Graduate School KSETA


Graduate School KSETA


Elementary particle and astroparticle physics both try to answer fundamental questions about the universe.
The elementary particle physics research in KCETA comprises Quantum Field Theory, experimental and theoretical collider physics, flavor physics and computational physics.
The astroparticle physics focuses on experimental research into the most energetic cosmic rays, the search for Dark Matter and on neutrino physics.
Advanced technologies are prominent across all activities summarized above. They include particle detectors, vacuum technology, data acquisition, process engineering, electronics and advanced data analysis.



The Graduate School

In November 2012 the Graduate School KSETA was opened, which complements this portfolio by a coherent training and education program. KSETA provides the opportunity for optimal training of young doctoral researchers (physicists and engineers) for careers in science and industry through research within international large-scale projects in the fields of particle and astroparticle physics.
The school emphasizes an interdisciplinary approach by uniting scientists and students across ten institutes belonging to four faculties. The structure of the School guarantees optimal supervision of the doctoral researchers since experts on all possible research topics are already present in KCETA at the level of professors, tenured researchers, postdoctoral fellows and experienced doctoral researchers. About 50 scientists and 120 PhD students are associated with the school.
KSETA aims to take advantage of a key feature of KIT, the combination of the vivid academic environment of a university with the "big science" infrastructure of a national research center, to attract the best young researchers both among the students trained in our unique KIT environment and from other universities. An important quality of the school is the international environment that originates from our leading participations in the AMS , Auger , Belle , Belle-II , CDF , CMS , EDELWEISS , KASCADE and KATRIN collaborations and the large number of foreign scientists in the KIT Center KCETA .