The “Laboratory on Information Technology I” says goodbye to the ITIV

As part of the degree program, the internship for the course "Laboratory on Information Technology I" offers the opportunity to expand theoretical knowledge through practical experience and prepare for a future career.
This year, the internship for the course of Prof. Eric Sax's working group (who himself was a tutor during his studies in the early 1990s) took place parallel to the IT/AT course of the IRS and will be the responsibility of Professor Barth from next year.
A competition between the different groups of participants concluded the event. In 90-minute sessions, the students were given the opportunity to drive the remote-controlled vehicles - based on the "Magni Silver" platform - through a Figure 8 course against the clock. Any deviation from the course was penalized with time penalties. In the end, precision triumphed, as the winning group was not the fastest, but did not receive any penalties thanks to perfect adherence to the course.