• Project group:

    Prof. Becker

  • Startdate:


  • Enddate:


Projekt ARAMiS II


Press release 2016, 12: Press release ARAMiS II


EE Times Europe:

Safety-critical applications in the domains automotive and avionics as well as the future topic Industry 4.0 show a clear and still increasing demand for digital processing power. This demand for processing power is needed, e.g. for highly automated driving and connected machines with real-time requirements. Furthermore, this demand is substantiated by an increasing interaction and integration with other systems and services.

This justifies the usage of multicore technology in embedded systems in the near future, which is already successfully applied in other application domains like PCs, tablets and smartphones. However, safety-critical applications in the above-mentioned domains show many additional complex requirements, which at present can, if at all, only be fulfilled partly with an unjustified high development effort.


In the ARAMiS project, leading industry companies and research institutions demonstrated the usability of multicore technology in safety-critical applications based on prototypical implementations. As the follow-up project, the focus of ARAMiS II is on optimization and advancement of the development processes, especially development tools and platforms for the efficient usage of multicore technology. This will be achieved by the provision of a systematical and structured multicore development process for multicore software and platforms. The formulation of the required methods and tools to realize the structured multicore development process, as well as the development and advancement of industrial platforms considering the multicore specific requirements, complete the main activities to be carried out in ARAMiS II.

The applicability of the concepts and approaches developed in ARAMiS II will be proven in industrial use cases in the considered application domains automotive, avionics and industry automation.



The provision of efficient and structured development processes, tools and platforms for safety-critical multicore applications sets the indispensable methodological basis for further increase of safety, traffic efficiency and comfort. This will support and extend the global competitiveness and innovation capacity of German products in these important high-volume and ever-expanding markets.

The consortium of ARAMiS II consists of leading OEMs of the domains automotive, avionics and the industry sector including their suppliers as well as software- and tool-vendors and renowned research organizations.


Duration: October 2016 – September 2019

Contact:   Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h. c. Jürgen Becker / Dipl.-Ing. Falco Bapp
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Institute for Information Processing Technologies (ITIV)
Engesserstr. 5
D – 76131 Karlsruhe
Telephone: +49 721 - 608 - 42502 / - 42504
Email: becker∂