Congratulations, Florian Schade!

ITIV congratulates Florian Schade from Prof. Becker's team on passing his doctoral examination.
Promotion Florian SchadeITIV
Doktorhut ITIV

His doctoral thesis, which was awarded magna cum laude, is entitled "Hypervisor-based partitioning of mixed-criticality applications in heterogeneous embedded systems".

This thesis describes concepts and architectures at operating system and hypervisor level that enable the efficient implementation of functions with different real-time and safety requirements on powerful and heterogeneous execution platforms.

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Jürgen Fleischer from the wbk Institute for Production Technology (KIT) was the co-presenter.

A special tradition at ITIV is the doctoral hat lovingly crafted by the ITIV team. Florian had to assemble it himself to much applause.

We wish Florian all the best for his personal and professional future!