M. Sc. Michael Müller
- External doctoral student
- Head of Product Engineering & Development
- Group: Prof. Sax
- mi mueller ∂does-not-exist.wmf de
Engesserstr. 5
76131 Karlsruhe
M.Sc. Michael Müller
Curriculum Vitae
- 01.06.2020 until today
Head of Product Engineering & Development at WMF GmbH and industrial promotion in cooperation with ITIV- Management of the product development and certification team
- Mechanical development of premium products for the consumer goods industry with highest quality requirements
- Research in the areas of: Machine learning, coffee and food preparation
- 01.11.2017 until 30.05.2020
Senior Design & Development Engineer at WMF GmbH- Development of premium products with highest quality requirements for the consumer goods market
- Prototype construction and validation
- Evaluation of test
- 01.07.2013 until 30.10.2017
Development engineer and later deputy development manager of the ring spinning division at WST GmbH (Rieter AG).- Research and development in the field of ring spinning
- Execution of FEM simulations and FMEA analyses
- 01.10.2011 until 30.06.2013
Design engineer at the spindle factory Suessen GmbH (Rieter AG) - Master studies "Electronic Systems Engineering & Management" at KIT
- Graduation in September 2019
- Master thesis (WMF GmbH): "Machine Learning Concept for the Cooking Process of the Pressure Cooker".
- Bachelor studies "Mechanical Engineering - Design and Development" at the DHBW Heidenheim
- Graduation in September 2011
- Bachelor thesis (Rieter AG): "Development of a plastic wear protection for a compacting unit for a ring spinning machine".