Laboratory in Software Engineering

  • Type: Praktikum (P)
  • Chair: KIT-Fakultäten - KIT-Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik - Institut für Technik der Informationsverarbeitung
    KIT-Fakultäten - KIT-Fakultät für Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnik
  • Semester: SS 2024
  • Time: weekly on Thursday 14:00 - 18:00
    from 2024-04-18
    until 2024-07-25
    in 30.10 ITIV Raum 216
    30.10 Nachrichtentechnik, Institutsgebäude
  • SWS: 4
  • Lv-no.: 2311640
  • Information: On-Site
Language of instructionGerman
Organisational issues

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Laboratory Software Engineering


  • Knowledge of Systems and Software Engineering (LV-Nr. 2311605) and Software Engineering (LV-Nr. 2311611)
  • Knowledge in C++


Modern products and applications in the field of electronic systems (e.g. automotive, embedded real-time systems, medical technology) are characterized by an increasingly high software content. This trend has to be taken into account in the education of electrical engineers. The aim of the laboratory is therefore to teach the participants the contents of software technology and software engineering. The focus is on methods for designing and testing electronic systems, especially driver assistance systems. In this context, participants learn about agile software design methods and the possibilities of using virtual simulation environments. Likewise, basic topics such as makefiles, debugging, code versioning and software development in a team are covered within the internship.

In the lab, students design and implement software to realize an automated driving function in the form of a highway pilot. This includes processing sensor data to control the vehicle's actuators and testing the developed function within a simulation environment.

Main topics

  • Object-oriented analysis and design, Unified Modeling Language (UML)
  • Setting up a simulation environment using the CarMaker software for the development of automated driving functions
  • C++ programming
  • Debugging, source code management
  • Application of design patterns
  • Practice-oriented work in small project teams