SESE Summer School 2016
Beginning of September the 3rd Sino-EU Doctoral School for Sustainable Engineering (SESE) took place in Harbin (China). Seven PhD-students from KIT went to the Harbin Institute of Technology to present the current state of the art and current research of their PhD-thesis. Within three days different talks were given to the topics of “sustainable energy”, “sustainable transportation”, and “advanced manufacturing / i4.0”, such as the Battery system management of the EV vehicles, the low CO2 emissions of Boiler and IC engine combustions, the green buildings and transportations.
Participants of KIT:
- Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h. c. Jürgen Becker (ITIV)
- Dr.-Ing. Amin Velji (IFKM)
- Dipl.-Ing. Falco Bapp (ITIV)
- M. Sc. Andreas Lauber (ITIV)
- M. Sc. Hannes Stoll (ITIV)
- M. Sc. Rayad Kubaisi (FAST)
- M. Sc. Stefan Schwab (IRS)
- M. Sc. Martin Kupper (IRS)
- Dipl.-Ing. Thomas Matousek (IFKM)
- Dipl.-Ing. Michael Rößler (IFKM)
SESE Summer School, hosted by Harbin Institute of Technology (HIT), 29th August – 03rd September, 2016
Introduction and Keynote Speeches Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h. c. Jürgen Becker:
- Sustainable Mobility needs Functional Intelligence in Embedded Systems
- Sustainable/future transportation from the view of electrical engineering
Thanks to the Harbin Institute of Technology!