TEAChER: TEach AdvanCEd Reconfigurable architectures and tools
Reconfigurable architectures combine the flexibility of software-like implementations with the high-performance of hardware. This topic becomes far more interesting if we take into consideration the additional flexibility in terms of operation frequency and power consumption, imposed by the usage of state-of-the-art process technologies, such as the 3-D integration, which promises to deriver architectures that alleviate the constraints posed by the Moore’s Law. Apart from architectural issue, in order to tackle the complexity of existing (or upcoming) digital applications implemented onto FPGAs, there is also a demand for advanced programming languages. A typical example of this approach is the OpenCL programming language.
Throughout the TEAChER project we aim to develop educational material for teaching topics related to the 2D and 3D reconfigurable architectures. More specifically, during these lessons we plan to address both architectural-oriented issues, topics related to CAD algorithms, as well as efficient ways for digital design with the usage of advanced programming languages. As there are different demands for training in this domain, the developed material will be appropriately tuned for the target audience, spanning from undergraduate studies up to PhD. For this purpose, we plan to prepare slides, presentation, books, CD/DVDs, as well as laboratory exercises for each of these topics. Apart from the conventional educational methods that will be taken into consideration during the preparation of this material, we aim to develop a virtual classroom, where students will have remote access both to theoretical, as well as laboratory infrastructure. Another outcome of this project is expected to be a number of workshops and summers schools, where Professors and key persons from related industry will give lectures.
TEAChER a joint project between KIT (Karlsruher Instititute für Technologie) and NTUA (National Technical University of Athens), funded by the DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) in the programme „Hochschulpartnerschaften mit Griechenland“.
PANDORA Summer School vom 14.-18. September 2015 in Athen
Weitere Impressionen (https://www.itiv.kit.edu/4490.php)

PANDORA Summer School vom 19.-23. September 2016 in Karlsruhe
Weitere Impressionen (https://www.itiv.kit.edu/5204.php)