Optimizing Collective Perception in Intelligent Transport Systems via V2X Communication
- Subject:V2X, Cooperative Awareness, Collective Perception
- Type:Bachelor- / Masterarbeit
- Date:ab 03 / 2025
- Tutor:
Optimizing Collective Perception in Intelligent Transport Systems via V2X Communication
Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) aim to increase the safety and reliability of vehicles through communication among vehicles and infrastructure, a concept referred to as Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) communication. The exchange of information can be categorized into three subgroups: Safety Messages, Traffic Management Messages, and Service Messages. This research focuses on Safety Messages, specifically the Cooperative Awareness Message (CAM) and the Collective Perception Message (CPM). These messages are used to inform traffic participants about their surroundings and enhance situational awareness. The study will examine how this information is structured when shared and the frequency of its transmission.
- Research on simulation software for V2X communication
- Investigation of state of the art on CAM/CPM generation rules
- Definition of Metrics for Situational Awareness
- Evaluation and comparison of Generation Rules and Frequency
- Programming knowledge in Python/C/C++
- Interested in vehicle communication
- Ability to work independently