Helmholtz International Research School for Teratronics (HIRST)

Helmholtz International Research School for Teratronics (HIRST)


Teratronics is a multi-disciplinary research field embracing key aspects of optics and photonics, high-frequency electronics, high-throughput digital signal processing and teratronic systems. It is characterized by an intimate and inseparable co-integration of these elements. Applications of teratronic systems comprise terabit/s data communications, processing of waveforms with THz bandwidth, and exploitation of such waveforms in metrology and sensing.

Research in the field of teratronics requires expert knowledge in physics, materials science, electrical engineering, systems engineering, and computer science. These skills cannot be acquired in the framework of any of the classical academic disciplines. HIRST offers a multi-disciplinary training program that enables next-generation researchers to explore the immense potential of Teratronics.



The Graduate School

The Helmholtz International Research School for Teratronics was established in 2012 to produce a new generation of researchers and developers with competences in the entire electromagnetic spectrum.
The Graduate School is a response to the increasing need in science and industry for interdisciplinary experts in the field of high-frequency electromagnetic waves and technologies for applications in medical technology, sensor and safety technologies, communication, but also energy technology.
The field addressed by the Helmholtz International Research School for Teratronics goes clearly beyond the terahertz technologies currently discussed. Teratronics comprises knowledge in electronics, photonics, and materials sciences with the objective of working at the highest frequencies and bit rates on a sound theoretical foundation and at the cutting edge of technology.