Marco Stang, M.Sc.
- Member of Scientific Staff
- Group: Prof. Sax
- Room: 225
CS 30.10 - Phone: +49 721 608-45287
- marco stang ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Engesserstr. 5
76131 Karlsruhe
M. Sc. Marco Stang
- Born in May 1987
- Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at KIT
- Graduated in August 2011
- Title of the bachelor thesis: Development of a report generator for the visualization of ECG data and activity data
- Master's degree in Electrical Engineering and Information Technology at KIT
- Completed in November 2015
- Title of the Master's thesis: Demonstration of a continuous simulation coupling for driver assistance system development with combined programming environments and languages
- 10/2015 - 12/2016 Research assistant at the FZI
- Research associate at ITIV since January 2017
Supervised Student Theses
- MA: "Adaptive adjustment of vehicle warning signals by camera-based monitoring of the driver;"
- MA: "Reinforcement Learning for autonomous driving in the AirSim simulation environment; Reinforcement Learning for Autonomous Driving AirSim"
- MA: "Intelligent Visual Inspection of Braiding Patterns Using Machine Learning to Recognize Defects; Intelligent Visual Inspection of Braiding Patterns Using Machine Learning to Recognize Defect"
- BA: "Machine Learning for Spectral Reconstruction and Classification"
- MA: "Application and validation of machine learning based on reinforcement learning for autonomous vehicles in a simulation environment;"
- MA: "Video-Based Maneuver Recognition for an Enhanced Methodology to Evaluate Real Driving Emission Tests; Video-Based Maneuver Recognition for an Enhanced Methodology to Evaluate Real Driving Emission Tests"
- BA: "Entwurf und Realisierung eines Systems zum Testen von maschinellen Lernverfahren auf Basis eines mobilen Fahrzeuges; Design and Implementation of a System for Testing Machine Learning Processes on the Basis of a Mobile Vehicle"
- BA: "Conceptual Design and Modeling of an Electronic Architecture of a Demonstrator for Future Intelligent Vehicles; Conceptual Design and Modeling of an Electronic Architecture of a Demonstrator for Future Intelligent Vehicles"