für die Weiterentwicklung der autonomen Fahrfunktionen sei. Autonomes Fahren fördere außerdem die Verkehrssicherheit, da Sensoren mehr wahrnehmen können als der Mensch.

Interview mit dem BT epaper Land vom 22.10.2018
.IEEE Computer Society Annual Symposium on VLSI in Hong Kong, China

From July 8-11, 2018, the IEEE Microelectronics Symposium ISVLSI, founded in the 1980s in Florida as one of the first international VLSI conferences, took place in China for the first time with about 200 participants from academics, industry and several international keynote talks. Prof. Jürgen Becker is Steering Committee Chair of ISVLSI, e. g. with this 2018 Symposium in Hong Kong in addition the cooperation with China and strategic KIT partners has been extended.

Some impressions: 2018_ISVLSI Hong Kong Fotos_2.pdf
.KIT-Experte Prof. Eric Sax: "E-Lkw bieten gewaltige Möglichkeiten"

Neben Tesla mit dem E-Truck haben eine ganze Reihe weiterer Hersteller elektrisch angetriebene Zugmaschinen angekündigt oder testen diese bereits, darunter MAN, Volvo oder Daimler. Angesichts noch vieler Unsicherheiten stellen viele die Frage: Ist der E-Lkw überhaupt eine gute Idee?  „Auf jeden Fall“, sagt Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eric Sax. „Dabei sollte man aber nicht auf eine einzige Lösung setzten, sondern für jede Anwendung individuelle Antworten geben“.

Sax plädiert für eine Offenheit gegenüber einer Vielfalt möglicher Mobilitätslösungen. „Jetzt müssen wir vor allem praktische Erfahrungen sammeln, und das heißt raus auf die Straße“, fordert er. Auch mache es wenig Sinn, die Wirtschaft wegen des vielen Lastverkehrs zu verteufeln. „Stattdessen müssen wir praktikable Lösungen anbieten. Schließlich wollen wir alle jeden Tag frisches Obst im Supermarkt kaufen.“
.Prof. Stork im Interview "Reanimation per Videostream – wie EmergencyEye Leben retten kann"

Wenn das Herz nicht mehr schlägt, kommt es ohne Reanimationsmaßnahmen innerhalb von Minuten zu irreversiblen Schäden im Gehirn. In den wenigsten Fällen wird bei einem Herzstillstand überhaupt etwas getan. Oft sind Ersthelfer selbst hilflos angesichts der Situation. Etwa 65.000 Menschen sterben so jährlich in Deutschland am plötzlichen Herztod. An genau diesem Problem setzt EmergencyEye an.

Im Interview mit am 02.07.2018 erklärt Prof. Wilhelm Stork, wie EmergencyEye in Notfallsituationen helfen kann, warum Telemedizin generell so wichtig ist und inwiefern Deutschland bei der Digitalisierung der Gesundheitsversorgung noch hinterherhinkt.

zum Interview im Medica Magazin
.ARAMIS II Multicore Konferenz 2018

Zur Projektmitte veranstaltete das Konsortium am 21.06.2018 eine öffentliche „ARAMiS II Multicore Konferenz“ bei Vector Informatik GmbH in Stuttgart. Die Veranstaltung war mit rund 100 Teilnehmern gut besucht.

Den Teilnehmern wurde der in ARAMiS II entworfene strukturierte Multicore Entwicklungsprozess mit den zugehörigen Methoden und Tools sowie den industriellen Plattformen im Detail vorgestellt. Abgerundet wurde das Programm mit der Vorstellung ausgewählter Use Cases, die in ARAMiS II bearbeitet werden, sowie durch zwei Präsentationen von nicht in ARAMiS II beteiligten Unternehmen. Im Ausstellungsbereich wurden Werkzeuge demonstriert, die in ARAMiS II weiterentwickelt werden.
.ITIV beim Girls' Day 2018

Auch in diesem Jahr beteiligte sich das ITIV mit dem Kurs "Moderne Technik zum Anfassen- Die Welt der Mikrocontroller für Anfängerinnen" wieder sehr erfolgreich am Girls' Day, der am 26.04.2018 stattfand. Unter Anleitung von Dipl.-Informatikerin Tanja Harbaum erreichten alle der interessierten und sehr motivierten Schülerinnen das Ziel - einen "digitalen Würfel" selbst zu bauen und zu programmieren.

Girls' Day 2018
.2nd ITIV-Innovation-Day am 27.04.2018

Unter dem Motto "Intelligente Digitalisierung @ ITIV" stand der 2. ITIV-Innovation-Day, der am 27.04.2018 stattfand. Auf dem Programm standen spannende Kurzvorträge von Automatisierter Mobilität bis hin zur Medizintechnik und die Möglichkeit, mit Unternehmen und ITIV-Mitarbeitern in Kontakt zu treten. Gegen Ende der Veranstaltung wurden noch traditionsgemäß Studenten für ihre hervorragende Leistung "bei der praktischen Anwendung der Vorlesungsinhalte Digitaltechnik durch den Bau eines digitalen “high-tech” Papierfliegers" geehrt.

zur Bildergalerie ITIV-Innovation-Day 2018
Belle IIITIV bei Belle II: erste Kollisionen beobachtet

Im japanischen Forschungszentrum für Teilchenphysik KEK nimmt das neue Teilchenbeschleuniger-Experiment Belle II den Betrieb auf.

Die Forschungsgruppe um Prof. Jürgen Becker entwickelt hierfür hochperformante Hardware auf Basisvon FPGAs und neuronaler Netze. 

Diese erlauben es nach neuen Phänomenen in seltenen Zerfällen von Tau-Leptonen zu suchen.

Mit den dadurch gewonnen Daten wird es möglich sein Vorgänge, wie sie kurz nach dem Urknall vorherrschten, zu untersuchen und dem Geheimnis der Dunklen Materie auf die Spur kommen.

weitere Informationen zu Belle II
.ITIV-Daimler-Exkursion am 23.04.2018

Auch dieses Jahr fand die ITIV-Daimler-Exkursion im Rahmen der Vorlesung „Test eingebetteter Systeme im industriellen Umfeld (TES)“ statt.
Die Studenten bekamen dabei nicht nur einen detaillierten Einblick in die faszinierende Welt der Fahrzeugproduktion, sondern auch in Entwicklung und Test von neuen Fahrzeugreihen und -funktionen im Mercedes Technologie Center.
Zum Abschluss gab es die Möglichkeit, weitere Fragen an den Dozenten der Vorlesung Herrn Dr. Schmerler zu stellen und über die Eindrücke des Tages zu diskutieren.
An dieser Stelle nochmals ein herzliches Dankeschön an Herrn Dr. Schmerler für die Einladung! 

ITIV-Daimler-Exkursion am 23.04.2018
.Prof. Sax im Interview mit der Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung über "Automatisiertes Fahren bringt Sicherheit"

Am 5. Mai soll in Karlsruhe auf einigen Straßen und Autobahnstücken das autonome Fahren getestet werden. Dabei bleibe es auch nach dem Unfall von Tempe, betont Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eric Sax im Interview mit der Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung vom 21.03.2018. Er ist überzeugt davon, dass autonomes Fahren einen großen Beitrag zur Verkehrssicherheit liefern werde, auch wenn man vom komplett fahrerlosen Verkehr „noch unglaublich weit entfernt“ sei.

Interview mit Prof. Sax in der Rhein-Neckar-Zeitung
.Interview von Prof. Stork zu "Telemedizin auf dem Vormarsch"

Während Telemedizin in anderen europäischen Ländern längst etabliert ist, zählt die digitale Behandlung aus der Ferne in Deutschland nach wie vor zur Ausnahme. Die Landesregierung in Baden-Württemberg will das nun ändern, Ärzte und Kliniken stärker für die Telemedizin sensibilisieren. Im Interview in Baden TV spricht Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Wilhelm Stork darüber, welche Chancen die digitale Medizin bietet und wie das neue Projekt "RAMSES" dazu beitragen kann.

Baden TV: Telemedizin auf dem Vormarsch
.VDI Trendforum 2018 - Interview mit Prof. Eric Sax

Im Rahmen der am 16. Januar 2018 stattfindenden Veranstaltung des VDI TrendForums gab Prof. Eric Sax ein Interview zum Thema "Herausforderung Autonomes Fahren". Im Mittelpunkt standen die Fragen, welche Erfahrungen die Projektpartner in konkreten Anwendungsfällen unter anderem auf dem Testfeld bereits gesammelt haben und wie er die Zukunft des Autonomen Fahrens sieht.

Link zum Video
.Das ITIV beim ersten Hackathon am Nürburgring

Unter der Überschrift „Save lives by your hack“ startete am Freitag, dem 16.02.2018 der erste EmergencyEye® Hackathon am Nürburgring. Das KIT und das ITIV sind im Rahmen des RAMSES Projektes (Remote Access to Medical Information on Smartphones during Emergencies and Health Crisis) als Partner des Hackathons aufgetreten.
Prof. Stork gestaltete das Event mit seiner medizintechnologischen und Start-Up Expertise maßgeblich mit. Über 100 Developer, Mediziner, Designer und Wirtschaftler kämpften in 3 Kategorien um den Sieg.
In der „Tools for saving lives“ Challenge konnte sich ein internationales Team mit ITIV Beteiligung den ersten Platz sichern.

ITIV beim ersten Hackathon am Nürburgring
.emmtrix nominated for the Embedded Award of the Embedded World 2018

The ITIV spin-off emmtrix Technologies GmbH has been nominated for the Embedded Award 2018 in the "Tools" category, which is presented as part of the Embedded World trade fair, one of the most important international trade fairs in the embedded sector.The award recognises particularly innovative, unique and future-oriented products.

Embedded World will take place this year from 27 February to 1 March 2018 in Nuremberg. You will find the emmtrix Technologies GmbH stand in hall 4A, stand number: 637e.

Nominierungsurkunde für den Embedded Award 2018
.Prof. Sax über autonomes Fahren: Cola-Dose statt Fahrer am Lenkrad

„Es ist noch ein langer, steiniger Weg bis zum autonomen Fahren“, sagte Prof. Dr. Ing. Eric Sax im Trendforum des Vereins Deutscher Ingenieure (VDI) bei MB-Tech in Sindelfingen. Die notwendigen Prozesse, Methoden und Werkzeuge zu entwickeln, „das ist jetzt eine Herkulesaufgabe“. Es sei wertvoll, auf einem Testgelände Daten zu sammeln, aber diese müssten dann im Labor weiterverwertet werden: „Wir werden Fahrzeuge nicht auf der Straße frei fahren lassen.“ Er werde jedenfalls keine Prognose wagen und keine Jahreszahl nennen, wann fahrerlose Autos unterwegs sein können.

Bericht in der Sindelfinger Zeitung (PDF)
.ARAMiS II Statustreffen am 10.01.2018

Das Forschungsprojekt ARAMiS II hat erfolgreich den zweiten Meilenstein gemeistert. Die Arbeiten an einem effizienten Einsatz von Multicoreprozessoren und den zugehörigen Prozessen, Methoden, Tools und Plattformen sind in vollem Gange und die Demonstratoren sind in der ersten Iteration verfügbar. Zur Rekapitulation der bisher durchgeführten Arbeiten und zur Planung der nächsten Schritte traf sich das Konsortium, bestehend aus 34 Partnern aus Industrie und Forschung, am 10.01.2018 am KIT im Hector Hörsaal des International Departments. 

ARAMiS II Statustreffen am 10.01.2018
.Feier zum 100sten Geburtstag von Karl Steinbuch

Am 13. Oktober 2017 gedachte das Institut für Technik der Informationsverarbeitung (ITIV) seinem Gründer Karl Steinbuch, der am 15. Juni 2017 seinen 100. Geburtstag gefeiert hätte, mit einer Veranstaltung zu seinen Ehren.
Als Gastredner berichtete Prof. Dr. h. c. Hasso Plattner, Aufsichtsratsvorsitzender SAP SE und Gründer des Hasso Plattner Instituts in Potsdam, der vor fast 50 Jahren seine Diplomarbeit unter Steinbuch verfasst hat, mit seinem Vortrag "Von der Lernmatrix zu Deep Learning" von seinen Begegnungen mit Karl Steinbuch, dem Visionär aus Karlsruhe.


weitere Eindrücke vom 100sten Geburtstag von Karl Steinbuch
.Autonomes Fahren auf dem Busbetriebshof

Autonomes Fahren ist ein wichtiger Baustein neuer Mobilitätskonzepte – nicht nur im PKW-Bereich. Eine Studie des Karlsruher Instituts für Technologie (KIT), des Forschungszentrums Informatik FZI am KIT und der Stuttgarter Straßenbahnen AG (SSB) zeigt, wie autonomes Fahren auf Busbetriebshöfen funktionieren und zur Kostensenkung beitragen kann. Ihr Modell eines teilautonomen Busbetriebshofs präsentieren die Projektpartner vom 9. bis 11. Oktober 2017 auf der Messe EVS 30 in Stuttgart.

Video vom fahrenden Bus im Modell:

KIT Presseinformation: Autonomes Fahren auf dem Busbetriebshof
.OptiCar auf der Jahrestagung der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft

Die Zukunft der Mobilität und die Chancen der Digitalisierung für Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft standen im Mittelpunkt der diesjährigen Jahrestagung der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft am 14.09.2017. Das KIT präsentierte sich dort mit dem Demonstrator-Fahrzeug OptiCar. Dieses wird in Forschung und Lehre für autonomes Fahren und die Überwachung des Fahrzeug-Umfelds eingesetzt.

OptiCar auf der Helmholtz Jahrestagung
.„Profilregion Mobilitätssysteme Karlsruhe“ auf dem Global Public Transport Summit in Montreal

Im Rahmen der weltgrößten Messe des öffentlichen Nahverkehrs war die „Profilregion Mobilitätssysteme Karlsruhe“ ( vom 15.-17. Mai 2017 am Gemeinschaftsstand der Technologieregion Karlsruhe vertreten.
Im Rahmen der „Global Public Transport Summit“ sollte der Mobilitätsstandort Karlsruhe weltweit bekannt gemacht und damit gestärkt werden. 

Artikel im Fachmagazin Si Seilbahnen International 2/2017

Zum 30. Jubiläum stoppte die IEEE-SOCC Konferenz vom 5. bis 8. September in München. Die durch Prof. Becker (ITIV, KIT), als General Chair, und Prof. Schlichtmann (EDA, TUM), als General Co-Chair, ausgerichtete Konferenz ist eine internationale Plattform zum Austausch und Vorstellen neuester Trends im Bereich von System on Chips (SOC). Durch Präsentationen, Keynotes und Plenarvorträge wurden die neuesten Fortschritte in den Bereichen von SoC-Architekturen, Schaltungsdesign, Prozess Technologien, Test und Design Tools vorgestellt.

.SESE Summer School 2017

Vom 28. August bis 2. September 2017 fand die 4. Sino-EU Doctoral School for Sustainable Engineering (SESE) in Karlsruhe am KIT statt. Über 30 Doktoranden und 20 Professoren der Tongji University, Shanghai, dem Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), Harbin (China), der Técnico Lisboa, Lisbon (Portugal) und dem KIT nahmen daran teil. Neben Präsentationen und Keynotes zu Themen wie Sustainable Energy, Sustainable Transportation, Sustainable/ Advanced Manufacturing und Industrie 4.0 gab es auch einen interessanten Ausflug nach Heidelberg und Speyer.

SESE Summer School 2017
.ADAC motorwelt 9/2017

"Man muss noch viel tun, um loslegen zu können" schreibt Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eric Sax im aktuellen Bericht der ADAC motorwelt 9, 2017, zum Testfeld Autonomes Fahren, das in den nächsten Monaten in der Region Karlsruhe eingerichtet wird. Dort wird Mobilität von morgen getestet und das bedeutet mehr, als nur das Steuer loszulassen.

Die Zukunft in Reichweite, ADAC motorwelt, 9/2017
.Sino-EU Doctoral School for Sustainability Engineering (SESE)

Vom 28.08.2017 bis 02.09.2017 fand die diesjährige Summerschool der Sino-EU Doctoral School for Sustainability Engineering (SESE) am KIT statt. Neben Teilnehmern der Tongji University, China, dem Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), China, und dem Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), Portugal, nahmen auch 8 Doktoranden des KIT teil, die den aktuellen Stand ihrer Arbeiten präsentierten.

.French-German Institute for Industry of the Future

Das Karlsruher Institut für Technologie (KIT) und das Arts et Métiers ParisTech haben ihre Zusammenarbeit durch die Gründung des deutsch-französischen Instituts für "Industry of the Future" verstärkt. Das neue Institut baut auf einer starken Beziehung zwischen KIT und Arts et Métiers ParisTech auf, mit einem doppelten Abschluss, gemeinsamen PhDs und Sommerschulen. Es zielt darauf ab, Akademiker, Industrie und Start-ups auf einer Kooperationsplattform zusammenzubringen, um Forschung, Innovation und Hochschulbildung für die Industrie der Zukunft zu stärken.
Eine Konferenz für die Industrie der Zukunft wird vom KIT und Arts et Métiers am 6. Oktober 2017 in Karlsruhe organisiert.

Einladung zur Konferenz
.Demonstrator für autonomen Busbetriebshof

Das Institut für Technik der Informationsverarbeitung (ITIV) des KIT hat für die Stuttgarter Straßenbahnen AG (SSB) das Konzept für einen autonomen Betriebshof in Stuttgart-Gaisburg erarbeitet und einen Demonstrator im Maßstab 1:87 gebaut. Auf der EVS30 – Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition im Oktober werden ITIV und SSB das 2 mal 1,5 Meter große Modell des Bus-Depots zeigen. Das Video zeigt den Demonstrator im Aufbau; das fertige Modell wird vor der Messe im Oktober zu sehen sein.

zum Video
.30th IEEE International System-on-Chip Conference (SOCC)

Vom 5. bis 8. September 2017 findet in München die 30th IEEE International System-on-Chip Conference (SOCC), bei der Prof. Jürgen Becker General Chair ist, statt.
In ihrer 30-jährigen Geschichte ist die SOCC-Konferenz zum führenden Forum für den Austausch der neuesten Entwicklung in SoC-Architektur,Schaltungsdesign, Prozesstechnik, Design-Tools und Anwendungen geworden.

Call for Participation
.Best Paper Award TSP 2017

For their paper "A Reconfigurable High-speed Spiral FIR Filter Architecture" Shalina Percy Delicia Figuli, Peter Figuli and Jürgen Becker received the Best Paper Award of the 40th International Conference on Telecommunications and Signal Processing (TSP) in July 2017 in Barcelona, Spain. 

Best Paper Award TSP 2017
.Exkursion zur Porsche AG in Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen am 05.07.2017

Auch in diesem Jahr fand wieder im Rahmen der Vorlesung "Systems Engineering for Automotive Electronics" von Prof. Bortolazzi eine Exkursion zur Porsche AG in Stuttgart-Zuffenhausen statt.
Sowohl die Vorträge als auch die Werksführung waren für die automobilbegeisterten Studenten sehr spannend und interessant.
Ein herzliches Dankeschön an die Mitarbeiter der Porsche AG für die gute Organisation und Betreuung während der Exkursion!

Exkursion zur Porsche AG am 05.07.2017
.Best Paper Award ICE/ ITMC

For their paper "Test scenario selection for system-level verification and validation of geolocation-dependent automotive control systems" Johannes Bach, Jacob Langner, Stefan Otten, Marc Holzapfel und Eric Sax received the Best Paper Award of the 23rd ICE/ ITMC Konferenz in June 2017 in Madeira Island, Portugal.

Best Paper Award ICE/ ITMC 27.-29.06.2017
.NUFAM - Nutzfahrzeugmesse vom 28.09. bis 1.10.2017, Messe Karlsruhe

Mit über 25.000 erwarteten Besuchern wird die Messe Karlsruhe zum fünften Mal zum Treffpunkt der Nutzfahrzeugbranche.
Auch zukunftsweisende Themen wie Elektromobilität und autonomes Fahren werden auf der NUFAM diskutiert. Karlsruhe bietet mit dem Testfeld Autonomes Fahren ein optimales Umfeld, um das ganze Spektrum der Nutzfahrzeuge abzubilden. Auf dem Testfeld Autonomes Fahren Baden Württemberg können Firmen und Forschungseinrichtungen zukunftsorientierte Technologien rund um das vernetzte und automatisierte Fahren erproben. Dabei steht auch die automatisierte Logistik mithilfe von Nutzfahrzeugen im Fokus.
Prof Dr. Sax, Experte für die Entwicklungen im Bereich des autonomen Fahrens, sprach in der Pressekonferenz über die neusten Entwicklungen auf dem Testfeld und die Zukunft automatisierter Nutzfahrzeuge.

Pressekonferenz der NUFAM
.100 Jahre Karl Steinbuch

Das Multimedia-Zeitalter wird kommen: Das war für Karl Steinbuch schon 1966 klar: Bereits zu dem Zeitpunkt sagte der Informatik-Pionier voraus, dass digitale Technologien die analogen verdrängen, Telefon- und Rechnernetze zusammenwachsen und Unterhaltungselektronik und Datenverarbeitung in den Endgeräten verschmelzen werden. Den Begriff „Informatik“ führte er 1957 in die deutsche Sprache ein.

Am 15. Juni 2017 hätte Steinbuch, der 1958 das heutige Institut für Technik der Informationsverarbeitung (ITIV) gründete, seinen 100. Geburtstag gefeiert. 


Neues aus dem KIT: 100 Jahre Karl Steinbuch
.ITIV-Daimler-Exkursion am 23.05.2017

Auch dieses Jahr fand die ITIV-Daimler-Exkursion im Rahmen der Vorlesung „Test eingebetteter Systeme im industriellen Umfeld (TES)“ statt.
Die Studenten bekamen dabei nicht nur einen detaillierten Einblick in die faszinierende Welt der Fahrzeugproduktion, sondern auch in die Entwicklung von neuen Fahrzeugreihen und -Funktionen im Mercedes Technologie Center.
Zum Abschluss gab es die Möglichkeit, weitere Fragen an den Dozenten der Vorlesung Herrn Dr. Schmerler zu stellen und über die Eindrücke des Tages zu diskutieren.
An dieser Stelle nochmals ein herzliches Dankeschön an Herrn Dr. Schmerler für die Einladung!

ITIV-Daimler-Exkursion am 23.05.2017
.„Profilregion Mobilitätssysteme Karlsruhe“ vom 15. - 17. Mai 2017 auf dem Global Public Transport Summit in Montreal

Im Rahmen der weltgrößten Messe des öffentlichen Nahverkehrs ist die „Profilregion Mobilitätssysteme Karlsruhe“ ( am Gemeinschaftsstand der Technologieregion Karlsruhe vertreten.
Im Rahmen der „Global Public Transport Summit“ soll der Mobilitätsstandort Karlsruhe weltweit bekannt gemacht und damit gestärkt werden.
.Keynote von Prof. Sax auf dem IPG Automotive Open House

Prof. Sax fordert in seiner Keynote "Testing: Just when I knew all the answers they changed the questions" beim IPG Automotive Open House am 28. März 2017 in Karlsruhe einen Paradigmenwechsel bei den Testmethoden und -prozessen.

Charles Kao Award 2015

The Charles Kao Award 2015 of the IEEE Communication Society received David Hillerkuss et al. for the paper “Single-laser 32.5 Tbit/s Nyquist WDM Transmission”, Journal of Optical Communications and Networking, Volume 4, No. 10, October 2012, pp. 715-723. Prof. Jürgen Becker is co-author.

Charles Kao Award 2015
Die Gründer von emmtrix (v.l.n.r.): Michael Rückauer, Frederik Riar, Oliver Oey, Dr.-Ing. Timo StripfFounding of the month January: emmtrix Technologies GmbH

The Spin-off emmtrix Technologies initiated by Prof Becker, was named Founder of the Month by the KIT Gründungsschmiede in January 2017. emmtrix Technologies offers innovative software solutions for embedded single-core and heterogeneous multi-core systems with the emmtrix Code Generator (eCG) and the emmtrix Parallel Studio (ePS). Support for MATLAB and Scilab environments enables integration into existing software development processes. This means that the two tools can be used, for example, in the development of automatic parking aids and autonomous driving systems.

zum Interview von emmtrix Technologies mit der KIT Gründerschmiede
.2nd Place at CyberChampions Award 2016 for the ITIV-Spin Off emmtrix Technologies GmbH

The CyberChampions Award takes place once a year and addresses young companies in the IT and high-tech industry.
At this year’s award ceremony the founding team of emmtrix Technologies GmbH was awarded with the 2nd place. 

press release Cyberforum (

Introduction video (

press release emmtrix
."Light Cares" competition: FZI project LiDARsee honoured

Parliamentary State Secretary Stefan Müller honoured the ten winning projects of the "Light Cares" competition at FabLab Berlin on Wednesday, 24 August 2016. By using photonic tools, they help people with disabilities to be independent. The FZI project LiDARsee is one of the winners.
Prof Dr Wilhelm Stork, FZI Director, and Alexandra Backof, research assistant, accepted the certificate on behalf of the FZI.
.Best Paper Award TSP 2016

For their paper "Ranging Errors in UWB Networks and Their Detectability" Frank Hartmann, Christian Enders und Wilhelm Stork received the Best Paper Award of the 39. international conference TELECOMMUNICATIONS AND SIGNAL PROCESSING in Vienna, in June 2016.

Best Paper Award TSP 2016
.„TivSeg Simulator“ mit dem GOLC Award 2016 ausgezeichnet

Das Global Online Laboratory Consortium (GOLC) hat die Online-Simulationsumgebung „TivSeg Simulator“ mit dem diesjährigen GOLC Award in der Kategorie „Simulated Experiment“ ausgezeichnet. Die offizielle Bekanntgabe fand am 25.02.2016 im Rahmen der internationalen Konferenz „Remote Engineering and Virtual Instrumentation“ (REV) 2016 in Madrid statt.


Weitere Informationen
.Best Poster Award DASIP 2015

For their poster "Evaluation of Analog and Digital Signal Processing on PSoC Architecture with DCT as Use Case" Stephan Werner, Bernhard Stiehle and Jürgen Becker received the Best Poster Award at the DASIP in Poland, which took place from the 23.-25. September 2015.

Best Poster Award DASIP 2015
RESTUBE gewinnt den Deutschen Gründerpreis 2015

Nur ein kurzes Ziehen am Auslöser – und schon verwandelt sich ein zusammengefalteter Kunststoffschlauch blitzschnell in eine aufblasbare Rettungsboje. Dafür erhält die von Prof. Stork unterstützte Ausgründung RESTUBE GmbH den Deutschen Gründerpreis 2015 in der Kategorie StartUp.

Pressemitteilung (pdf)

Auszeichnung für Veröffentlichung

Die Veröffentlichung "Prediction of temperature and damage in an irradiated human eye - Utilization of a detailed computer model which includes a vectorial blood stream in the choroid" von N. Heussner, L. Holl, T. Nowak, T. Beuth, M. Spitzer, W. Stork ist zu den besten 10% der Veröffentlichungen 2014 des Journals "Computers in Biology and Medicine" gewählt worden

.FZI/ITIV-Ausgründung easierLife erhält den IKT-Gründerpreis

FZI/ITIV-Ausgründung easierLife erhält auf der Cebit 2015 beim Gründerwettbewerb IKT Innovativ des BMWi einen Preis für Innovation zum sicheren Wohnen im Alter

zur Pressemeldung
Fakultätslehrpreis 2014

Dipl-Phys. Thorsten Beuth hat als Mitglied des institutsübergreifenden Teams der Akademischen Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter des "Workshops Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik" den Fakultätslehrpreis bekommen. Herzlichen Glückwunsch!

.Best Conference Presentation Price EDERC 2014

Tobias Gaedeke, Frank Hartmann, Lukasz Niestoruk, M. Reinhardt und Wilhelm Stork haben für ihr Paper "Real-time Environmental Emission Monitoring on Construction Sites" auf der 6th European Embedded Design in Education and Research Conference (EDERC) 2014 einen Preis erhalten.

Best Conference Presentation Price EDERC 2014
.HiPEAC Paper Award für DAC 2014 Paper

Jan Heisswolf, Aurang Zaib, Andreas Zwinkau, Sebastian Kobbe, Andreas Weichslgartner, Jürgen Teich, Jörg Henkel, Gregor Snelting, Andreas Herkersdorf und Jürgen Becker haben für ihr Paper "CAP: Communication Aware Programming" auf der Design Automation Conference (DAC) 2014 den HiPEAC Paper Award vom European Network of Excellence on High Performance and Embedded Architecture and Compilation erhalten.

HiPEAC Paper Award
.Best Paper - Smart-SysTech 2014

Frank Hartmann, Tobias Gädeke, Patrick Leibold, Lukasz Niestoruk und Wilhelm Stork haben für ihr Paper "Navigation for Occupational Safety in Harsh Industrial Environments" das Best Paper Certificate auf der European Conference on Smart Objects, Systems and Technologies (SMART-SysTech 2014) erhalten.

Best Paper Certificate
.Best Paper Award of ICMEI 2014

Für ihr Paper "The Road to “ITIV Labs” – an Integrated Concept for Project-Oriented Systems Engineering Education" haben Thorsten Beuth, Tobias Gaedeke, Carsten Tradowsky, Jens Becker, Alexander Klimm und Oliver Sander den Best Paper of the Session Award des Committees der ICMEI 2014 in Paris erhalten.

Best Paper Award
Verleihung der Ehrendoktorwürde an Professor Becker

Am 23. Mai 2013 verlieh die TU Budapest Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h. c. Jürgen Becker in einer feierlichen Zeremonie die Ehrendoktorwürde in Anerkennung seiner internationalen wissenschaftlichen Leistungen im Bereich der Eingebetteten Systeme.

Bild (1), Bild (2), Bild (3), Bild (4)

.Best Paper Award ICL-GNSS 2012

We congratulate Markus Völker, Johannes Schmid, Tobias Gädeke, Klaus D. Müller-Glaser und Dorothea Wagner on the Best Paper Award for their paper "Force-Directed Tracking in Wireless Networks using Signal Strength and Step Recognition" at the International Conference on Localization and GNSS (ICL-GNSS), Starnberg, 2012.

Best Paper Award ICL-GNSS 2012
.Best Paper Award SIES 2012

For their paper "LISPARC: Using an Architecture Description Language Approach for Modelling an Adaptive Processor Microarchitecture" Carsten Tradowsky, Florian Thoma, Michael Hübner und Jürgen Becker received the Best-in-Progress Paper Award. 


Best Work-in-Progress Paper Award