Welcome to the ITIV

Geb. 30.10 KIT
ITIV Building 30.10

The Institut für Technik der Informationsverarbeitung (ITIV) is one of the seventeen laboratories of the Department of Electrical Engineering & Information Technology of the KIT.  

The institute concentrates - in research and teachings - on methods and computer aided tools for the design of electronic systems and microsystems.

The ITIV is managed in collegial responsibility by


Sechs Männer stehen lächelnd, einer trägt einen Zylinder mit Papierrollen.
Congratulations on your successful doctoral examination!

On March 21, 2025, Martin Stoffel, doctoral student of Prof. Eric Sax, successfully defended his doctoral thesis entitled "On-Demand Triple Modular Redundancy for Autonomous Vehicles". Congratulations to him!

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Sechs Männer, einer trägt einen Doktorhut mit Spielzeug, in einem Büroflur.
Congratulations on your promotion!

Jens Juhl, doctoral student of Prof. Wilhelm Stork, successfully completed the defense of his doctoral thesis entitled "AI support in medication management using an augmented reality system" on 24.03.2025. Congratulations!

Click here for the profile page
Gruppe von sechs Männern, einer trägt einen humorvoll dekorierten Doktorhut.
Monitoring system for polar bears installed at Karlsruhe Zoological Garden

Over the past few weeks, we have installed a monitoring system for the polar bears together with the zoo.

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Vier Männer in Anzügen unterhalten sich in einem sonnendurchfluteten Flur.ITIV
Congratulations on your doctorate!

Marc Schroth, doctoral student of Prof. Stork, successfully completed the defense of his doctoral thesis on 06.03.2025. His research topic is: “Embedded wireless sensor network for action recognition in humans using artificial intelligence”.

Click here for the profile page
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2nd Public Transport Future Congress 2025 in Freiburg

We are looking forward with great anticipation to the second Public Transport Future Congress from May 5 to 7, 2025 at the Konzerthaus Congress Center in Freiburg im Breisgau with Prof. Eric Sax on the topic of "Drive Turnaround".

Link to the event
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KATHES workshop at KIT: focus on system integration and AI

As part of the KATHES workshop, the Institute of Information Processing Technology (ITIV) at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) organized the event "System & AI Integration in Health, Space, Automotive & Energy" for around 25 participants on 20 February.

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KIT im RathausKIT
Successful “KIT im Rathaus” event sheds light on the prospects for mobility change

Experts present the latest research findings and discuss the challenges of future mobility in front of an interested audience.

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Seamless Engineering 2025ITIV
Seamless Engineering 2025: students demonstrate their skills in robotics and material flow technology

Students on the MIT (Mechatronics and Information Technology) Master's degree program gained practical experience with state-of-the-art robotics hardware as part of the Seamless Engineering course.

More information here
Prof. Eric Sax with his expertise on SWR2

Is the bad reputation of electric cars deserved? In a radio interview, Prof. Eric Sax provides interesting insights into the reservations, challenges and also the advantages of electric cars.

Click here for the radio feature
MANNHEIM status and networking meeting: A look into the future of automobility

In December, the MANNHEIM status and networking meeting took place at the Maritim Airport Hotel in Hanover as part of the BMBF funding measure “Electronics and software development methods for the digitalization of automobility (MANNHEIM)”.

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Congrats on successfully passing your doctoral examination!

Fabian Kreß, doctoral student of Prof. Jürgen Becker, successfully defended his doctoral thesis on 19.12.2024. His research topic is “Ressource-aware Deep Neural Network Inference Partitioning in Embedded Systems”.

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Congratulations on your doctorate!

Andreas Puder, doctoral student of Prof. Eric Sax, successfully completed the defense of his doctoral thesis on 18.12.2024. His research topic is "Anomaly detection for interoperable and modular operating room tables“.

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Use of generative AI in systems engineering

The use of LLMs in systems engineering offers a wide range of possibilities for process optimization and is demonstrated in practice by the Requirements Checker, which creates and checks requirements.

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Celebration of the 10th anniversary of Bereich 3

On December 9, 2024, Bereich 3 of KIT celebrated its 10th anniversary. On this special occasion, members of the Executive Board, the divisional council, the professors, employees of the Dean's Office and the student council gathered together.

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OTRACE project completion: pioneering technology for sustainable mobility

Innovative cloud solutions from KIT and the University of Stuttgart increase the range of electric vehicles and reduce costs in public transportation.

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