Join our Team
We are always looking for committed and responsible team members, who we would like to offer the opportunity to write a thesis, to do a PhD or find a job at ITIV.
You can expect a wide range of tasks in the fields of Systems Engineering (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eric Sax), Embedded Electronic Systems (Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h. c. Jürgen Becker) and Microsystems Engineering and Optics (Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Wilhelm Stork).
Unsolicited applications are very welcome at ITIV.
Please send your application for our vacancies to our Academic Senior Advisor, Dr. Jens Becker (jens.becker∂
Please send applications for theses and HIWI positions directly to the respective supervisors indicated.
From AI to ZuSE - together we will find a suitable topic for your bachelor thesis.
Bachelor thesesGet 100% ahead of the game with your Master's thesis selection during your studies.
Master thesesOur HiWi positions are more than just a job.
HiWi jobsStart your career at ITIV - we offer you suitable entry and development scenarios.