![]() Last Friday, the cooperation agreement between ITIV and the Balthasar-Neumann-Schule 1 in Bruchsal - represented by the principal Frank Heusch - was signed in the presence of district administrator Dr. Christoph Schnaudigel. Prior to the signing, Prof. Eric Sax gave a lecture on the study of electrical engineering and information technology at KIT as well as on the research fields at the institute. The ITIV team discussed the studies with the interested and highly motivated students and answered questions. In addition, a research demonstrator on the topic of "Automotive OTA updates" was presented. And in the evening, there was a film report on Baden-TV about this all-around successful event. Link zum Filmbeitrag auf Baden TV |
![]() Congratulations to Marcel Rumez from Prof. Sax's PhD group for his successful dissertation entitled "Absicherung von Diagnosefunktionen in E/E-Fahrzeugarchitekturen durch verteilte Zugriffskontrolle und Anomalieerkennung". Congratulations! Link zum Beitrag auf Linkedin |
![]() On the occasion of the opening of the Munich Moosach depot, Nicole Kechler and Prof. Sax from ITIV presented the TEMPUS demonstrator. KIT contributes to the project by designing the concepts for platooning of city buses and developing corresponding algorithms for automation. In platooning, several vehicles drive in close succession by means of electronic control. These columns can be adapted at will to the respective demand. The new bus depot is intended to create the prerequisite for complete electrification of the Munich bus fleet. Link to the official press release |
![]() Prospective students from all over Baden Württemberg (especially from Central Baden), who want to orient themselves and decide on a field of study, were also guests at ITIV today as part of the study information day. We still have student places available for the Electrical Engineering and Information Technology program and welcome all applications for the coming semesters. Link to info page |
![]() After a successful special session titled „XANDAR: X-by-Construction Architecture for Safety Critical Systems” at the IEEE SOCC 2022 in September, the XANDAR project meeting was held at KIT in mid-October. This second major face-to-face meeting of the XANDAR consortium was attended by 23 participants in person or virtually. The project partners used the opportunity of the three-day event to present the results of their work and to discuss future directions. They are looking forward to the next meeting, which is scheduled for early 2023. Link to the project |
![]() Digitalization in vehicles represents an important innovation driver with high economic significance for Germany as a business location. The implementation of highly automated and autonomous driving functions results in high requirements for the verification of safety properties of these systems. The AutoDevSafeOps project will provide an important building block for modular updates of safety-critical driving functions - a key technology that transcends previous system boundaries and thus holds high strategic importance for the competitiveness and innovation dynamics of Germany as a high-tech location. Link to the project |
![]() Cooperation with the information technology high school (TGI) at the BNS 1 in Bruchsal |
![]() A new lecture "System Integration and Communication Structures in Industry 4.0 and IoT" will start at ITIV on Tuesday, Tues 25 Oct 2022. |
![]() Prof. Eric Sax as Key Note Speaker at #EMCC2022 with clear messages: "Only engineers and computer/data experts are able to solve the challenges of the future." The EMCC is an exclusive expert congress with global participants in Stuttgart, Germany. Link to EMCC2022 |
![]() From 18.10.2022 to 19.10.2022 the annual meeting for the project cooperation "KIHT" (Kaligo-based Intelligent Handwriting Teacher) took place at the institute. For the coordination of the development of an intelligent writing device for automated handwriting, the project partners from Stabilo, IRISA and Learn&Go met with Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Jürgen Becker and Dr.-Ing. Tanja Harbaum from ITIV for a lively exchange of the first project results, which look promising. Link to the project |
![]() At the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, ITIV currently provides collegial support directly on site, represented by Prof. Eric Sax (eric.sax@kit.edu), e.g. with ERASMUS, a funding program of the European Union. Link to BME Budapest |
![]() On 12.10.2022, the Innovation Campus Mobility of the Future (ICM) celebrated its third anniversary together with its partners and invited guests. And ITIV was there with exciting future topics! |
![]() From Sept. 27 to Sept. 30, 2022, the annual doctoral student seminar for scientific exchange of the group around Professor Becker finally took place again after the long Corona forced break. At the training center of the association DIE PAPIERINDUSTRIE e. V. in Gernsbach, which served as the new location, the employees came together to present exciting projects, network and engage in lively discussions. Team building was not neglected either, and all participants were able to prove their accuracy in bowling and archery, even in the rain. |
![]() For 35 years, the IEEE International System-on-Chip Conference (SOCC) has been one of the leading forums of advances in SoC architecture, systems, logic and circuit design, process technology, test, design tools, and applications. Professor Juergen Becker of ITIV served on the organizing committee - as he has for many years - and asked Lynn Conway, professor of electrical engineering and computer science at the Emerita University of Michigan, to give the dinner talk on "Surfing the waves of techno-social evolution". He was supported by Dr.-Ing. Tanja Harbaum. In the EU-funded research project "XANDAR", in which KIT/ITIV is the coordinator, eight partners from science and industry - including the working group of Prof. Jürgen Becker - are working on a novel toolchain for model-based design of embedded systems. At the conference with about 150 participants, we were able to hold a special session and present the project. Link to IEEE SOCC |
![]() Sandra Boser, State Secretary in the Baden-Württemberg Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, visited the KIT with her colleague Alexander Salomon to learn about ongoing projects on the topic of "Digitization of Schools". The ITIV staff placed a special focus on the KIHT (Kaligo-based Intelligent Handwriting Teacher) collaborative project to develop an intelligent learning device for automated handwriting. Together with project partners Stabilo, IRISA and Learn&Go, ITIV is developing artificial intelligence methods to interpret handwriting by reconstructing the pen trace from inertial data. The exchange with the scientific community is an important concern for Ms. Boser in order to discuss possibilities for developments in the education system. Artificial Intelligence: Digital Pen Helps Persons Learn to Write |
![]() Professor Hartenstein was a pioneer of hardware description languages, reconfigurable computing, and reconfigurable supercomputing. Reiner Hartenstein had studied communications engineering at the then University of Karlsruhe (TH), today's Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), until 1959 and received his PhD in 1969 in the field of automatic character recognition under Professor Karl Steinbuch. Our thoughts and deepest sympathies are with his family and loved ones during these difficult times. We will always cherish his memory. https://www.informatik.kit.edu/11147_12722.php |
![]() In the Digital People Interviews, KIT's Center for Medial Learning (ZML) introduces people who have immersed themselves in the digital world and are helping to shape it through new structures, through their teaching or innovation(s). In the interview, Prof. Becker answers 5 questions about modern processors, embedded electronic systems for networked autonomous cars and digitalization in Industry 4.0 with reliable AI integration, the impact of Corona on teaching and the use of blended learning, and his assessment of future web applications. https://www.zml.kit.edu/digitalpeople-becker.php |
![]() For his outstanding scientific achievements in the field of efficient design of dynamically reconfigurable embedded systems, especially in the area of safety-critical applications, Professor Jürgen Becker has been awarded the Robert Piloty Prize 2022 of the TU Darmstadt by the President Prof. Dr. Tanja Brühl on July 08, 2022. The honor, which the TU awards biennially to 2 laureates for outstanding achievements in computer science, electrical engineering and information technology as well as applied mathematics, is endowed with a total of 10,000 euros and a medal. https://www.tu-darmstadt.de/robert-piloty-preis/start_rpp/index.de.jsp |
![]() In July 2022, members of Prof. Eric Sax's research group visited their colleagues from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and the Faculty of Transport and Automotive Engineering at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME). During the joint meetings, they learned about the work of the research group in the field of automotive cybersecurity and visited the ZalaZONE test track. https://automateddrive.bme.hu/ |
![]() ITIV was represented at the student advisory evening with a hardware-in-the-loop demonstrator for testing and securing over-the-air updates. At this event, students were able to talk to PhD students and professors about the areas of specialization and research fields at ITIV. VDE Hochschulgruppe KIT |
The VDE University Group KIT invites you to the Master Deepening Evening, which will take place on 30.06.2022 from 18:00-20:00 in the Tulla Lecture Hall (Geb. 11.40). Students will have the opportunity to get to know the individual institutes of the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology in personal conversations with the professors, subject advisors and PhD students and to get an overview of the different specializations and offers of the institutes. ITIV is also represented and is looking forward to welcoming the students again in presence. VDE Hochschulgruppe KIT |
![]() From 11.06.-15.06.22 the International Electric Vehicle Symposium & Exhibition (EVS) took place in Oslo, Norway. At this year's largest event on the topic of electric vehicles, ITIV exhibited the H2Rhein-Neckar project in the Baden-Württemberg area. The Minister of Transport of the State of Baden-Württemberg, Winfried Hermann MdL, visited the joint stand, where a brief presentation of the stands was given by the exhibitors. https://evs35oslo.org/ |
![]() For their paper "Hardware-aware Partitioning of Convolutional Neural Network Inference for Embedded AI Applications" Fabian Kreß, Julian Höfer, Tim Hotfilter, Iris Walter, Vladimir Sidorenko, Tanja Harbaum, and Jürgen Becker received the Runner up Award at the 18th International Conference on Distributed Computing in Sensor Systems (DCOSS) held in Marina Del Rey, LA, California, USA from May 30 to June 1, 2022. Congratulations! https://dcoss.org/ |
![]() The TEMPUS funding project on automated driving in Munich, in which ITIV is also involved with Prof. Sax's working group, has won the "Innovationspreis Reallabore" of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Climate Protection. The TEMPUS funding project started in January 2021 with a duration of 30 months and deals with how automated and connected driving will change the future of our mobility, how the advantages of this technology can be used in an urban and environmentally friendly way, how the safety of all road users can be increased and how risks for the environment and traffic flow can be avoided. https://tempus-muenchen.de/news |
![]() At the Hannover Messe, which took place from May 30 to June 2, 2022 in Hannover and focused on climate protection and digitalization in various manufacturing technologies, logistics and mobility, ITIV presented itself within the booth of "The Länd". The Baden-Württemberg Minister of Economic Affairs, Nicole Hoffmeister-Kraut, had the H2 demonstrator shown to her at the stand of the metropolitan region. At the booth of the KIT's InnovationCampus Mobility of the Future (ICM), ITIV was represented with the treadmill demonstrator. https://www.baden-wuerttemberg.de/de/service/presse/pressemitteilung/pid/hoffmeister-kraut-besucht-die-hannover-messe/ |
![]() Prof. Dr.-Ing. Eric Sax participated at the Lifelong Learning Summit (among others with the head of human resources of VW Commercial Vehicles and the head of development Rolls Royce Power Systems) of the International Department, the Business School of KIT, on May 20, 2022. At the congress, experts from industry together with university research and teaching institutions presented qualification measures in technological developments and their application in business. Interested parties thus received inspiration and best practices of in-service training to shape the change in renewable energies and digitalization and to ensure a sustainable knowledge addition in the company and competitive advantage in the market.
Impressions of the Lifelong Learning Summit: https://www.hectorschool.kit.edu/anmeldung-2022.php |
![]() In the EU-funded research project “XANDAR”, coordinated by KIT/ITIV, eight partners from academia and industry, including the research group of Prof. Jürgen Becker (ITIV), are working on a novel toolchain for the model-based design of embedded systems. From April 6, 2022 to April 8, 2022, the XANDAR consortium gathered for its first face-to-face meeting at fentISS in Valencia. During technical presentations and hands-on workshops, the achieved progress was reported and upcoming challenges to be solved by the end of the project in December 2023 were discussed. We thank all the partners for their valuable contributions and the productive exchange! https://xandar-project.eu/ |
![]() The Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften recognizes and promotes excellent scientific work with its annual award ceremony. The Ecology Prize of the Viktor & Sigrid Dulger Foundation is intended to promote scientific work in the humanities, social sciences, natural sciences and engineering that deals with environmental problems and their solutions. |
![]() With the end of the year 2021, the first phase of the European funded project European Processor Initiative (EPI) has also been completed. In this project, the Institute for Information Processing Technologies (ITIV), together with 27 other partners from science and industry, successfully advanced the development of high-performance computing technology in Europe. |
![]() The two master graduates of Prof. Stork, Robin Göbel and Max-Felix Müller, founded the startup Inventife. Inventife is the first company in the world to enable automation in the smart home based on the behavior or condition of the occupants. |