News archive 2023
KontaktbörseProfessional and practical orientation for the committed promotion of young talent

Several universities, companies, career and study guidance services from the employment agency, the Chamber of Crafts and the Chamber of Industry and Commerce were invited to the first contact exchange last Wednesday at the Carl Engler School in Karlsruhe. As part of ITIV's cooperation with the school, Prof. Eric Sax and two of his doctoral students, Marco Stang and David Kraus, took part in the event, which was held under the motto: "Prospects and opportunities after the Carl Engler School - or: CES and then what?". Information talks on choosing a course of study in the context of vocational training were offered in various rooms, Prof. Sax gave a presentation on the electrical engineering/information technology course and there were information stands for individual questions in the foyer in front of the staff room.

Link to the article on the school's website
GruppenbildAnother milestone in the Smart e-Meter project

At the invitation of Haramaya University in Addis Ababa, the project participants, including GIZ Ethiopia and the Ethiopian Electric Utility (EEU), have now met in Ethiopia for the final workshop.  
The aim of the project is to develop and build an innovative, intelligent monitoring system that can monitor the electricity distribution network of the Ethiopian Electric Utility (EEU) using advanced measurement and communication technologies and the IoT (Internet of Things). 
Prof Stork is being accompanied by his research assistants Dejenie Birile Gemeda and Markus Lehner, who are checking the installation of the sensors in Harar, among other things.
The project results were presented at the workshop and practical implementation is now being planned and prepared.

Link to the project
ZooExkursionExcursion behind the scenes at the Zoological City Garden

16 members of Professor Sax's Systems Engineering working group were invited on a guided tour behind the scenes at Karlsruhe Zoological Garden.
Zoo vet Marco Roller accompanied the group for almost two hours through the depot, the surgery, the elephant enclosure and the technical area of the tropical house, where the first breeding successes (see article) could be marveled at. The day gave rise to many ideas for new final theses and projects, which will be worked on and put out to tender in the coming weeks. The cooperation has now been in place for almost two years and three theses and two internships have already been completed. Two further bachelor theses are currently in progress. If you are interested in the topics, please contact Vitus Lüntzel by email (

Link to the article
ReisgysPromotionITIV congratulates Felix Reisgys on his successful doctorate

We are delighted to congratulate Felix Reisgys from Prof. Eric Sax's group of external doctoral students on his successful dissertation entitled "Credibility and use of scenario-based X-in-the-loop testing for driver assistance systems".

The dissertation presents how scenario-based testing and simulation can be integrated into existing development processes for driver assistance systems. Based on this, a process for evaluating the credibility of simulative tests of these systems by comparing them with reality is developed.


PreisverleihungWe congratulate Dr. Xiang Xie on the NAMUR Award

Xiang Xie was honoured with the NAMUR Award for his dissertation entitled "Artificial Intelligence for spectral analysis: a comprehensive framework", which was awarded "summa cum laude". In his thesis, he developed a "pioneering framework for spectral analysis based on neural networks", as Dr Dorothea Pantförder from the Technical University of Munich said in her laudatory speech.

NAMUR, the "Interessengemeinschaft Automatisierungstechnik der Prozessindustrie e.V.", is an international association of user companies. The prize for the best dissertation is endowed with €3,000. A further €5,000 (doctoral thesis) goes to the supervising chairs.


Link to the press release
GruppenbildResearch meets industry - the basis for future transfer activities

The Standardized Automotive Software Workshop took place in Bad Liebenzell on 30.11.2023.
The workshop was aimed at engineers and researchers from the automotive industry as well as scientists from the Innovation Campus Mobility of the Future (ICM), particularly from the research field of software system architecture. In addition to the lively exchange in various working groups within the specialist topics and a joint lunch break, visitors could look forward to exciting keynote speeches on open source developments and standards in automotive software. Prof. Sax moderated a panel discussion in which four top-class participants from industry and research took part: Thorge Erichsen (Mercedes-Benz), Dr. Christian Müller from ZF Group, Dr. Marc Weber (Vector Informatik) and Prof. Michael Weyrich (University of Stuttgart). ITIV employees helped shape the parallel working groups in the afternoon and discussed innovative ideas.

Link to the ICM-Website
Studi-Info-TagExciting insights into the big world of research at the KIT Study Info Day

In the field of information processing, prospective students were given a guided tour of the ITIV at four different stations, focusing on a range of topics: from the development of an intelligent learning device that helps students learn handwriting, to the presentation of realistic traffic scenarios using model vehicles, the importance of digital technology as a basic subject in the degree program and the use of neural networks in medical technology. Afterwards, there was still time for questions and individual discussions.

Link to the event
GruppenbildMaster's students from the MIT and ETIT faculties experience theory and practice at Getinge in Rastatt

In the morning, the students travelled by bus to Getinge AB's largest development site in Rastatt. The excursion was organised in cooperation between Prof. Eric Sax's ITIV group and Getinge Rastatt. After guided tours of production and development, there was plenty of opportunity to talk to other employees after lunch before returning to ITIV in the afternoon. We received very positive feedback from the 18 students, for which we would like to take this opportunity to express our sincere thanks.

Link to the company
StudieninformationstagInformation technology is shaping the future

At the Institute of Information Processing Technology, we will show you a treadmill demonstrator that can be used to present realistic scenarios for driver assistance using model vehicles.
You can also find out how we are developing a digital pen that uses sensors and artificial intelligence to help children learn to write.
Artificial intelligence is also playing an increasingly important role in medical technology. We will show you how AI could be used to detect neurological diseases such as dementia much earlier in the future.

How? Guided tour at ITIV
Where? Foyer - Ground floor - Building 30.10 - South Campus
When? 10:00 - 11:00, 22.11.2023

Link to the website with program
SavethedateInvitation to a field trip - a day at Getinge for students

What special challenges does the medical technology industry offer? How can modern technologies improve patient care? What career opportunities do these new technologies open up? We will provide the answers during a customized tour of Getinge AB's largest development site in Rastatt on Nov. 15, 2023. Round-trip transportation, on-site program and catering are free of charge for all participants.

The concrete program and the possibility to reserve one of the limited places is available in direct contact with M. Sc. Andreas Puder, who organizes the excursion as a PhD student of Prof. Eric Sax and employee of Getinge. Registration by Wednesday, 08.11.2023 at the latest at

Link to the company website
FakutltätslehrpreisCircuit design lab - from the idea to the finished circuit board

2023 PhD students Florian Schade, M. Sc., Iris Fürst-Walter, M. Sc., and Christian Maximilian Karle, M. Sc. from ITIV won the faculty teaching award for the course "Laboratory Circuit Design" at ITIV.

In the current winter semester, the laboratory was again very popular as a 3-week block practical course. In their feedback, the students considered the lab and the practical relevance as an optimal experience for their further studies.

Next year the lab will start again. The number of participants is limited, so early registration is recommended. Places will be allocated via the campus portal using SignMeUp within the period specified there.

Link to the course
TeambildSuccessful exchange of the international expert community at ELIV - Electronics in Vehicles 2023

A colorful program of presentations awaited the expert audience at the world's largest congress for automotive electronics, software and applications at the World Conference Center Bonn from Oct. 18 to 19, 2023. Almost 1,000 participants met at the accompanying exhibition. Prof. Eric Sax and a team of his doctoral students from ITIV and FZI were represented with their own booth, and two demonstrators (bus platooning as a model in M 1:87 and test setup for tailgating) explained new technologies for the future of mobility to visitors.  Nicole Kechler was also able to convince the expert audience with her presentation "Key Factors of a robust and safe Automated Driving Function - Transferable Insights of City-Bus Platooning in Munich".
Team photo at the booth (from left to right): Marc Schindewolf (ITIV), Lennart Ries (FZI), Nicole Kechler (ITIV), Christian Steinhauser (FZI)

Link to the youtube video
DekanwahlSaxProf. Eric Sax Elected New Dean of the Faculty

A new board was elected in the KIT Faculty Council ETIT on October 10, 2023. The new Dean of the Faculty is the previous Vice Dean Prof. Eric Sax. He is followed by Prof. Thomas Zwick (IHE) as new KIT Vice Dean and Prof. Marc Hiller (ETI) was confirmed in office as Dean of Studies.
In his résumé, the outgoing dean, Prof. Ulrich Lemmer, addressed special challenges of his three-year term of office: the faculty had come through the Corona period, in which the rapidly changing framework conditions required special flexibility, well. The development of online formats, which had become necessary in the process, had become an integral part of teaching, to the benefit of students. Likewise, the major change toward budgeting has taken shape in recent years, and the faculty has grown gratifyingly through numerous newly appointed professors. For all of this, he said, the collegial interaction and good communication within the board and across the ETIT faculty had been crucial. The newly elected dean Prof. Sax confirmed this assessment in his words of thanks and promised to continue on the path taken.
(Picture from left to right: N. Landeck (Managing Director), Prof. U. Lemmer, Prof. M. Hiller, Prof. E. Sax)

Link to the Faculty
GruppenbildPresentation of current work of Tsinghua University (Beijing)

For further exchange within the existing research cooperation with KIT, two members of Prof. Yu Wang's group, Yudong and Tianchen Zhao, were guests at ITIV. They were welcomed by the team of Prof. Becker, one item of the program was the talk of Tianchen Zhao on "Ada3D : Exploiting the Spatial Redundancy with Adaptive Inference for Efficient 3D Object Detection".

Link to the Tsinghua University:
OrientierungstagOrientation offer with institute tour

As part of the orientation phase for the bachelor's degree programs in electrical and information engineering and medical engineering, a guided tour of the building with all 3 institutes (IHE, IPQ and ITIV ) took place. After the welcome by Prof. Dr.-Ing. Ulusoy (IHE) and a get-together with coffee and pretzels with Prof. Dr. Randel (IPQ), a presentation of the ReLoDAQ demonstrator (Open 6G Hub), an optical flow demo, the treadmill demonstrator (see pictures), the Space Invaders and the demonstration of a medical engineering experiment by Marius Gerdes awaited the students at ITIV. As a conclusion, the institute tour was again very well received this year.

Link to the KIT-Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
ScienceWeekMarket of Opportunities in the Foyer of the Audimax

The day before yesterday, the official opening of KIT Science Week took place in the Audimax of KIT. The opening was marked by a keynote speech of marine biologist Prof. Antje Boetius, head of the Alfred Wegener Institute (AWI) Helmholtz Center for Polar and Marine Research, on the topic "Humans and our environment - what keeps us together? She is convinced: "We have opportunities and can make a difference together. But time is short."

The Market of Opportunities in the foyer of the Audimax then provided an opportunity to learn about innovative climate and environmental projects. Also present from ITIV were Prof. Eric Sax with Nicole Kechler, Moritz Zink and Luca Seidel from his doctoral team with the bus platooning demonstrator, which illustrates the automation of e-buses in road traffic. 

Until October 15, people even without a scientific background can come into contact with researchers from all over the world at around 60 events during "KIT Science Week".


Link to the program
ELIVInternational VDI Congress "ELIV" in Bonn from October 18-19

In recent years, the ELIV Congress (Electronics In Vehicles) has become the most important event of its kind - also internationally. This is where vehicle manufacturers and suppliers exchange information and identify innovations, developments and problems in automotive electronics at an early stage. This is where trends are set and essential decision-making bases for the automotive industry are created.

Prof. Eric Sax will be represented by a team of his doctoral students, the Tempus demonstrator will present the development of platooning in automated local traffic and Nicole Kechler will give a lecture with the topic "Key Factors of a robust and safe Automated Driving Function - Transferable Insights of City-Bus Platooning in Munich".

Link To the Congress
ICMThe Innovation Campus "Mobility of the Future" (ICM) strengthens Baden-Württemberg as a location for innovation

To mark its fourth anniversary, ICM presented groundbreaking projects and results at the "ICM Day - Future Mobility Open Labs" at the ARENA2036 research factory in Stuttgart on October 5, 2023.
ITIV is involved in several ICM projects such as SdMobi2/SWUpCar and INDU2/OTrace. Prof. Eric Sax was able to present the most important project results with his PhD students Marc Schindewolf, Daniel Grimm, Julian Lorenz and Houssem Guissouma, Martin Sommer gave a keynote speech on the OTrace project and the demonstrator vehicle DeVee with integrated sensors and ECUs was shown to the interested audience. The groups of Prof. Becker and Prof. Stork were also represented to present the results of the project SdMobi3/LETSCOPE.

Link to the program
Science WeekKIT Science Week 2023: Shaping a sustainable future together!

At KIT Science Week 2023, a diverse program with exciting insights into the world of science awaits those with a thirst for knowledge. In 2023, everything revolves around the topics of climate protection and sustainability. Look forward to many hands-on offers, also for children.
We cordially invite you to the opening on 10.10.23 at 7 p.m. in the Audimax of KIT. ITIV will be there with the team of Prof. Eric Sax and will present the TEMPUS demonstrator.
Venue: At the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology, in Karlsruhe and online.
Date: October 10 - 15, 2023

More Information
GruppenbildDoctoral Seminar at Lichtenthal Monastery

Last week, the Lichtenthal Monastery on the outskirts of the city of Baden-Baden was the ideal setting for scientific lectures, feedback and discussions as part of the PhD retreat of Prof. Sax's team. With its historical character of the buildings, the monastery offers a contemplative atmosphere for deceleration and concentration. To compensate, there was a varied program with a guided tour of the SWR Baden-Baden, a visit to the museum "Sammlung Frieder Burda" and a trip to the casino. The flair of a country school stay came up with the movie evening about the decoding of the Enigma or the online game "Kahoot". Every year, the doctoral retreat offers an ideal opportunity to think outside the box and to find overlaps through the topics and projects of the other participants.

Link to the venue
U-Shift IINew research results in the U-Shift II project

On 09-12-2023 the advisory board of the U-Shift II project met at FKFS. The project partners (DLR-FK, FKFS, KIT FAST, KIT ITIV, UULM MRM) jointly presented the current progress in building the U-Shift II prototype. Prof. Eric Sax and his research assistant David Kraus from ITIV are involved in building the E/E architecture and are researching a reconfigurable software architecture for modular vehicles as part of the project.

Afterwards, the first driving tests were demonstrated in the workshop hall. The research results have the potential to consolidate Baden-Württemberg's position as a location for innovation and progress. Excerpts from U-Shift II will certainly be on display at one or another conference and trade fair next year.

Link to the project
DoktorandenseminarDoctoral Seminar in the Southern Palatinate

Exciting lectures, inspiring presentations and a llama hike for team-building - there was a compact program at the PhD students' seminar with Prof. Becker.

The art nouveau hotel Trifels in the Palatinate Forest and the idyllic town of Annweiler provided ideal conditions for the scientific and interdisciplinary exchange of experiences between the doctoral students on the status of their work and the discussion of research results.

Yu Wang BesuchFurther planning meeting with Yu Wang

Prof. Yu Wang, the co-founder of Deephi Tech (acquired by Xilinx), a leading provider of deep learning computing platforms, is a professor at the EE Department of Tsinghua University, Beijing, China. Together with Prof. Guohao Dai and PhD students Zhenhua Zhu and Yu Zhu, he was a guest at ITIV to concretize the next steps of a cooperation after an initial meeting a month ago. Within the Sino-German mobility program "Efficient Machine Learning for Multi-Agent COoperation Systems" (in short: MLCOS), there is already a collaboration. Yu Wang also holds the Humboldt Fellowship, which serves as a basis for further successful projects and collaborations. Prof. Becker will travel to China in March 2024, and there will also be an exchange of PhD students over several months.

Link to the profile of Prof. Yu Wang
SOCC ConferenceLively exchange at the 36th SOCC (IEEE International System-on-Chip Conference)

From 05.09-08.09.2023, the 36th SOCC (IEEE International System-on-Chip Conference) took place in Santa Clara, California. Prof. Becker was General Chair and Tanja Harbaum Technical Program Chair in the committee. They were supported by Fabian Lesniak, Tim Hotfilter (both ITIV) and Brian Pachideh (FZI) with their papers. The SOCC offered a three-day technical programme for more than 120 participants with keynote and plenary lectures, oral and poster presentations, thematic panel discussions and a day of industry talks. Next year the conference will be held in Dresden.

Link to the conference
Neue MitarbeitendeWelcome to ITIV!

We welcome our new research assistants to the team of Prof. Sax:
Julian Lorenz, M.Sc. (left) and Nikola Lukezic, M.Sc. (right).
Have fun and success with your exciting tasks and projects!

Student Innovation LabNew round of the Student Innovation Lab (SIL) at KIT starts soon

Be one of the participants in this unique Master course in the winter term 2023/2024.  
Experience the complete startup process from ideation to the pitch of an investment-ready prototype in front of potential investors.  2 terms, 15 ECTS (Economics: 18 ECTS), application until October 8th! 

Visit this website for more information
TEMPUS IAA Mobility 2023Automated and networked mobility: an exciting look into the future

The largest mobility event in the world is currently taking place in Munich. In the middle of the city, projects and innovations will be presented to interested citizens from September 5 to 10 - freely accessible and free of charge. Cars, micro-vehicles, bicycles, new solutions for traffic and a colorful supporting program will be presented. As part of the TEMPUS research project, ITIV will be present at the Open Space area on Königsplatz. Here, the trade fair team will present, among other things, the bus demonstrator and the platooning principle using the follow-on vehicle equipped with sensors and other hardware in a convoy as an illustrative model.

Link to video on Youtube
UnipreneursUNIPRENEURS award for Prof. Stork - congratulations!

UNIPRENEURS, the initiative to strengthen spin-offs from universities in Germany, awarded 20 outstanding professors.
The award ceremony was held yesterday by Federal Minister of Education and Research Bettina Stark-Watzinger and Dr. Anna Christmann, Commissioner for Digital Economy and Startups at the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection, at the Allianz Forum at the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin.

The co-founder of one of Prof. Stork's current startups, Dr. Simon Stock (Metis Neurotec), accepted the award on his behalf. Congratulations!

Link to the UNIPRENEURS profile of Prof. Stork
GruppenbildProfessor Yu Wang of Tsinghua-University, China visits ITIV

At the beginning of August, ITIV hosted an exchange meeting within the Sino-German mobility program "Efficient Machine Learning for Multi-Agent COoperation Systems" (short: MLCOS). The guest was Professor Yu Wang from the EE Department of Tsinghua University, China. 
After the institute presentation, the meeting continued after lunch break at the FZI for the presentation of the research center with a tour through the House of Living Labs: a research environment on more than 2,000 square meters, especially for small and medium enterprises. Another meeting with Prof. Becker will take place in September to deepen the cooperation.

Link to Tsinghua University, China
GruppenbildITIV congratulates Con Tran Vu on the successful completion of his doctoral thesis

We are pleased to congratulate Con Tran Vu from Prof. Stork's PhD group on successfully completing his dissertation entitled "Towards Predictive Maintenance For Radiation Generation Vacuum Components". The practical thesis presents a recipe consisting of systems, processes and algorithms for the realization of a predictive maintenance solution in the context of a small and medium-sized enterprise (SME). 


HackathonCongratulations for the Best Design Award!

The FPGA Ignite Summer School 2023 took place in Heidelberg from July 31 to August 04. The Summer School series brings together young researchers in the field of hardware design for reconfigurable computing with FPGAs.

During a hackathon on the last day, Iris Fürst-Walter from Prof. Becker's team and two other students from Heidelberg University won the Best Design Award for the integration of a CPU in the "Multi-Project Die".
In this project a chip was designed and mini-projects were realized in small groups. An FPGA fabric was provided centrally, to which further functionalities were integrated. The criteria for the award were creativity and progress/maturity of the design. Congratulations!

Link to the FPGA Ignite Summer School
OnlineSessionOnline Info Session "Driving the Future"

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eric Sax hosted an online info session together with Martina Waldner, Senior Programme Consultant HECTOR School. In the field of mobility, we are currently experiencing unprecedented change, the likes of which have not been seen for over a century. The Master's programme in Mobility Systems Engineering and Management provides the knowledge, skills and experience to drive innovation and meet the challenges of tomorrow.

Link to the Online Info Session
PromotionWilmsWe congratulate Tobias Wilm from the group of Prof. Stork on his successful PhD thesis

His doctoral thesis entitled "Realization of Highly Transparent Wave Front Printed Holograms for Display Applications" deals with the recording of highly transparent holograms for augmented reality displays (e.g. so-called smart glasses). 

The holograms are produced using a novel method called holographic wavefront printing. In the course of the PhD, fundamental interference effects were identified, so that in particular the transparency and complexity of the holograms could be increased.


Linkedin Profile
AutobahnpilotVisiting the IPG headquarters with 30 students

As part of the course "Practical Software Engineering (PSE)", an excursion with 30 students to the company IPG in Karlsruhe took place on 20.07.2023. ITIV, represented on that day by David Kraus and Luca Seidel, cooperates with the Karlsruhe company within the internship. During the internship, a software project for the implementation of a highway pilot is designed, implemented and validated with the IPG simulation tool CarMaker.

Dr. Pascal Piecha from IPG presented different hardware-in-the-loop (HiL) systems that can be used with the CarMaker software. CarMaker is a central simulation tool in PSE, so that a clear relation to the practice in the industry is established here. This year, for the first time, a competition was held where the two best student teams could test their highway pilot on one of the HiL systems. At the end of the day, IPG organized a get-together with beer and pizza. A successful event all around!

Link to the Laboratory
GruppenbildITIV goes Africa

As part of the "Smart-e-Meter" project, a team led by Prof. Stork traveled to Ethiopia for a month in mid-April.
Ethiopia needs energy. By 2025, the country aims to have a nationwide power supply. However, currently only about 45% of Ethiopia's 120 million inhabitants have access to electricity. Especially in rural areas, very few people have access to electricity. Blackouts can occur at any time due to outdated equipment. The focus is therefore on stabilizing the power grid and taking better precautions in the event of bottlenecks in the energy supply.
To this end, the ITIV team is on site studying outage data to make better use of the existing grid. The local utility gets continuous access to the measurement data and can thus better respond to outages and investigate the reasons for them.

Link to the Youtube Video
ShiftIIImplementation of the E/E architecture in the U-Shift II project 

As part of the U-Shift II project, which is funded by the state and coordinated by the German Aerospace Center (DLR), a prototype setup took place at the Research Institute of Automotive Engineering and Vehicle Engines Stuttgart (FKFS) at the University of Stuttgart. Among other things, this involves developing and implementing the E/E architecture of a vehicle. David Kraus, Veljko Vucinic and Zacharias Franz from ITIV were involved in its implementation.

Link to the Project
TullaSchuleActive promotion of young talent and study orientation

Within the project days at the Tulla Gymnasium Rastatt, a group of students visited a workshop organized by the ITIV - in cooperation with the institutes IPQ and IHE - with a varied program. After a guided tour through the institutes, the workshop with the demonstrators and a welcome by Prof. Becker, the program continued with interesting lectures and practical exercises. The students showed interest in the many possibilities of studying in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology.

Link to the Gymnasium
MetisInternational Workshop on Digital Dementia Intervention and Prevention on 26. and 27.06.2023

The workshop at the ITIV on digital dementia intervention and prevention in the age of AI paved the way for innovative approaches to address the challenges of dementia in the digital age. The first day started with a series of interesting presentations. The speakers from Karlsruhe (KIT and FZI) focused on the topic of software as a medical product. Researchers from RIKEN CBAT from Japan presented the use of AI and robots against cognitive impairments. The DZNE Rostock highlighted the need for digital support for people with dementia. Participating institutions will share their individual strengths to globally positively impact the lives of people affected by dementia.

Link to the METIS-Project Website
Symposium23rd Stuttgart Symposium at the Haus der Wirtschaft in Stuttgart

From 4.-5. of July 2023, the 23rd Stuttgart Symposium took place at the Haus der Wirtschaft, Stuttgart. During this interesting event with many representatives from the automotive industry and research, the PhD student team of Prof. Eric Sax presented the conference paper entitled "Concept for an Approval-Focused Over-The-Air Update Development Process" during a presentation in the session Vehicle Technology.

In the context of the SofDCar project, the paper was developed under the leadership of Jacqueline Henle (FZI Research Centre for Information Technology), a doctoral student of Prof. Eric Sax, who supported her, and his other doctoral students Houssem Guissouma (ITIV), Mona Gierl, Felix Müller (both from Karlsruhe University of Applied Sciences) and Goutham Bharadwaj Ramesh (BMW Group).

Link to the Symposium
SymposiumThe ITIV at the ISVLSI 2023 in Iguazu Falls, Brasilien

The ISVLSI 2023 symposium, held on the 20.-23. of June in Iguazu, Brazil, focused on emerging trends, new ideas and concepts in microelectronics.

Prof. Becker gave a keynote talk on "Smart Scalable & Embedded Automotive Supercomputing" and as chair of the Steering Committee he led, among others, a special session on automotive applications, which included presentations on various topics.

Among other topics, the ITIV team presented a paper on "DREAM: Distributed Reinforcement Learning Enabled Adaptive Mixed-Critical NoC."

Link to the symposium
KonferenzMediterranean Conference on Embedded Computing (MECO) from 6. to 10. of June in Budva, Montenegro

Prof. Jürgen Becker's keynote was focused on the issue of reliable high performance computing (HPC) in embedded systems and was awarded as the best keynote of the conference.

Matthias Stammler and Fabian Kempf presented work on information flow control in software systems and adaptive redundancy for fault-tolerant processors. The latter paper was awarded as "Distinguished Paper", for which we congratulate the authors!

At the parallel SS-CPSIoT, the XANDAR team around Prof. Becker and Tobias Dörr organized a tutorial on the design of real-time software, which was created in cooperation with the German Aerospace Center (DLR) and met with great interest in Montenegro.

Link to the conference
GruppenbildConstituency tour "Information and Communication" at ITIV on 04.07.2023

Presented were the institutes CEL, IBT, IMI, IPQ, ITIV and IHE and thus a wide range of scientific and innovative topics: Development of new modules and systems of microwave technology, methods and computer-aided tools for the design of electronic systems and microsystems, modeling of the human heart with its electrophysiological as well as mechanical properties and biosignal processing, mobile communication and the digital signal processing dominating it, and virtual engineering in the product life cycle. Accordingly, the partner landscape is composed of all innovative industrial branches of information and communication technology.

Overview of the thematic electoral clusters
TEMPUS2nd TEMPUS Consortium Meeting in Munich

The TEMPUS project consortium met at the end of June at the BMW Four Cylinder for a diverse program of technical and personal exchange. Here, the individual use cases were presented and the TEMPUS test vehicles were exhibited. The timing of this year's consortium meeting also sets the stage for the final spurt to the end of the project term on Dec. 31, 2023. A special highlight will be the appearance at the International Motor Show (IAA) in Munich in September. ITIV will exhibit the bus demonstrator and illustrate the platooning prototype with two buses from SWM/MVG manufacturer Ebusco. 

Link to the report on the TEMPUS-Website
KaffeeCoffee enjoyment - purely a matter of taste?

Michael Müller, PhD student of Prof. Eric Sax and working at WMF as Head of Product Engineering and Development in the Consumer Goods division, started his PhD project at ITIV in 2022 with the topic: "Use of machine learning methods for optimized preparation of food and beverages with kitchen appliances". In order to uncover the secret of optimizing the taste of prepared foods, a coffee machine has now been set up at the institute as a test object, which will be used to find out how great the influence of the recipe on taste perception is by changing individual parameters and adapting the recipe.

Link to the Youtube video
ViertiefungsabendLively exchange at the faculty on the specializations

Organized by the VDE university group KIT, the specialization evening Electrical Engineering and Information Technology 2023 took place in the Tulla Hall. Over drinks and pretzels, there was the opportunity for personal discussions with the professors, subject advisors and doctoral students of the individual institutes.

Almost 100 students came to the ITIV booth to get information about the majors "Systems Engineering (Model 13)" and "System On Chip (Model 21)" and asked questions about open theses and HIWI jobs.

Link to the VDE Universitygroup at KIT
6G KonferenzAnnual networking event of the German 6G program

The annual meeting of the 6G platform is currently taking place in Berlin. The goal of the project "Platform for Future Communication Technologies and 6G (6G-Platform)" is to provide scientific contributions to the content of 6G as well as to ensure the scientific-organizational support of the processes that are necessary for the successful implementation of the German-European 6G program.

M. Sc. Christian Maximilian Karle (KIT, ITIV), M. Sc. Marc Neu (KIT, ITIV) and Benjamin Nuß (KIT, IHE) together with M. Sc. Andre Scheder (FAU, LHFT) and M. Sc. Lukas Witte (FAU, LHFT) present the jointly developed 26 GHz MIMO testbed.

Link to the conference
VertiefungsabendETIT institutes present their fields of specialization

You want to know more about the different specializations you can choose in the Master? You want to learn more about the different specializations in the Bachelor? Or do you just want to establish some contacts to institutes?
Come to the specialization evening Electrical Engineering and Information Technology 2023, where the different institutes will present their specializations and answer all your questions.

Talk personally to the professors, advisors and PhD students of the individual institutes of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology and get an overview of the different majors and offers of the institutes.

Link to the event
Open6GSuccessful open day at Campus North

After a break of four years due to the pandemic, the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) was back in action and on site on June 17, 2023, from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. at the North Campus in Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen to provide exciting insights into research at the Open House.

ITIV was there with a booth on the "Open6GHub" project. With their baseband system, Christian Maximilian Karle (ITIV) and Johannes Galinsky (IHE) gave interesting insights into a technology that provides important contributions to the global 6G standard.

Link to the KIT press release
PraktikumThe next generation visits ITIV

Within the cooperation with the Balthasar-Neumann-Schule 1, two students from the J1 were given the opportunity to do an internship at ITIV that was perfectly tailored to the profile subject of computer science. They were allowed to work on projects at ITIV, similar to auxiliary scientists. The two students were given practice tasks and assistance from doctoral students at the institute in order to familiarize themselves with the subject matter.
Both students got an excellent insight into the work of an auxiliary scientist as well as into the daily study routine at ITIV.

Link to the article on the school website
Cyber Physische SystemeUpdating Cars as Fast as a Smart Phone

Modern cyber-physical systems (CPS), such as cars or production plants, are full of electronic and mechanical components that are controlled by software. The system as a whole can only function if all these parts interact perfectly. Designing such systems poses the challenge of keeping the system architecture consistent att all times. New methods will be developped in a Collaborative Research Center (Sonderforschungsbereich) Consistency in the View-Based Development of Cyber-Physical Systems (Convide) at KIT, with a budget of 11 million € over four years. In the project, ITIV will explore new consistency-based methods and processes for incremental safety analysis and validation of cyber-physical systems, such as automated vehicles.

Link to KIT press release:
WandertagHiking day at ITIV or: Teambuilding with a difference

The tour started in the morning with a visit to the Rudolf Fettweis plant in Forbach. The complex of the pumped storage and run-of-river power plant includes several plants connected by tunnels and pipelines, which were to be discovered during an interesting guided tour. After a delicious lunch at the Naturfreundehaus Badener Höhe, there was an opportunity to visit the Mehliskopf with its wide range of leisure activities.

Betriebsausflug WandertagWandertag am ITIV oder: Teambuilding mal anders

Los ging es morgens mit der Besichtigung des Rudolf-Fettweis-Werkes in Forbach. Zum Komplex des Pumpspeicher- und Laufwasserkraftwerkes gehören mehrere über Stollen und Rohrleitungen verbundene Werke, die es während einer interessanten Führung zu entdecken galt. Nach einem leckeren Mittagessen im Naturfreundehaus Badener Höhe war die Gelegenheit zu einem Besuch des Mehliskopfes mit seinen vielfältigen Freizeitangeboten. 

VortragHands-on science - or: How does software control hardware?

On May 24, 2023, students of the IMP profile subject in grades 9 and 10 at the St.-Dominikus-Gymnasium were given an insight into how a microprocessor works by Dr.-Ing. Tanja Harbaum. The students followed the explanations with keen interest to learn how a "NAND gate" for the logic operation "not a and b at the same time" can be built from two transistors, which then serves as the basis for circuits for all other logic operations.

Link to the report on the school website:
KooperationNew cooperation with the Carl-Engler-Schule in Karlsruhe for successful career orientation

Prof. Eric Sax has signed a cooperation agreement together with the principal Mrs. Zimmer and Mrs. Höninger from department 76 of the Regierungspräsidium Karlsruhe to inspire young people already at their school for a technically oriented study. Visits of lectures and internships at the institute will give insights into everyday student life and an overview of possible study contents.

In addition, KIT holds annual information events at the Carl-Engler-Schule, where young people can ask specific questions about their personal study plans.

Link to the school website
MINGAAutomated city buses - for the future of urban mobility

On 24.05.23, the kick-off for the new research project MINGA (MINGA = Munich's Automated Local Transport with Ridepooling, Solobus and Bus-Platoons) took place in Munich at the Stadtwerke.

Around a dozen project partners (including KIT with the Institute for Information Processing Technology) and four associated partners from administration, research, business, and industry are working in six work packages on, among other things, the integration of automated vehicles into the existing mobility ecosystem, on-demand services, automated bus line operation, and the simulation of automated local public transport.

Link to the project
Xandar Professor BeckerFrom Cloud to Edge to IoT in Brussels

As part of the European project XANDAR, researchers from ITIV participated in the “Concertation and Consultation on Computing Continuum” organized by DG Connect and the EUCloudEdgeIoT initiative from May 10 to May 11. During the two-day event, Prof. Jürgen Becker and Tobias Dörr presented success stories from XANDAR and shared the consortium's recommendations for future research on cloud, edge, and IoT computing.

Link to the event
LötwerkstattGuided tour of the institute and soldering workshop - activities to get to know and participate in

Interested visitors came to the Campus Day at KIT for a taster session or with specific questions about their studies. During the institute tour at ITIV, the demonstrators in the foyer were the main focus - in the soldering workshop, the participants could make their first experiences in handling soldering stations and printed circuit boards and take home the circuits they had built themselves.

CampustagCampus day on 13.05.2023

Some already know in elementary school what they want to study one day, for most of them it is still a big open question around the Abi. To make the decision a little easier, about 100 study programs of Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) will be presented at the Campus Day on May 13. With guided tours, question rounds, and a lot of information, the KIT faculties as well as university groups and student councils will present themselves from 10 a.m. on.

Advice is also available for bachelor graduates who are interested in a master's degree. A live program on the Campus Day stage and food trucks will provide variety. We are currently busy organizing and look forward to many prospective students!

More info about the program:
Junge Talente Wissenschaft und MusikYoung talents - Science meets music on May 21, 2023

Here, cutting-edge research at KIT, presented in a popular scientific way, meets young talents from the environment of the Karlsruhe University of Music. The event series offers comprehensible lectures on current research of young scientists at KIT. Afterwards, young musicians perform a concert program, mostly chamber music.

The programs are curated and organized by the KIT Event Management in cooperation with the Förderverein für Kunst, Medien und Wissenschaft e.V.. Since 2022, the KIT Freundeskreis und Fördergesellschaft e.V. has also been involved. Occasionally, short art tours to one of the numerous artworks in front of or inside KIT buildings are also offered by KIT art curator Andrea Stengel shortly before the event begins.

On the part of ITIV, Moritz Zink will give a scientific lecture entitled "Automated Public Transport - from the Niche into the World".

Link to event page:
CeCas ProjektMobility: High-performance computers control cars of the future

The highly automated and networked vehicles of the future will need powerful computer systems that perform sophisticated calculations and process huge amounts of data. For this purpose, 30 partners from industry and research are developing suitable processors, interfaces, and system architectures in the CeCaS project. The Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) is involved in the project coordinated by Infineon with two institutes (ITIV and ITEC-CES). The Federal Ministry of Education and Research is funding CeCaS within the MANNHEIM initiative.

Link to the KIT press release
BNS 1 BruchsalVisit of the 11th grade of the Balthasar-Neumann-School 1 from Bruchsal

During a guided tour of the institute, the young people were given information about IT1 and IT2. With a presentation by Prof. Eric Sax and the presentation of the project demonstrators in the workshop, they were able to gain further impressions of the everyday life of studies and the institute in the field of "Electrical Engineering and Information Technology" before they concluded the day in the refectory.

Link to the school website
TEMPUS HannovermesseMit dem Projekt TEMPUS auf der Hannovermesse

Die Doktoranden aus der Gruppe von Prof. Eric Sax, Jacqueline Henle (FZI), David Kraus (ITIV) und Hubert Padusinski (FZI), erläutern u.a. Prof. Hanselka und Volker Wissing, Bundesminister für Digitales und Verkehr, den Demonstrator des TEMPUS-Projektes, in dem es am ITIV um Konzeptionierung, Implementierung und Evaluation der Fahrfunktionen für ein automatisiertes Platooning von E Bussen im ÖPNV geht. Das ausgestellte Modell mit realistischen städtischen Umgebungssituationen veranschaulicht die Herausforderungen des Bus-Platoonings.

Link zum Projekt auf der Hannovermesse
PilotyRobert Piloty Prize 2022 of the Technical University of Darmstadt

For his outstanding scientific achievements in the field of efficient design of dynamically reconfigurable embedded systems, especially in the area of safety-critical applications, Professor Jürgen Becker has been awarded the Robert Piloty Prize 2022 of the TU Darmstadt by the President Prof. Dr. Tanja Brühl on July 08, 2022. The honor, which the TU awards biennially to 2 laureates for outstanding achievements in computer science, electrical engineering and information technology as well as applied mathematics, is endowed with a total of 10,000 euros and a medal.

Link to the Website
GruppenbildITIV congratulates Victor Hugo Betancourt on passing his doctoral examination

We congratulate Victor Hugo Betancourt from Prof. Becker's group on successfully completing his PhD thesis “Task allocation for efficient edge computing systems”. In his work, an efficient allocation method was developed which realizes a combined consideration of resource availability and application demand to compute automatically a reallocation at runtime. For this purpose, the allocation problem is modeled at development time and the information is used at runtime. The special focus is on the allocation due to changes during operation.

Link to the profile
TerminänderungImportant date change!

Please note: the first lecture HSO (LVNr.: 2311619 "Hardware synthesis and optimization") on 17.04.2023 will take place in room 339 of ITIV (Geb. 30.10).

Course Link
PreisverleihungCongratulations on the award "Preis für Exzellente Lehre"

We congratulate Florian Schade, Christian Maximilian Karle and Iris Walter (from left to right) for this year's KIT Faculty Teaching Award (Electrical Engineering and Information Technology).

At yesterday's annual celebration in the Audimax, Prof. Wanner (right) presented them with the certificates as an award for the outstanding course "Laboratory Circuit Design", which will start again in the next winter semester.


Link to the video on Youtube
jugend forscht wettbewerbPrize winners of the 58th Jugend forscht state competition win invitation to a 3-day research internship at ITIV

Sustainable energy is becoming increasingly important. Photovoltaic systems in particular play an important role here. Stefanie Eski (17), Florian Brütsch (17) and Babett Ludwig (17) have also recognized this. The three have developed a system to make the entire energy of the plant usable even in the case of shading or pollution. They have now received an award for their commitment and met Prof. Eric Sax at the presentation of their project "Photovoltaics on fire!". They will participate in a 3-day research internship at ITIV in June.

Link to the project
AmpelphasenProf. Eric Sax visits Radioeins

A new study from the U.S. proposes a fourth traffic light phase to make traffic flow faster and safer. The new white traffic light is intended to give autonomous vehicles control over the flow of traffic and make traffic jams a problem of the past. Prof. Eric Sax talks about this with Radioeins.

Link to Radioeins
WorkshopGirls'Day 2023 with ITIV workshop

ITIV is organizing a workshop about "Green Thumbs through Technology: The World of Microcontrollers for Beginners!" on 4/27/2023 as part of Girls' Day 2023.

Link to the ITIV-Workshop
GruppenbildITIV congratulates Christian King on passing his doctoral examination

We are pleased with Christian King from the PhD group of Prof. Sax about the successful dissertation titled "Assessment of driver assistance systems in the field of scenario-based testing". The dissertation presents a test concept that can be used to test and assess automated driving functions in a wide variety of driving scenarios. Congratulations!

GirlsDayGirls'Day 2023 at KIT

"Girls'Day" is a nationwide career orientation day for girls* in 5th grade and above. Girls' Day gives schoolgirls the opportunity to gain insights into career fields that are rarely chosen by women - fields in the natural and technical sciences.

Link to Girls`Day at KIT
LAMAGruppenbildSuccessful completion of the LAMA laboratory

32 students, 3 supervisors from each working group at ITIV and 4 tutors participated in the "Applied Machine Learning Algorithms Lab" - short:LAMA.
Last week, the final plenary presentations took place, consisting of a ten-minute presentation and a Q&A session. After an oral colloquium and a general evaluation, the lab then ends, which often prepares a good transition to final theses and internships in further studies.

Link to the course
WorkshopSeamlessSuccessful 4th milestone in the "Seamless Engineering" workshop

In the workshop, participants develop systems to accomplish a task in a logistics context. The systems are developed, implemented and tested first in a simulated digital twin environment and then on a real testbench using hardware that is close to industry, such as robot arms, AGVs, etc.

Link to the Youtube Video
Automatisierte TramImportant milestone toward automated driving

The ride of the automated streetcar at the depot in Potsdam rounded off the final meeting of the AStriD project (Autonomous Tramway in Depot) on 08.02.23. ITIV successfully contributed its expertise on the specification and digitalization of depot processes, the automation of processes and the identification of the data required for this during the project. The results achieved by ITIV were now presented on site by Prof. Eric Sax, Nathalie Brenner and Nicole Kechler.

Link to the youtube video
MarcoStangThe ITIV as a guest at the Balthasar Neumann School 1+2

At this year's open day at the industrial training center in Bruchsal, visitors had the opportunity to explore both the theory building and the workshop building from the inside. As a cooperation partner, ITIV was represented by Marco Stang with a replica of the Steinbuch demonstrator to attract young people to study at ITIV/KIT.

Link to the school website
TestverfahrenssystemeSdMobi05 - TESSOF

The aim of the project is to develop a new generation of test procedures for the efficient and systematic validation of highly configurable mobility systems. The standardizable test procedures are to master the variability of the software in space and time. This will create procedures that can be applied throughout the entire life cycle to achieve high software quality.

Link to the project
ElektrobusseOver the Air Communication for sustainable Energy Management of Fleets (OTrace)

The range of electric vehicles, in this case city buses, can be increased by sharing data from vehicles or vehicle fleets. To this end, information from the vehicles is sent to the cloud and analyzed there in order to exploit energy-saving potential in the vehicle by means of new data-driven functions.

Link to the project
GruppenbildCooperative workshop with representatives of BME at ITIV

Prof. Eric Sax: "KIT - and ITIV in particular - has a long friendship with BME (Budapest University of Technology and Economics). For this very reason, we are pleased to exchange ideas with Prof. Zsolt Szalay and his team on current topics of automotive innovations."

Link to BME
GruppenbildITIV congratulates Xiang Xie on passing his doctoral thesis with distinction (summa cum laude)

We are delighted with Xiang Xie from Prof. Stork's PhD group for successfully completing his dissertation entitled "Artificial Intelligence for Spectral Analysis: a Comprehensive Framework". Congratulations!


Xiang Xie's dissertation provides an advanced AI-based system solution for a fast and accurate qualitative and quantitative analysis. With the help of this framework, a highly-efficient workflow can be realized at minimal cost in the mass production.

AutomobilCeCasPerformance and safety from a single source - the CeCas project for the future viability of the automotive industry

Automated, connected and electrified vehicles are picking up speed. However, energy-efficient and cost-effective high-end compute platforms that keep pace with the requirements for computing power and complexity with full automotive qualification (ASIL-D) are missing for full everyday suitability. In particular, AI-based topics such as autonomous driving require tailored, real-time capable and energy-efficient high-performance processors.

Link to the project
GruppenbildITIV congratulates Markus Lücking on passing his doctoral examination

We are pleased with Markus Lücking from the PhD group of Prof. Stork about the successful dissertation titled "Konzepte zur Kollaboration zwischen Intelligenten Geräten zum Aufbau vernetzter Städte". Congratulations!

6G MobilfunkentwicklungProgress in the ITIV project for a high-performance measurement system in the context of 6G mobile communications development.

To achieve the high raw data rates required to measure MIMO antenna systems in the context of 6G mobile radio development, ITIV is developing a Data Acquisition System (DAQ) system with a useful data rate of 400 Gbit/s. The system is based on a server-RFSoC architecture and allows the recording of raw antenna data as well as the replay of test signals on a MIMO antenna array. The system developed by Christian Maximilian Karle and Marc Neu from Prof. Becker's team forms the basis for further 6G mobile radio development and will be made available to our project partners in the near future.

Link to the project
Neue MitarbeitendeWelcome to ITIV!

We welcome our new employees to the team (from left to right):

Roman Moldauer (IT Administration), Luca Seidel (Research Assistant in the group of Prof. Sax) and Annina Gutermann (Research Assistant in the group of Prof. Becker). Have fun and success with the exciting tasks and projects!

Making of"𝗖𝗹𝗮𝗽!" "𝗔𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻." "𝗖𝘂𝘁."

At ITIV, the shooting of instructional videos for the Digital Hardware Design Laboratory with VHDL crash course is just starting.
A first impression of the "making of" can be found in the video on Youtube.

Video auf Youtube
ITIV TeamThe ITIV team at the HiPEAC 2023 conference in Toulouse

From Jan. 16-18, 2023, an ITIV team of Prof. Becker participated in this year's HiPEAC conference in Toulouse, the premier European forum for experts in the field of computer architecture, programming models, compilers and operating systems for general purpose, embedded and cyber-physical systems. 

The conference featured a workshop hosted by the XANDAR project, "XANDAR and Beyond: X-by-Construction (XbC) in the Design of Safety-Critical Systems." 

Besides, the conference was a great success for Fabian Lesniak, who won the Best Paper Award of the RAPIDO workshop with his paper "Non-intrusive runtime monitoring for manycore prototypes". Congratulations!

Link to the conference website
Korea Delegation BesuchITIV team welcomes Korean delegation

Prof. Jeong-A Lee from the Department of Computer Engineering at CSU (Chosun University, Gwangju/Korea) visited the institute together with the president of GIST (Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology, Korea), Prof. Kiseon Kim, to discuss potential future research and exchange cooperations for students (e.g. in the form of a summer school). In this context, interesting discussions also took place with Oliver Schmidt, the head of "International Cooperations and Projects" at KIT.

After the presentation of the institute with various demonstrator presentations and the joint lunch, the participants went to the FZI Research Center for Information Technology to present ongoing AI projects.

SkizzeProject ELCH: the way to a modular e-drive for coaches

The aim of the Electrified Coach project - abbreviated to ELCH - is to develop a modular powertrain including two emission-free and practical demonstration vehicles over the next four years. These will then be tested under real operating conditions.

Link to the project
ParkhausParking without driver

Drive into the parking garage, get out and let the vehicle park itself using an app - this is now possible in Stuttgart. The world's first driverless parking system is to be followed by other parking garages.

Today, Prof. Eric Sax was a virtual guest on ZDF's Morgenmagazin. In the film clip, he points out weaknesses and future development potential in the field of autonomous driving.

Link to the video report in ZDF